This legislation has been repealed.
- Made under the Physiotherapists Registration Act 1945 - As at 3 September 2002 - Reg 511 of 1995 TABLE OF PROVISIONS PART 1 - PRELIMINARY 1. Name of Regulation 2. Commencement 3. Definition 4. Notes PART 2 - ELECTION OF MEMBERS OF THE BOARD 5. Manner of conduct of election 6. Returning Officer 7. Notice of election 8. Nominations 9. Candidate information sheet 10. Procedure on close of nominations 11. Closing of roll 12. Taking of poll 13. Examination of envelopes 14. Dealing with ballot-papers 15. Method of voting and counting 16. Report of election PART 3 - REGISTRATION 17. Prescribed qualifications for registration 18. Application for registration or conditional registration 19. Certificate of registration 20. Certificate of provisional registration 21. Certificate of conditional registration 22. Roll fee 23. Restoration of name to register 24. Change of name 25. Fee for entry in register of additional qualifications 26. Fee for inspection of register PART 4 - PROCEEDINGS BEFORE THE BOARD 27. Definitions 28. Making of a complaint 29. Offences for which notice of conviction of physiotherapist not required 30. Notice of inquiry 31. Evidence of other proceedings 32. Additional complaints 33. Adjournment of inquiry 34. Release of information 35. Authentication of documents by the Board PART 5 - PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS COMMITTEES 36. Definition 37. Proceedings before a Committee 38. Representation before a Committee 39. Nominal complainant 40. Evidence of other proceedings 41. Additional complaints 42. Adjournment of inquiry 43. Remuneration of Committee members PART 6 - ADVERTISING 44. Advertising--general PART 6A - INFECTION CONTROL STANDARDS 44A. Infection control standards PART 7 - REPEAL AND SAVINGS 45. Repeal and savings SCHEDULE 1 SCHEDULE 2