This legislation has been repealed.
(1) A master plan may be amended or replaced by a subsequent master plan.
(2) If significant issues arise during the implementation of an approved master plan that were not reasonably contemplated in the master plan, the consent authority may request the carrier of a telecommunications project to amend the approved master plan.
(3) If the consent authority and the carrier cannot agree on amendments requested under subclause (2), the consent authority may refer the matter to the Minister for review.
(4) After reviewing the matter in consultation with the consent authority and the carrier, the Minister may authorise the consent authority to amend the approved master plan.
(5) If the consent authority amends an adopted master plan in accordance with subclause (4) and the carrier is dissatisfied with the amendments, it may refer the amendments to the Minister for review, and the Minister may dispense with or modify the amendments.
(6) Before dispensing with any proposed amendments to an approved master plan, or dispensing with or modifying the amendments to an approved master plan made by a consent authority, the Minister must seek the views of the consent authority and the carrier.