This legislation has been repealed.
- Made under the Physiotherapists Act 2001 - As at 1 September 2008 - Reg 899 of 2002 TABLE OF PROVISIONS PART 1 - PRELIMINARY 1. Name of Regulation 2. Commencement 3. Definitions PART 2 - PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD 4. Proceedings of Board at ordinary meetings 5. Special and urgent meetings 6. Lack of quorum 7. Transaction of business by telephone PART 3 - ELECTION OF MEMBERS OF THE BOARD 8. Manner of conduct of election 9. Returning Officer 10. Notice of election 11. Nominations 12. Candidate information sheet 13. Procedure on close of nomination 14. Closing of roll 15. Taking of poll 16. Examination of envelopes 17. Dealing with ballot papers 18. Method of voting and counting 19. Report of election PART 4 - MISCELLANEOUS 20. Practice status to be specified in annual return 21. Excluded offences 22. Notice of mental incapacity of registered physiotherapist 23. Form of complaint 24. Appeal on point of law 25. Advertising 26. Fee for inspection of Register 27. Fee for additional information to be to be recorded in Register 28. Infection control standards SCHEDULE 1 SCHEDULE 2