This legislation has been repealed.
(1) The general aims and objectives of this plan are to facilitate development of land within the Chatswood Town Centre so as to improve employment opportunities and service the needs of the surrounding area, and in particular:(a) to make readily available floor space for retail and commercial and residential purposes while, at the same time, conserving the compactness of the Chatswood Town Centre,(b) to consolidate office development on the western side of the North Shore Railway Line and retail development on the eastern side of the North Shore Railway Line,(c) to encourage the establishment of new and additional recreational, civic and community facilities,(d) to maintain and improve the environmental and aesthetic quality of the Chatswood Town Centre and conserve items of heritage significance,(e) to improve traffic flow through and around the Chatswood Town Centre and ensure pedestrian, as well as vehicular, accessibility,(f) to encourage the use of public transport, and(g) to ensure adequate parking provision and, in particular, to provide for off-street parking in addition to Council requirements,(h) to allow high density residential development to occur so as to give effect to urban consolidation objectives, and(i) to encourage additional residential development which may support public transport use, shopping and recreational facilities as well as contribute to the vitality of the Centre, particularly outside normal business hours, and(j) to allow the establishment of new and additional recreational, civic and community facilities to provide a vibrant and stimulating heart for the Chatswood Town Centre.
(2) The specific aims and objectives of this plan are, with respect to:(a) Zone No 2 (c1)--Residential "C1":to retain existing high density development and where possible to allow further medium to high density development on land so zoned before the appointed day,(a1) Zone No 2 (d)--Residential "D":to consolidate high rise and/or high density residential flat buildings in selected and accessible locations,(b) Zone No 3 (c1)--Business Retail:(i) to consolidate this zone as the Chatswood Town Centre's retail core,(ii) to retain retail frontage at ground level within the retail core,(iii) to improve the shopping environment by developing a pedestrian mall along Victoria Avenue,(iv) to permit residential and restricted commercial uses while maintaining the predominant retail character of the zone,(c) Zone No 3 (c2)--Business Commercial:(i) to consolidate this zone as Chatswood's main office core,(ii) to accommodate service retail users to the extent necessary to cater for local office needs,(iii) to permit high density residential uses,(iv) to realise a better balance between office parking supply and demand,(d) Zone No 3 (c3)--Business General:(i) to encourage the development of a secondary small scale mixed commercial, residential and retail zone,(ii) to minimise the visual impact of business development on adjacent residential areas,(e) Zone No 3 (c4)--Business Automotive:to retain existing development rights while not encouraging further commercial development west of the Pacific Highway,(f) Zone No 5 (a)--Special Uses "A":to provide for various special uses required within Chatswood Town Centre, including Civic Place, civic and municipal purposes, parking facilities serving the Town Centre, the Bus and Rail Interchange and schools,(g) Zone No 5 (b)--Special Uses "B":to provide for railway purposes and development to increase the use of railway facilities,(h) Zone No 6 (a)--Open space: Existing Recreation:to maintain existing open space within the Chatswood Town Centre,(i) Zone No 9 (a)--Reservation: Proposed Local Roads and Widening:to improve traffic circulation within the Chatswood Town Centre, and(j) Zone No 9 (b)--Reservation: Proposed Recreation:to add to and consolidate the provision of open space within the Chatswood Town Centre.