This legislation has been repealed.
(1) This clause applies to the reduction of benefits payable under the Act to or in respect of a contributor or former contributor (other than a benefit payable under section 43B or 43C of the Act) to whom a benefit has been previously released on the ground of the contributor's or former contributor's severe financial hardship or on compassionate grounds.
(2) If a benefit is released to a former contributor who has provided for a deferred benefit, STC must, on and from the date of the release, reduce the amount of the deferred benefit by the amount of benefit released. The amount of benefit payable when the deferred benefit is payable is to be reduced accordingly.
(3) In any other case, STC must create a debt account in the Fund in respect of the contributor and must when a benefit is payable reduce the benefit that is payable by the amount debited to the debt account at the time the benefit is payable.
(4) Despite subclause (3), if a contributor provides for a deferred benefit under the Act after the release of a benefit to the contributor concerned and before a benefit is otherwise payable, STC must, on and from the date the benefit is deferred, calculate the amount of benefit deferred and reduce that amount by the amount debited to the debt account at the time the benefit is deferred. The amount of benefit payable when the deferred benefit is payable is to be reduced accordingly.
(5) The amount debited to the debt account is to be the amount of benefit released together with interest on that amount at a rate determined by STC.
(6) STC may obtain actuarial advice for the purpose of determining the amount of a reduced benefit.