This legislation has been repealed.
(Clause 27)
Where a document other than an administration sheet is required to be lodged electronically with a plan, such as:
(a) a strata development contract, or
(b) a strata management statement, or
(c) by-laws, or
(d) any other documents required by the Registrar-General,each sheet of the completed paper document is to be scanned by the lodging party and an image created in a format approved by the Registrar-General.
An image of a document comprising more than one sheet must be created as a multipage file.
(1) The completed document must be lodged electronically together with the plan.
(2) The standard of the electronic file received by the Registrar-General must be acceptable to the Registrar-General.
Note : The completed paper document, bearing original signatures and seals, must be retained by the lodging party for a period of at least 7 years following the date of registration of the plan (see clause 33).