This legislation has been repealed.
(1) The guiding principles for development for the purposes of a telecommunications network or a telecommunications facility are:(a) The consent authority must consider the contribution that the development would make towards meeting current and future servicing needs for telecommunications of the locality (including future servicing needs of newly developing areas).(b) The consent authority must consider whether the visual impact of the development could be minimised by any one or more of the following:(i) by integrating the development with the design and appearance of any building or structure on or within which it is located,(ii) by screening, where practical, any equipment associated with the development so as to reduce its visibility,(iii) by avoiding the obstruction of views of significant vistas, significant landmarks or items of environmental heritage,(iv) by ensuring that the development as carried out is in keeping with the streetscape or the surrounding environment, or both,(v) by ensuring that the colour and finish of the development is in keeping with the locality,(vi) by ensuring that the scale of the development is in keeping with the locality, bearing in mind that the scale may be affected by the intended coverage of the network or facility.(c) Telecommunications facilities should be co-located with other utilities wherever this is technically practical, commercially viable and achieves the best environmental outcome and, in particular:(i) telecommunications lines should be located within an existing underground conduit or duct, and(ii) antennae (and similar structures) should be attached to existing utility poles, towers, structures, buildings or other telecommunications equipment so as to minimise clutter.(d) Telecommunications facilities must be designed, installed and operated to comply with standards relating to human exposure to electromagnetic energy appearing in any applicable codes or standards made under any applicable law of the Commonwealth.(e) In relation to the installation of telecommunications facilities:(i) steps should be taken to minimise any obstruction of pedestrians and traffic, and disruption to the enjoyment of adjoining properties, while the development is being carried out, and(ii) work should be carried out during times that cause minimal disruption to public access and the enjoyment of adjoining properties, and(iii) traffic control measures should be taken during construction in accordance with AS 1742.3--1996Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices , and(iv) open trenching should be guarded in accordance with AS 1165--1982Traffic Hazard Warning Lamps , and(v) steps should be taken to minimise soil erosion arising from the siting and installation of telecommunications facilities, and(vi) threatened species and critical habitats should be avoided, and disturbance to vegetation should be minimised and, at the conclusion of the work, should be restored by the carrier to the satisfaction of the relevant landowner and, if the work is being carried out under a development consent, to the satisfaction of the consent authority, and(vii) street furniture, paving and other existing facilities removed or damaged during construction should be reinstated or rectified by the carrier and the costs of doing so should be borne by the carrier.(f) Telecommunications facilities in road reserves must:(i) be consistent with the Austroads publication Telecommunications in Road Reserves--Operational Guidelines for Installations , as amended from time to time, and(ii) comply with the standards of the appropriate roads authority.