This legislation has been repealed.
(Clauses 11, 16, 19 and 20)
( Status of Children Act 1996 )
(Clause 11 (1) (a))
Name of child whose parentage is in issue:
1. I, (name), of (address), (occupation) *make oath and say/*affirm:
(Part 1 is to be completed where the deponent is the donor)
2. My racial background is (give details).
3. In the last 2 years:(a) I *have/*have not suffered from leukaemia.(b) I *have/*have not received a bone marrow transplant.
*4. The particulars of the *leukaemia/*bone marrow transplant are as follows: (give particulars)
5. I *have/*have not received a transfusion of blood or a blood product within the last 6 months.
*6. The particulars of the transfusion of blood or blood product are as follows: (give particulars)
(Part 2 is to be completed if the deponent is a person other than the donor)
2. I am the (state relationship or other status in relation to the donor) of (name of donor) who was born on (date of birth of donor).
3. (Name of donor) is a person whose racial background is (give details).
4. In the last 2 years:(a) the donor *has/*has not suffered from leukaemia.(b) the donor *has/*has not received a bone marrow transplant.
*5. The particulars of the *leukaemia/*bone marrow transplant are as follows: (give particulars)
6. The donor *has/*has not received a transfusion of blood or a blood product within the last 6 months.
*7. The particulars of the transfusion of blood or blood product are as follows: (give particulars)
deponent at
(Signature of deponent)
Before me:
(Signature of person before whom the affidavit is sworn or affirmed)
*Delete if not applicable.
( Status of Children Act 1996 )
(Clause 11 (2))
(Part 1 must be completed if the person making the declaration is the
I, (name), of (address), (occupation), declare that I *have/have not received
a transfusion of blood or a blood product since I signed the affidavit
required by clause 11 (1) of the Status of Children Regulation 1998 in
respect of the parentage testing procedure.
(Part 2 must be completed if the person making the declaration is not
the donor)
I, (name), of (address), (occupation), declare that:
(a) I am the (state relationship or other status in relation to the donor) of (name of donor) who was born on (date of birth of donor), and
(b) the donor *has/has not received a transfusion of blood or a blood product since *I/ (name of person who signed the affidavit) signed the affidavit required by clause 11 (1) of the Status of Children Regulation 1998 in respect of the parentage testing procedure.
(Signature of person completing declaration)
*Delete if not applicable.
( Status of Children Act 1996 )
(Clause 16)
Name of child whose parentage is in issue:
1. I, (name of sampler), of (professional address), (occupation), took the bodily *sample/samples specified below at (time) *am/pm on (date) at (place of collection) from the following *person/persons:(a) (name of person and type of bodily sample stated and person's photograph affixed),*(b) (name of person and type of bodily sample stated and person's photograph affixed),*(c) (name of person and type of bodily sample stated and person's photograph affixed),*(d) (name of person and type of bodily sample stated and person's photograph affixed).
2. When I took the bodily *sample/samples specified above, I strictly observed the procedures provided under the Status of Children Regulation 1998 .
3. I placed the *bodily sample/each of the bodily samples specified above in a container that was immediately sealed and then labelled in accordance with clause 15 of the Status of Children Regulation 1998 .
(Signature of sampler)
*Delete if not applicable.
( Status of Children Act 1996 )
(Clause 19)
Name of child whose parentage is in issue:
1. I, (name of nominated reporter), of (address), am a person nominated by the laboratory specified below to prepare a report in accordance with clause 19 of the Status of Children Regulation 1998 .
2. I report that *a parentage testing *procedure/procedures, being:*(a) red cell antigen blood grouping,*(b) red cell enzyme blood grouping,*(c) testing for serum markers,*(d) HLA tissue typing,*(e) DNA typing,*has/have been carried out on the bodily *sample/samples contained in the sealed *container/containers bearing the *name/names of the following *donor/donors:(a) (donor's name, date of birth and relationship to the child whose parentage is in issue),*(b) (donor's name, date of birth and relationship to the child whose parentage is in issue),*(c) (donor's name, date of birth and relationship to the child whose parentage is in issue),*(d) (donor's name, date of birth and relationship to the child whose parentage is in issue).
3. Each bodily sample referred to in item 2 is the same bodily sample as the bodily sample specified in the statement completed on (date) by (name of sampler) in accordance with clause 16 of the Regulation.
4. The parentage testing *procedure was/procedures were carried out at (name of laboratory or laboratories).
5. The results of the parentage testing *procedure/procedures are set out in Part 2 of this report.
*6. I report that the results of the parentage testing procedure/ *s carried out on the bodily *sample/samples of the donors specified above show that (name of putative parent) is excluded from identification as the *father/mother of (name of child whose parentage is in issue).
*7. I further report that the probability that (name of putative parent) is the genetic *father/mother of the (name of child whose parentage is in issue) has been calculated as follows:
*Paternity/Maternity Index (figure) to 1 Relative chance of *Paternity/Maternity (percentage)%
*6. I report that the results of the parentage testing procedure/ *s carried out on the bodily *sample/samples of the donors specified above show that (name of putative parent) is not excluded from identification as the *father/mother of (name of child whose parentage is in issue).
*7. I further report that the exclusion is based on contradictions to the laws of genetic inheritance in (amount) of the (amount) genetic markers tested. The contradictions occurred in the following genetic markers: (names of genetic markers and whether the contradictions were of the first or second order).
*8. I further report (if necessary, provide further explanation of results detailed in items 6 and 7).
(Signature of nominated reporter)
1. The bodily *sample/samples referred to in Part 1 *was/were received at (name of laboratory at which the parentage testing *procedure was /procedures were carried out) on19.
2. The following identification numbers were allocated respectively to the bodily *sample/samples in the *container/containers in which the *procedure was/*procedures were carried out:(a) (name of person and identification number),*(b) (name of person and identification number),*(c) (name of person and identification number),*(d) (name of person and identification number).
3. The results obtained from the parentage testing *procedure is/procedures are as follows: (set out the results).
*4. The results set out in item 3 refer to the parentage testing procedure/ *s carried out *by me/under my supervision on (date). The bodily *sample was/samples were tested against the same reagents and in parallel with appropriate known controls. Results from controls show that all reagents were of correct specificity and normal potency. I am satisfied that the results obtained are true and that they have been correctly transcribed from the laboratory workbooks.
*4. The results set out in item 3 refer to the parentage testing *procedure/procedures carried out *by me/under my supervision on (date). The bodily *sample was/samples were tested with the same probes/primers and in parallel with appropriate known controls. Fragment length and/or hybridisation patterns were in accordance with scientifically accepted standards. I am satisfied that the results obtained have been correctly coded from the fragment and/or hybridisation pattern and that they have been correctly transcribed from the laboratory workbooks.
(Signature of person who carried out parentage testing procedure or person under whose supervision procedure was carried out)
*Delete if not applicable.
( Status of Children Act 1996 , section 19)
(Clause 20)
I (full name of mother) | I (full name of father) |
of | of |
Postcode:Ph: | Postcode:Ph: |
Sex: | ||
(given names) | (family name) | |
born on// | at, New South Wales. |
Occupation: | ||
(given names) | (family name) | |
born on// | at |
This acknowledgment is made believing that the information provided is true to the best of our knowledge and belief.
(mother's signature) | (father's signature) |
Signed at | Signed at |
on | on |
Witnessed by | Witnessed by |
Qualification | Qualification |
(solicitor/Registry officer) | (solicitor/Registry officer) |
(name, address and telephone no of witness) | (name, address and telephone no of witness) |