(1) The Administrator may make regulations under this Act.
(2) A regulation may provide for any the following:
(a) holders of authorities and others dealing with Scheduled substances, including authorising others to deal with Scheduled substances;
(ab) storage, transport and destruction of Scheduled substances;
(b) keeping of records by holders of authorities and others dealing with Scheduled substances;
(c) reporting requirements of holders of authorities and others dealing with Scheduled substances;
(d) applying, adopting or incorporating (with or without changes) the whole or part of a document as in force or existing at a particular time or from time to time;
(e) exempting a person, place, Scheduled substance, dealing with a Scheduled substance or other activity from the application of this Act, or a provision of this Act, either conditionally or unconditionally;
(f) prescribing fees payable under this Act;
(g) an offence against a regulation to be an offence of strict or absolute liability.
(3) A regulation may authorise a matter to be decided, applied or regulated by the CHO (whether or not from time to time).
9.1 Repeal of Acts