(1) If a second proposed redistribution would result in the sum of the following being greater than 15% of the total number of electors in a division at the time the quota is calculated under section 140B(2)(b), the Redistribution Committee must invite objections to the second proposed redistribution:
(a) the number of electors added to the division by the second proposed redistribution as compared to the first proposed redistribution; and
(b) the number of electors removed from the division by the second proposed redistribution as compared to the first proposed redistribution.
(2) Despite subsection (1), the Redistribution Committee is not required to invite objections to the second proposed redistribution if the Redistribution Committee is of the opinion that:
(a) holding a second objection period would cause major inconvenience or have other serious consequences, such as causing a delay to a scheduled general election; or
(b) the second proposed redistribution is the only feasible option because there has been a natural disaster or another event causing extraordinary demographic movement.
Note for subsection (2)(a)
A delay to the finalisation of the redistribution process is not of itself a major inconvenience or serious consequence.
(3) If, in the opinion of the Redistribution Committee, a second proposed redistribution involves a significant change in a matter to which the Redistribution Committee must give consideration under section 140(2)(a), (c), (e), (f) or (g), the Redistribution Committee may invite objections to the second proposed redistribution.
(4) If the Redistribution Committee invites objections to a second proposed redistribution under subsection (1) or (3), the Redistribution Committee must:
(a) make available, for public inspection, without fee, a map or number of maps together showing the names and boundaries of all proposed divisions; and
(b) publish a notice in accordance with section 137:
(i) advising of the availability for inspection of the map or maps mentioned in paragraph (a); and
(ii) stating that any objection on the second proposed redistribution must be made in writing to the Redistribution Committee within 14 days after the notice is published in the Gazette .