This legislation has been repealed.
(Clause 17)
Dispensing balance
Heavy duty scales, capable of weighing up to 1 kg
1 set of metric weights
Dispensing measures:
1 × 500 ml measure
1 × 200 ml measure
1 × 100 ml measure
1 × 20 ml measure
1 × 10 ml measure or graduated pipette
1 × 5 ml measure or graduated pipetteAdequate supplies of filter paper
Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Act 1966 , and the Regulations
under that Act, together with the Poisons List proclaimed under section 8 of
that Act or the Guide to the New South Wales Poisons Schedules published by
the Pharmacy Guild of Australia (New South Wales Branch)
Pharmacy Act 1964 , and Pharmacy (General) Regulation 1998
The latest editions of, and all published amendments and supplements to, the
following publications, or other equivalents approved by the Board:
Martindale -The Extra Pharmacopoeia
Australian Pharmaceutical Formulary
Australian Prescription Products Guide or MIMS Annual or Drugs on Disk
Handbook for Patient Medication Counselling