This legislation has been repealed.
- Made under the Stock Diseases Act 1923 - As at 5 April 2004 - Reg 468 of 1997 TABLE OF PROVISIONS PART 1 - PRELIMINARY 1. Name of Regulation 2. Commencement 3. Definitions 4. Notes PART 2 - TREATMENT OF STOCK GENERALLY Division 1 - Anthrax 5. Movement of vaccinated stock 6. Disposal of deceased stock Division 2 - Brucellosis 7. Vaccination against brucellosis Division 3 - Tuberculosis 8. Testing of stock 9. Restriction on movement of stock 10. Notification of suspected tuberculosis 11. Vaccination against tuberculosis Division 4 - Rabies 12. Vaccination against rabies Division 5 - Footrot in protected areas 13. (Repealed) 14. Vaccination against footrot PART 3 - IDENTIFICATION OF STOCK Division 1 - Preliminary 15. Stock to which this Part applies 15A. Definitions Division 2 - Identification for the purposes of transactions 16. Stock to be identified at time of sale or delivery 16A. Manner of identification of stock 16B. Tags 16C. Brands 16D. Stock depastured at other holding 16E. Approval of transaction identifiers 16F. Special tags 16G. Transaction identifiers or special tags not to be altered or removed Division 3 - Permanent identifiers 17. Approval and use of permanent identifiers Division 4 - Property identification codes 18. Allotment of codes 18A. Travelling stock routes 18B. Renewal of codes 18C. Cancellation or amendment of codes Division 5 - Administration 19. Registers 19A. Directions by Director-General 19B. Maintenance of central register Division 6 - Miscellaneous 20. Requirements for manufacture of tags and brands 20A. Manufacture and supply of identifiers 20B. Records of untagged stock 20C. Approved identifiers not to be defaced 20D. Wrongful attachment of identifiers 20E. Inspector may take possession of misplaced identifiers 20F. Certificate as to identity code 20G. Savings PART 4 - MOVEMENT OF THINGS OUT OF QUARANTINE AREAS 21. Permit for movement of things other than stock PART 5 - PERMITS 22. Application of Part 23. Application for permit 24. Inspector may order treatment or test before issuing permit 25. Revocation of permit 26. Appeal against refusal of application or revocation of permit 27. Production of permit by person having control or in charge of stock PART 6 - MISCELLANEOUS 28. Evidence of inspector's appointment: section 12A 29. Communicating disease to stock: section 20A 30. Feeding of certain material to ruminants: section 20FB 31. Feeding of substances to pigs: section 20FB 32. Penalty notice offences: section 20O 33. Short descriptions 34. Defence to proceedings for certain offences 35. Repeal SCHEDULE 1 SCHEDULE 2