This legislation has been repealed.
(1) Where a poll is to be taken, the Returning Officer must:(a) hold a ballot, in the manner prescribed for the purposes of section 82A of the Parliamentary Electorates and Elections Act 1912 , to determine the order in which the candidates' names are to be entered on the ballot-paper, and(b) cause ballot-papers in or to the effect of Form 4 to be drawn up in the manner prescribed by section 83 of the Parliamentary Electorates and Elections Act 1912 , and(c) cause the ballot-papers to be printed, and(d) cause any candidate information sheet drawn up under clause 12 (2) relating to the candidates to be printed.
(2) The Returning Officer must, not later than 20 days before the date fixed for a poll, post to the address nominated in the roll referred to in clause 14 (1) of each physiotherapist registered at the date of the close of nominations to which the poll relates:(a) a ballot-paper printed in accordance with subclause (1) and initialled by the Returning Officer, and(b) a business reply envelope addressed to the Returning Officer, and(c) where appropriate, a candidate information sheet referred to in clause 12 (2) relating to the candidates included in the poll.
(3) A business reply envelope mentioned in subclause (2) must contain on the rear flap spaces for the insertion of a voter's name, address and signature.
(4) A physiotherapist who has been forwarded a ballot-paper and a business reply envelope under subclause (2) and who wishes to vote must complete the ballot-paper in accordance with the directions printed on the ballot-paper and must send or deliver to the Returning Officer the ballot-paper enclosed and sealed in the business reply envelope addressed to the Returning Officer.
(5) The Returning Officer may, on written application made to the Returning Officer, and if satisfied that a ballot-paper has been lost or destroyed, supply a duplicate ballot-paper to the person to whom the lost or destroyed ballot-paper was issued.
(6) An election is not invalid because:(a) a person whose name is on the Register did not receive a ballot-paper, or(b) the Returning Officer did not receive a ballot-paper sent to the Returning Officer.