(1) The Commission may, under this section, give a copy of a roll or information contained on a roll ( electoral information ) to an entity for conducting medical research or providing a health screening program if satisfied:
(a) giving the information is in the public interest; and
(b) the public interest in giving the information outweighs the public interest in protecting the privacy of personal information in the particular circumstances.
(2) The Commission may include in the electoral information the age ranges of electors in a way decided by the Commission.
(3) However, the electoral information must not include the address of a person whose address is suppressed.
(4) The electoral information may be given to the entity in printed or electronic form.
(5) The Commission must obtain from the entity an undertaking that the entity will:
(a) only use the electoral information for a stated purpose; and
(b) not copy the information or give it to anyone else; and
(c) return the information to the Commission or destroy it after using it for the stated purpose.
(6) A person must not use electoral information obtained under subsection (1) other than in accordance with the undertaking.
Maximum penalty for an offence against subsection (6):
If the offender is a natural person – 400 penalty units or imprisonment for 2 years.
If the offender is a body corporate – 2 000 penalty units.