This legislation has been repealed.
(1) Specific Objectives(a) To consolidate high-rise and high density residential flat buildings in selected and accessible locations, and(b) To enable the provision of appropriate communal recreation facilities for use by residents.
(2) Development Within the Zone(a) Within the 2 (d) Residential Zone, the following development may be carried out without development consent:exempt development(b) Within the 2 (d) Residential Zone, the following development may only be carried out with development consent:DemolitionSubdivisionDevelopment for the purpose of:child care centresdrainagedwelling houseseducational establishmentsgeneral stores of 30sqm or less in areahome businesshome occupationsparks and gardensresidential flat buildingsroadsunits for aged personsutility installations(c) Within the 2 (d) Residential Zone, any other development is prohibited.