This legislation has been repealed.
(1) Specific Objectives(a) To consolidate this zone as Chatswood's main office core, and(b) To accommodate service retail users to the extent necessary to cater for local office needs, and(c) To permit residential uses while maintaining the predominant office use character of the zone, and(d) To realise a better balance between office parking supply and demand.
(2) Development Within the Zone(a) Within the 3 (c2) Business Commercial Zone, the following development may be carried out without development consent:exempt development(b) Within the 3 (c2) Business Commercial Zone, the following development may only be carried out with development consent:DemolitionSubdivisionDevelopment for the purpose of:advertisementsbrothelschild care centresclubscommercial premises (other than carparking stations)drainagehotelsmotelsplaces of public worshippublic buildingspurposes referred to in Schedules 3 or 7recreation areasrefreshment roomsresidential flat buildingsroadstavernsutility installations(c) Within the 3 (c2) Business Commercial Zone, any other development is prohibited.