This legislation has been repealed.
- Made under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 - As at 22 February 2014 - Reg 93 of 2000 TABLE OF PROVISIONS PART 1 - PRELIMINARY 1. What is the name of this Policy? 2. What are the aims of this Policy? 3. Definitions and notes 4. Where does this Policy apply? 5. How this Policy affects other environmental planning instruments PART 2 - EXEMPT DEVELOPMENT 6. What this Part does 7. What development is exempt development PART 3 - COMPLYING DEVELOPMENT 8. What this Part does 9. What development is complying development? 10. Conditions of complying development certificates 11. Removal of small trees PART 4 - SUBDIVISION, BUILDING AND DEMOLITION CONTROLS 12. What this Part does 13. Subdivision of land 14. Erection of a building or demolition of a building or work 15. Who is the consent authority? PART 5 - GENERAL 16. Suspension of certain laws 17. Development physically commenced before amendment of SEPP 4 SCHEDULE 1 Schedule 2 (Repealed) SCHEDULE 3 SCHEDULE 4 SCHEDULE 5 SCHEDULE 6 SCHEDULE 7