This legislation has been repealed.
- Made under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 - As at 13 December 2013 - Reg 170 of 2007 TABLE OF PROVISIONS PART 1 - PRELIMINARY 1. Name of plan 2. Aims of plan 3. Definitions 4. Consent authority 5. Land to which plan applies 6. Relationship to other environmental planning instruments 7. Effect of this plan on covenants 8. Development consent--matters for consideration 9. Consideration of neighbouring localities 10. Exempt and complying development 11. Development the subject of SEPP 1 application 12. Development by public authorities 13. Development near locality boundaries 14. Temporary development of land 15. Savings provisions PART 2 - OPERATION OF THE DEVELOPMENT CONTROLS 16. Localities PART 3 - SPECIAL PROVISIONS Division 1 - Subdivision 17. Subdivision 18. Subdivision for the purpose of intensive agriculture 19. Subdivision for the purpose of rural living 20. Subdivision for rural residential estate development 21. Special considerations for rural living and rural residential development Division 2 - Dwellings 22. Single dwellings 23. Dual occupancies 24. Ancillary dwellings 25. Home activity Division 3 - Special controls for tourist development 26. Development for the purpose of eco-tourism 27. Tourist operations 28. Horse riding establishment 29. Rural tourist accommodation 30. Rural holiday dwellings Division 4 - Building, siting, design and infrastructure controls 31. Building heights 32. Buildings on ridgelines 33. Building setbacks 34. Access 35. Development adjoining or fronting arterial roads 36. Wind energy facilities 37. Visual landscape character assessment Division 5 - Heritage conservation 38. Objectives 39. Requirement for development consent 40. Development consent is not required 41. Development in vicinity of heritage item or heritage conservation area 42. Heritage conservation management plans 43. Archaeological sites 44. Places of Aboriginal heritage significance 45. (Repealed) 46. Conservation incentives Division 6 - Natural resource management 47. Bush rock management 48. Bush fire hazard reduction Division 7 - Additional controls for certain localities 49. Development along the Snowy River Corridor 50. Development along the Murrumbidgee and Slacks Creek Corridor 51. Development within the Lake Eucumbene Visual Protection Area 52. Development within the Lake Jindabyne Visual Protection Area 53. Development within the Eastern Approaches to Kosciuszko National Park 54. Development in areas significant for flora, fauna and environmental protection 55. Development in areas near national parks and nature reserves 56. Additional controls for land within rural living development boundary 57. Additional permitted uses for particular land SCHEDULE 1 SCHEDULE 2 SCHEDULE 3 SCHEDULE 99 Dictionary