(1) A DVO may include a premises exclusion order prohibiting the respondent from one or more of the following:
(a) remaining at premises specified in the order;
(b) entering or attempting to enter premises specified in the order at any time or subject to any conditions specified in the order;
(c) being within a specific distance of the premises specified in the order.
(2) Before making a premises exclusion order, the issuing authority must consider the following:
(a) if the protected person usually resides at the premises to be specified in the order:
(i) whether or not the protected person and each child (if any) usually residing with the protected person can live in safety at those premises; and
(ii) any disruption to the protected person and each child (if any) usually residing with the protected person that would result from making the premises exclusion order; and
(iii) the impact of the order on the accommodation of the parties and any other persons usually residing at those premises;
(b) any opinion expressed by the protected person under subsection (3);
(c) the impact of the premises exclusion order on the relationship between the respondent and each child (if any) usually residing with the protected person;
(d) without limiting paragraph (a)(iii), the impact of the premises exclusion order on the accommodation or employment of the respondent.
(3) For subsection (2)(b), the issuing authority may invite the protected person to express an opinion on:
(a) the respondent accessing the premises to be specified in the order; and
(b) whether or not the DVO should exclude the respondent from those premises.
(4) If the protected person does not express an opinion in response to an invitation under subsection (3), the issuing authority must not draw an inference that the protected person has no opinion on:
(a) the respondent accessing those premises; or
(b) whether or not the DVO should exclude the respondent from those premises.
(5) For this section, the premises specified in the premises exclusion order may include the following:
(a) residential premises where the respondent and protected person live together or previously lived together;
(b) premises where the respondent or protected person resides, works or visits;
(c) premises in which the respondent has a legal or equitable interest.