This legislation has been repealed.
(1) In this clause, "council" means the Council of the City of Wollongong.
(2) A person may, without the necessity for the consent of the council, or any other consent under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 being obtained therefor, carry out development on the land to which this policy applies for the purpose of the construction and operation of a coal loader involving reclamation and general siteworks, rail receival facility, road receival facility, conveyor system and structures, coal stockyard for cargo assembly, stacking and reclamation machinery, shiploaders, berth and channel dredging, and administrative, amenities and workshop buildings, as set out in the Environmental Impact Statement (Report No PWD 78011) for Stage 1 (except in so far as that Statement is inconsistent with the provisions of this clause) and as amended by the location of the stockpiles 25 metres further south, subject to the following conditions:(a) that the development is carried out in accordance with the conditions numbered (1) and (4)-(16) of the development consent given by the council on the 25 June 1979 to a development application numbered D79/44 in the council's records, copies of which are available for inspection in the office of the council and the office of the Department, and(b) that coal hauled by road shall not be received at the coal loader in excess of such amount, if any, as may be determined from time to time by the Minister and notified to the person carrying out the development.