New South Wales Repealed Regulations

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This legislation has been repealed.


SCHEDULE 2 – Penalty notice offences and short descriptions

(Clauses 48A and 48B)

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Offence IPB Code Prescribed expression Penalty
Offences under the Act
Section 34 (4) 7144 BBA fail to notify change of registered office/address $110
Section 34 (4A) (a) 7145 BBB fail to notify details of new employee $110
Section 34 (4A) (b) 7146 BBC fail to notify date when person ceases to be employee $110
Section 35 (3) (a) 7147 BBD fail to display licensee's details as required $220
Section 35 (3) (a) 7148 BBE fail to display name of person in charge $220
Section 35 (3) (a) 7149 BBF fail to display details as required $220
Section 35 (3) (b) 7150 BBG falsely imply that person is licensed $220
Section 36 (1A) 7152 BBH fail to ensure notice given that account is trust account $220
Section 36 (3A) 7153 BBI fail to notify closure of trust account $220
Section 38D (2) (a) 7154 BBJ fail to cause audit $550
Section 38D (2) (b) 7155 BBK fail to lodge auditor's report $550
Section 38D (2A) 7156 BBL lodge auditor's report more than 14 days after receipt $550
Section 38D (2B) 7157 BBM lodge auditor's report that is not in approved form $550
Section 38D (4) 7158 BBN fail to preserve auditor's report for 3 years $550
Section 38D (6) 7159 BBO fail to lodge statutory declaration $550
Section 40 7160 BBP fail to produce licence on demand $220
Section 42AA 7161 BBQ recover/retain remuneration/sum to which not entitled $220
Section 47 7162 BBR sell land/livestock without notice of statutory requirements $220
Section 50L 7163 BBS fail to keep instrument of appointment/delegation $220
Section 50L 7164 BBT fail to produce instrument of appointment/delegation on demand $220
Section 84AA (2) (a) 7165 BBU indicate property for sale/auction when documents unavailable $550
Section 84AA (2) (b) 7166 BBV offer to sell property when documents unavailable $550
Section 84AA (2) (c) 7167 BBW invite offer to purchase when documents unavailable $550
Section 84AA (2) (d) 7168 BBX indicate option may be granted when documents unavailable $550
Offences under this Regulation
Clause 13 (1) 7169 BBY fail to display guide to fees etc $220
Clause 13 (2) 7170 BBZ display guide without stating that fees etc are negotiable $220
Clause 13 (3) 7171 BCA display guide to fees etc that is not visible to public $220
Clause 14 (1) 7172 BCB fail to give other party guide to fees etc $220
Clause 14 (2) 7173 BCC give guide without stating that fees etc are negotiable $220
Clause 14 (3) 7174 BCD fail to give non-party guide to fees etc $220
Clause 16 7175 BCE fail to include legible notice in claim/account $220
Clause 20 7176 BCF fail to keep records/entries in English language $220
Clause 26 7177 BCG fail to pay trust money into trust account $550
Schedule 1, rule 4 7178 BCH fail to provide complete sales inspection report $550
Schedule 1, rule 5 7179 BCI fail to inform principal of offer $550
Schedule 1, rule 7 (1) 7180 BCJ fail to give deposit payer required information $550
Schedule 1, rule 7 (2) 7181 BCK fail to give required information in writing $550
Schedule 1, rule 7 (3) 7182 BCL fail to inform deposit payer of subsequent offers $550
Schedule 1, rule 9 (1) 7183 BCM fail to deliver itemised account of costs to prospective lessee $550
Schedule 1, rule 9 (2) 7184 BCN fail to include notice in account of costs $550
Schedule 1, rule 10 (a) 7185 BCO fail to inspect before commencement of lease $550
Schedule 1, rule 10 (a) 7186 BCP fail to inspect before/after termination of lease $550
Schedule 1, rule 10 (b) 7187 BCQ fail to prepare report of inspection of leased property $550
Schedule 1, rule 10 (c) 7188 BCR fail to retain report of inspection of leased property $550
Schedule 1, rule 10 (d) 7192 BCS fail to forward report of inspection to prospective lessee/lessee $550
Schedule 1, rule 11 (a) 7193 BCT fail to carry out initial inspection of managed property $550
Schedule 1, rule 11 (b) 7194 BCU fail to carry out annual inspection of managed property $550
Schedule 1, rule 11 (c) 7195 BCV fail to prepare report of inspection of managed property $550
Schedule 1, rule 11 (d) 7196 BCW fail to forward report of inspection to principal $550
Schedule 1, rule 12 7197 BCX fail to advise lessor of breach of lease $550
Schedule 1, rule 14 7198 BCY solicit/obtain signature to bond document prior to end of lease $550
Schedule 1, rule 16 (1) 7199 BCZ divulge confidential information $550
Schedule 1, rule 16 (3) 7200 BDA inform holder of details of other agent's property $550
Schedule 1, rule 22 7201 BDB fail to deliver copy of signed document $550
Schedule 1, rule 23 7202 BDC fail to serve documents within required time $550

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