(1) As soon as practicable after a police DVO is made, a police officer must give a copy of it:
(a) to the parties to the police DVO; and
(b) to the Court.
(2) For subsection (1)(a), the police officer must personally give a copy of the police DVO to the protected person and explain to the protected person:
(a) the effect of the police DVO, including any restraints, prohibitions, obligations or requirements imposed on the respondent by the police DVO; and
(b) the consequences that may follow if the respondent contravenes the police DVO, including that contravening a police DVO is an offence against section 120(1); and
(c) the duration of the police DVO under section 34; and
(d) that the protected person is a party to the proceedings and is entitled to attend the confirmation hearing regarding the police DVO under Division 3.
(3) If a copy of the police DVO is to be given to the respondent personally, the police officer must explain to the respondent:
(a) the effect of the police DVO, including any restraints, prohibitions, obligations or requirements imposed on the respondent by the police DVO; and
(b) the consequences that may follow if the respondent contravenes the police DVO, including that contravening a police DVO is an offence against section 120(1); and
(c) the duration of the police DVO under section 34; and
(d) that the respondent has a right to apply for a review of the police DVO under Division 2.
(4) As far as it is reasonably practicable to do so, the explanation given under this section must be given in a language (using an interpreter if required) or in terms that are likely to be readily understood by the protected person and respondent.
(5) For subsection (1)(b), the police officer may give a copy of the police DVO to the Court by means of electronic communication.
(6) A failure to comply with this section does not affect the validity of a police DVO.