This legislation has been repealed.
(1) A draft master plan may only be prepared by, or on behalf of the carrier of a telecommunications network project, following consultation with the consent authority and any other relevant public authorities or corporations.
(2) A master plan must:(a) describe the proposed telecommunications network in detail, including a full description of each component of the proposed network, the proposed geographic coverage of the network, and the proposed timetable for carrying out the development, and(b) identify the approvals that are be required before the development may legally be carried out, and(c) demonstrate that the development is consistent with, or complies with, the relevant provisions of any other environmental planning instruments, and(d) demonstrate that the development is consistent with the guiding principles in Part 5, and(e) describe the environment that is likely to be affected by the development, and(f) identify the following potential impacts of the development during construction and operation:(i) visual,(ii) heritage,(iii) flora and fauna,(iv) health, particularly with regard to electromagnetic radiation,(v) soil and groundwater, particularly with regard to erosion and sediment control,(vi) surface water quality,(vii) air quality, particularly dust,(viii) socio-economic,(ix) traffic, and(g) describe what measures would be implemented during construction and operation to minimise or mitigate these potential impacts, and(h) include a construction management plan for the development, and(i) include an environment management plan for the operation of the development, and(j) identify the components of the development that would be carried out as exempt development, and propose standards for those components, and(k) identify the components of the development that would be carried out as complying development, and propose standards for those components.