Northern Territory Bills

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This is a Bill, not an Act. For current law, see the Acts databases.


Serial 112
Public Interest Disclosure Amendment Bill 2010
Mr Mills

A Bill for an Act to amend the Public Interest Disclosure Act




Act No. [ ] of 2010


Table of provisions

11 Making public interest disclosure
Part 7 Transitional matter for Public Interest Disclosure Amendment Act 2010

59 Definitions

60 Application



Act No. [ ] of 2010


An Act to amend the Public Interest Disclosure Act

[Assented to [ ] 2010]

[Second reading [ ] 2010]

The Legislative Assembly of the Northern Territory enacts as follows:

1 Short title

This Act may be cited as the Public Interest Disclosure Amendment Act 2010.

2 Act amended

This Act amends the Public Interest Disclosure Act.

3 Amendment of section 4 (Definitions)

Section 4

insert (in alphabetical order)

journalist means a person engaged in the occupation of writing or editing material intended for publication in the print or electronic news media.

4 Repeal and substitution of section 11

Section 11

repeal, substitute

11 Making public interest disclosure

(1) Except as provided in subsection (2), a public interest disclosure must be made to the following:

(a) if the disclosure relates to an MLA other than the Speaker – the Speaker or Commissioner;

(b) otherwise – the Commissioner or responsible chief executive.

(2) A person may make a public interest disclosure to an MLA (other than the Speaker or an MLA to whom the disclosure relates), or a journalist, if:

(a) the person has already made a public interest disclosure (the earlier disclosure) under subsection (1) in relation to substantially the same public interest information; and

(b) the person reasonably believes:

(i) no action has been taken by the Commissioner, the Speaker, or a public body or public officer, as a response to the earlier disclosure within 6 months after the earlier disclosure was made; or

(ii) if any such action has been taken at any time – the action is inadequate or inappropriate; and

(c) the person is not seeking any reward or other advantage for making the disclosure; and

(d) for a disclosure to a journalist – the person reasonably believes any one or more of the following circumstances exist:

(i) property or the environment is or has been damaged, or there is an imminent risk of any such damage, as a result of the lack of action, or lack of adequate or appropriate action, mentioned in paragraph (b);

(ii) an individual is or has been harmed, or there is an imminent risk of any such harm, as a result of the lack of action, or lack of adequate or appropriate action, mentioned in paragraph (b);

(iii) any other circumstance prescribed by regulation.

(3) A public interest disclosure under subsection (1) or (2):

(a) may be made orally or in writing, but must be made in accordance with the procedure prescribed by regulation; and

(b) may be made anonymously.

(4) Without limiting subsection (2)(b), if the earlier disclosure was made or referred to the Commissioner, the person may form a reasonable belief covered by that subsection as a result of the Commissioner:

(a) deciding not to investigate the earlier disclosure; or

(b) deciding to discontinue the investigation of the earlier disclosure.

(5) Without limiting subsection (2)(c), a reference in that subsection to an advantage includes a reference to the avoidance of the termination of, or any disciplinary action relating to, the person's employment.

(6) A person making a public interest disclosure under subsection (2) (other than a disclosure made anonymously) must give the MLA or journalist a copy of each document in the person's possession that relates to any of the following:

(a) correspondence between the person and the person to whom the earlier disclosure was made about the earlier disclosure;

(b) response about the earlier disclosure from the person to whom the earlier disclosure was made.

(7) Subsection (2) does not prevent a person from making public interest disclosures in relation to substantially the same public interest information to more than one person under that subsection.

Examples for subsection (7)

1 A person made public interest disclosures in relation to substantially the same public interest information to 2 MLAs under subsection (2).

2 After a person has made a public interest disclosure to an MLA under subsection (2), the person made another public interest disclosure in relation to substantially the same public interest information to a journalist under that subsection.

5 Amendment of section 14 (Protection from liability for making public interest disclosure)

Section 14(1), after "public interest disclosure"


in accordance with section 11

6 New Part 7

After section 58


Part 7 Transitional matter for Public Interest Disclosure Amendment Act 2010

59 Definitions

In this Part:

amending Act means the Public Interest Disclosure Amendment Act 2010.

commencement means the day on which the amending Act commences.

60 Application

A person may make a public interest disclosure under section 11 as amended by the amending Act even though the alleged improper conduct occurred before the commencement.


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