(1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), the Chairman shall call such meetings of the Authority and committees of the Authority as are necessary for the performance of the functions of the Authority.
(2) The Chairman shall call not less than 4 meetings of the Authority in each full calendar year of its operation.
(3) The Chairman shall call a meeting of the Authority or a committee of the Authority if required to do so by the Minister.
(4) The Chairman shall determine the times and places of the meetings of the Authority and its committees.
(5) Subject to subsection (6), the Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Authority at which he or she is present and in the absence of the Chairman the Deputy Chairman shall preside. In the absence of the Chairman and Deputy Chairman the members present shall elect one of their number to preside.
(6) Neither the Chairman nor the Deputy Chairman shall preside or continue to preside at a meeting of the Authority if the Authority is of the opinion that, in accordance with Aboriginal tradition, it would not be appropriate for him or her to do so.
(7) At a meeting of the Authority:
(a) seven members, not less than 2 of whom are male Aboriginal members and not less than 2 of whom are female Aboriginal members, constitute a quorum;
(b) questions arising shall be determined by a majority of the votes of the members present and voting and in the event of an equality of votes the person presiding at the meeting shall have a casting vote in addition to his or her deliberative vote; and
(c) subject to this Act, the Authority shall determine the procedure to be followed at or in connection with the meeting.
(8) The quorum and proceedings at a meeting of a committee of the Authority shall be as determined by the Authority.
(9) The Authority shall cause minutes to be kept of its meetings and of the meetings of its committees.
(10) An Aboriginal member may require the Authority or a committee of the Authority of which the Aboriginal member is a member to admit to a meeting of the Authority or committee, as the case may be, a person who in accordance with Aboriginal tradition is able to assist the member to participate more fully in the deliberations at the meeting and may require the Authority or committee to allow the person to address the meeting on the member's behalf, and the Authority or committee shall comply with the requirement.
(11) A person admitted to a meeting pursuant to subsection (10) shall not vote on any matter at the meeting.