(1) A voter who is unable to vote may be assisted in voting if the voter would otherwise be unable to vote.
(2) An assistant must be a nominee of the voter or, if there is no nominee, an officer.
(3) An assistant may enter a voting compartment to assist a voter to vote, but an officer must not do so except in the presence of:
(a) a scrutineer; or
(b) if no scrutineer is present – another officer.
(4) Subject to subsection (3), an assistant may assist a voter in any of the following ways:
(a) by acting as an interpreter;
(b) for a declaration vote – by completing, or assisting the voter to complete, the declaration;
(ba) for a postal vote – by placing the ballot paper in the envelope bearing the postal vote certificate, sealing the envelope and sending the envelope to the Commission;
(c) by explaining the ballot paper and the requirements of this Act relating to its marking;
(d) by marking, or assisting the voter to mark, the ballot paper at the voter's direction;
(e) by folding the ballot paper and placing it in a ballot box or declaration envelope, or giving it to an officer, as required by this Act.