This legislation has been repealed.
The consent authority:
(a) must forward a copy of a development application to carry out development specified in Schedule 1:(i) to the Muswellbrook Shire Council, if the development, or any part of it, is proposed to be carried out in the Council's area, or(ii) to the Singleton Shire Council, if the development, or any part of it, is proposed to be carried out in the Council's area,or to both Councils, as the case may require, within 7 days after it is received, and
(b) must not determine the development application until:(i) it has received and considered the views of the relevant Council, or Councils, with respect to the application, or(ii) the relevant Council has, or the Councils have, informed the consent authority that it does not, or that they do not, wish to make any representations concerning the application, or(iii) 21 days have elapsed since the date on which the copy of the application was forwarded to the relevant Council or Councils.