This legislation has been repealed.
(Clause 8)
Qualification | Granted by |
Victoria | |
Final Examination Certificate | Pharmacy Board of Victoria |
Bachelor of Pharmacy | La Trobe University |
Bachelor of Pharmacy | Victorian College of Pharmacy, Monash University |
Queensland | |
Prescribed Certificate of Fitness issued after examination | Pharmacy Board of Queensland |
Degree or Diploma in Pharmacy | University of Queensland |
Bachelor of Pharmacy | James Cook University |
Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science (pre-pharmacy major) with Master of Pharmacy | Griffith University |
South Australia | |
Standard Certificate issued prior to 9 December 1965 | Pharmacy Board of South Australia |
Bachelor of Pharmacy | University of South Australia |
Degree in Pharmacy | University of Adelaide |
Diploma in Pharmacy | South Australian Institute of Technology |
Degree in Pharmacy | South Australian Institute of Technology |
Diploma in Pharmacy | University of Adelaide |
Degree in Pharmacy of Joint Faculty of University of Adelaide | South Australian Institute of Technology |
Western Australia | |
Bachelor of Pharmacy | Curtin University, Western Australia |
Diploma in Pharmacy | Perth Technical College, Western Australia |
Associateship in Pharmacy | Western Australian Institute of Technology |
Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy | Western Australian Institute of Technology |
Tasmania | |
Qualifying Examination Pass | Pharmacy Board of Tasmania |
Bachelor of Pharmacy | University of Tasmania |
Diploma in Pharmacy | Tasmanian College of Advanced Education |
Bachelor of Applied Science in Pharmacy | Tasmanian College of Advanced Education |
Australian Capital Territory | |
Master of Pharmacy | University of Canberra |
New Zealand | |
Qualifying Examination Pass prior to 1963 | Pharmacy Board of New Zealand |
Pharmacy Professional Examination Pass | A board of Examiners constituted under the Pharmacy Act 1939 of the General Assembly of New Zealand |
Bachelor of Pharmacy | University of Otago, New Zealand |
Diploma in Pharmacy | Central Institute of Technology, New Zealand |
Bachelor of Pharmacy | University of Auckland, New Zealand |