This legislation has been repealed.
(1) This clause aims to ensure that:(a) the standard of roads is improved and that access for future development is provided in a fair and equitable manner, and(b) all new development has an appropriate and safe level of access.
(2) Development consent must not be granted for development for any purpose unless the consent authority is satisfied that adequate vehicular access will be provided to the development.
(3) When determining an application for development consent for development for any purpose, consideration must be given to the following:(a) whether the standard of sealed or all-weather road access to the site of the proposed development is the appropriate standard and adequate to cater for potential traffic,(b) what impact the traffic associated with the proposed development will have on existing roads, road safety and other road users in the locality,(c) whether the proposed development will be carried out on land with frontage to a public road, thereby avoiding right of carriageways over other land,(d) whether any additional length of public road created and proposed to be transferred to the control of the Council has been minimised,(e) whether intersections and vehicular entrances satisfy relevant design standards published by the Roads and Traffic Authority.