This legislation has been repealed.
(1) Regardless of the development control table, development may be carried out without development consent in the 7 (a) Environmental Protection (Waterways) zone for the purpose of a bridge to carry State Road No 663 over the Woronora River and for the purpose of associated roadworks.
(2) Regardless of the development control table, consent may be granted to development for the purpose of remedial dredging in the 7 (a) Environmental Protection (Waterways) zone, where the need for such dredging is identified in a plan of management or development control plan approved by the Council.
(3) Regardless of the development control table, consent may be granted to a dwelling house on an allotment of 20 hectares or more in the 7 (b) Environmental Protection (Bushland) zone, but only if the allotment was in existence and was in private ownership on 12 November 1993.
(4) Any dwelling house erected in accordance with subclause (3) must comply with the following controls:(a) the height must not exceed 7.2 metres to any point on the uppermost ceiling nor 9 metres to the highest point on the roof, and(b) the gross floor area must not exceed a maximum of 300m 2 (inclusive of any ancillary buildings).
(5) Regardless of the development control table in this plan, consent may be granted to development on land to the north of the Lucas Heights Waste Management Centre, being the land within the 7 (b) Environmental Protection (Bushland) zone shown on the map marked " Map 5: Tip--Lucas Heights Waste Depot " in Schedule 7, for the purpose of an information centre and water quality control structures.
(6) Regardless of the development control table, the existing fire trail between Bundanoon Road, Woronora Heights and The Crescent, Woronora, being the land in the 7 (b) Environmental Protection (Bushland) zone shown edged heavy black on the map marked " Map 26: Woronora Emergency Access Road, between Bundanoon Road, and the Crescent " in Part 1 of Schedule 7, may be used for the purpose of vehicular access by emergency services vehicles and vehicles requiring emergency access.