This legislation has been repealed.
- Made under the Sydney Cricket and Sports Ground Act 1978 - As at 21 August 2020 - Reg 540 of 2014 TABLE OF PROVISIONS PART 1 - PRELIMINARY 1. Name of By-law 2. Commencement 3. Definitions PART 2 - ENTRY TO SCHEDULED LANDS 4. Trust may determine entrance charges 5. Entry to scheduled lands 6. Persons may be refused entry 7. Trust may determine that area or building not open to public 8. Entry to Members' Reserve PART 3 - POSSESSION AND CONSUMPTION OF LIQUOR 9. Prohibition on bringing in liquor 10. Prohibition on consumption of liquor unlawfully brought in 11. Prohibition on consumption of liquor in certain areas PART 4 - PROHIBITED BEHAVIOUR 12. Protection of natural features 13. Protection of structures 14. Prohibition on bringing in animals 15. Prohibition on littering 16. Prohibition on possessing glass in certain areas 17. Prohibition on throwing or projecting certain objects 18. Prohibition on smoking 19. Offensive and indecent conduct 20. Prohibition on commercial and other activities 21. Directions relating to booths, bars, stalls and stands 22. Camping or residing 23. Discharging fireworks 24. Erecting structures 25. Obstruction of employees or contractor PART 5 - ENTRY AND USE OF VEHICLES 26. Entrance charges for vehicles 27. Admission of vehicles 28. Driving, riding or parking of vehicles PART 6 - REMOVAL AND BANNING OF PERSONS 29. Removal or banning of person who unlawfully enters playing field 30. Removal of other persons from scheduled lands 31. Trust may ban certain persons for specified period PART 7 - POWERS OF OFFICIALS 32. Unauthorised possession of membership card or ticket of admission 33. Membership cards and tickets to be produced for inspection 34. Requirement to obey directions of authorised persons and others 35. Requirement to give name and address 36. Obstruction of person with official functions PART 8 - MEMBERSHIP Division 1 - Admission to membership 37. Admission to membership 38. Classes of membership Division 2 - Entitlements of Members of the Sydney Cricket Ground 39. Regular Membership 40. SCG XI Membership 41. SCG Playing Membership 42. Gold Membership 43. Double Gold Membership 44. Platinum Membership 45. Junior Regular Membership 46. Junior Gold Membership 47. Honorary Membership 48. Life Membership 49. Guest cards 50. Club cards 51. Limitation on entitlements Division 3 - Parts of grounds available to Members 52. Parts of grounds available to Members 53. Entry to Members' Pavilion Division 4 - Membership cards 54. Lost membership cards 55. Use of membership card by non-Member Division 5 - Transfer of membership on death of Member 56. Transfer of Regular Membership to spouse or de facto partner on death of Member 57. Entitlement to Gold Membership, Double Gold Membership or Junior Gold Membership on death of certain Members 58. Entitlement to Platinum Membership on death of Member 59. Application for admission to membership or transfer of cards on death of Member Division 6 - Other transfers of membership 60. Transfer between classes of membership 61. Transfer of Gold, Double Gold or Junior Gold Membership to family Division 7 - Suspension or cancellation of membership 62. Making of allegations of misbehaviour against Members 63. Handling of allegation that a Member or Guest has contravened any provision of this or previous By-law 64. Handling of allegation that a Member or Guest has persistently contravened any provision of this or previous By-law or engaged in serious misconduct 65. Effect of suspension or cancellation 66. Application of Division to Platinum Members 67. Application of Division Division 8 - Membership fees 68. Fees determined by the Trust 69. New Members to pay fees within certain period 70. Payment of annual subscription fee 71. Absentee list 72. Application for deferral of membership 73. Deferral of membership: fees Division 9 - General 74. Surrender of Gold Membership, Double Gold Membership or Junior Gold Membership 75. Reciprocal arrangements 76. Trust may vary or waive membership requirements PART 9 - ELECTIONS OF MEMBERS OF THE TRUST BY MEMBERS OF THE SYDNEY CRICKET GROUND 77. Definitions 78. Conduct of election 79. Returning Officer 80. Notification of polling day and invitation of nominations 81. Nominations 82. Candidate information sheet 83. No display of material supporting candidates 84. Close of nominations and taking of poll 85. Ballot and issuing of ballot-papers 86. Voting and return of ballot-papers 87. Inspection of envelopes 88. Counting of ballot-papers and appointment of scrutineer 89. Multi-preferential system 90. Election not invalid despite certain omissions 91. Advice of election result PART 10 - MISCELLANEOUS 92. Penalty notices: section 30A 93. Savings SCHEDULE 1