Northern Territory Consolidated Regulations
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1.01A. Citation
1.01. Definitions
1.02. Application
1.03. Jurisdiction not affected
1.04. Proceedings in another Court
1.05. Judgment in pending proceeding
1.06. Payment into Court
1.07. Amendment
1.08. Costs
1.09. Interpretation
1.09A. Direction that Registrar may exercise Master's jurisdiction
1.10. Exercise of power
1.11. Procedure wanting or in doubt
1.12. Act by corporation
1.13. Corporation a party
1.14. Power to act by solicitor
1.15. Signature of solicitor
2.01. Effect of non-compliance
2.02. Originating process
2.03. Application to set aside for irregularity
2.04. Dispensing with compliance
3.01. Calculating time
3.02. Extension and abridgement
3.03. Fixing time
3.04. Process in vacation
3.05. Proceedings after a year
3.06. Vacations
3.07. Registry
4.01. How proceeding commenced
4.02. Interlocutory application
4.03. Names of parties
4.04. When writ required
4.05. When originating motion required
4.06. Optional commencement by originating motion
4.07. Continuance as writ of proceeding by originating motion
4.08. Urgent case
5.01. Definitions
5.02. Form of originating process
5.03. Appearance
5.04. Endorsement of claim on writ
5.05. Endorsement of claim on motion
5.06. Endorsement as to capacity
5.07. Address of parties
5.08. Place of trial
5.09. Stay on payment of costs
5.10. Petition
5.11. Filing of originating process
5.12. Duration and renewal of originating process
6.001. Application to companies
6.01. When personal service necessary
6.02. Personal service of originating process
6.03. How personal service effected
6.04. Service on particular defendants
6.05. Address for service
6.06. How ordinary service effected
6.07. Identity of person served
6.08. Acceptance of service by solicitor
6.09. Substituted service
6.10. Confirmation of informal service
6.11. Service by filing
6.12. Service on agent
6.13. Service under agreement
6.14. Recovery of vacant land
6.15. Service of notice by the Court
6.16. Affidavit of service
7.01. Originating process that may be served outside Australia
7.02. Application for leave to serve originating process outside Australia
7.03. Service of other documents
7.04. Application of other Orders
7.05. Method of service
7.06. Substituted service
7.07. Proof of service
7.08. Documents to be filed with Court
7.09. Order for payment of expenses
7A.01. Definitions
7A.02. Provisions of this Order to prevail
7A.03. Application of Part
7A.04. Application for request for service abroad
7A.05. How application to be dealt with
7A.06. Procedure on receipt of certificate of service
7A.07. Payment of costs
7A.08. Evidence of service
7A.09. Application of Part
7A.10. Restriction on power to enter default judgment if certificate of service filed
7A.11. Restriction on power to enter default judgment if certificate of service not filed
7A.12. Setting aside judgment in default of appearance
7A.13. Application of Part
7A.14. Certain documents to be referred back to Attorney-General's Department of Commonwealth
7A.15. Service
7A.16. Affidavit as to service
8.01. Application
8.02. Appearance before taking step
8.03. Who to file appearance
8.04. Time for appearance
8.05. Mode of filing appearance
8.06. Content of notice of appearance
8.07. Late appearance
8.08. Conditional appearance
8.09. Setting aside writ or originating motion
9.01. Joinder of claims
9.02. Permissive joinder of parties
9.03. Joinder of necessary parties
9.04. Joinder inconvenient
9.05. Effect of misjoinder or non-joinder of party
9.06. Additional, removal, substitution of party
9.07. Procedure for addition of party
9.08. Defendant deceased at commencement of proceeding
9.09. Change of party on death, bankruptcy
9.10. Failure to proceed after death of party
9.11. Amendment of proceedings after change of party
9.12. Consolidation or trial together
9.13. Conduct of proceeding
10.01. Application of order
10.02. When counterclaim allowed
10.03. Counterclaim against plaintiff and another person
10.04. Procedure after counterclaim against another person
10.05. Trial of counterclaim
10.06. Counterclaim inconvenient
10.07. Stay of claim
10.08. Counterclaim on stay, etc., of original proceeding
10.09. Judgment for balance
11.01. Claim by third party notice
11.02. Statement of claim on third party notice
11.03. Time for appearance
11.04. Filing and service of third party notice
11.05. Time for third party notice
11.06. Leave to file third party notice
11.07. Period of service
11.08. Appearance by third party
11.09. Defence of third party
11.10. Counterclaim by third party
11.11. Default by third party
11.12. Discovery and trial
11.13. Third party directions
11.14. Judgment between defendant and third party
11.15. Claim against another party
11.16. Fourth and subsequent parties
11.17. Counterclaim
12.01. Definitions
12.02. Stakeholder's interpleader
12.03. Sheriff's interpleader
12.04. Sheriff's summons to state claim
12.05. Notice to execution creditor
12.06. Admission of claim
12.07. Interpleader summons
12.08. Powers of Court
12.09. Default by claimant
12.10. Neutrality of applicant
12.11. Order in several proceedings
12.12. Trial of interpleader question
13.01. Formal requirements
13.02. Content of pleading
13.03. Document or conversation
13.04. Fact presumed true
13.05. Condition precedent
13.06. Implied contract or relation
13.07. Matter which must be pleaded
13.08. Subsequent fact
13.09. Inconsistent pleading
13.10. Particulars of pleading
13.11. Order for particulars
13.12. Admission and denials
13.13. Denial by joinder of issue
13.14. Money claim as defence
13.15. Counterclaim
14.01. Statement of claim endorsed on writ
14.02. Statement of claim not endorsed on writ
14.03. Alteration of claim as endorsed on writ
14.04. Service of defence
14.05. Reply
14.06. Pleading after reply
14.07. Defence to counterclaim
14.08. Close of pleadings
14.09. Order as to pleadings
14.10. Filing of pleadings
15.01. Interpretation
15.02. Litigation guardian of person under disability
15.03. Appointment of litigation guardian
15.04. No appearance by person under disability
15.05. Application to discharge or vary certain orders
15.06. Pleading admission by person under disability
15.07. Discovery
15.08. Compromise of claim by person under disability
15.09. Execution against money in Court
15.10. Counterclaim and claim by third party notice
16.01. Representation of unascertained persons
16.02. Beneficiaries
16.03. Deceased person
17.01. Partners
17.02. Disclosure of partners
17.03. Service of originating process
17.04. Appearance by partners
17.05. No appearance except by partners
17.06. Appearance under objection of person sued as partner
17.07. Enforcement of judgment
17.08. Enforcement between partners
17.09. Attachment of debts
17.10. Person using the business name
17.11. Charge on partner's interest
18.01. Application
18.02. Proceeding by or against representative
18.03. Order for representation by defendant
18.04. Effect of judgment
19.01. Definitions
19.02. Notice
19.03. Filing and service
20.01. Notice of change
20.02. Party appointing solicitor
20.03. Solicitor ceasing to act
20.04. Removal of solicitor from record
20.05. Address for service
21.01. Default of appearance
21.02. Default of defence
21.03. Judgment for recovery of debt, damages or property
21.04. Judgment other than for recovery of debt, damages or property
21.05. Proceeding continued against other defendants
21.06. Default of defence to counterclaim
21.07. Setting aside judgment
22.01. Summary judgment
22.03. Affidavit in support
22.04. Respondent to show cause
22.05. Affidavit in reply
22.06. Hearing of application
22.07. Cross-examination on affidavit
22.09. Assessment of damages
22.10. Judgment where debt amount unascertained
22.15. Setting aside judgment
23.01. Stay or judgment in proceeding
23.02. Striking out pleading
23.04. Affidavit evidence
23.05. Declaratory judgment
24.01. Want of prosecution
24.02. Failure to obey order
24.03. Stay on non-payment of costs
24.04. Counterclaim and third party claim
24.05. Inherent jurisdiction
24.06. Setting aside judgment
25.01A. Application of order
25.01. Withdrawal of appearance
25.02. Discontinuance or withdrawal of proceeding or claim
25.03. Proceeding not commenced by writ
25.04. Notice of discontinuance or withdrawal
25.05. Costs
25.06. Discontinuance or withdrawal no defence
25.07. Stay on non-payment of costs
26.01. Definitions
26.02. Offers of compromise generally
26.03. Timing of offer
26.04. No communication to Court of offer
26.05. Failure to comply with offer
26.06. Multiple respondents
26.07. Costs where offer not accepted
26.08. Taxation of costs where offer accepted
26.09. Contributor parties
27.01. Conformity with Rules
27.02. Content of document
27.03. Form of document
27.04. Numbers
27.05. Copies on request
27.06. Proper officer refusing to seal or accept document
27.07. Scandalous matter
28.01. How document is filed
28.02. Place of filing
28.03. Date of filing
28.04. Seal of Court
28.05. Inspection of documents
29.01. Application and definition
29.02. Discovery
29.03. List of documents
29.04. Form of list of documents
29.05. Order limiting discovery
29.06. Co-defendants and third party
29.07. Order for discovery
29.08. Order for particular discovery
29.09. Inspection of documents referred to in list of documents or affidavit
29.10. Inspection of documents referred to in pleadings and affidavits
29.11. Order for discovery
29.12. Direction as to documents
29.13. Inspection of document by Court
29.14. Default on discovery
29.15. Copy list or affidavit to be filed
29.16. Discovery a continuing obligation
30.01. Definitions
30.02. Service of interrogatories
30.03. Statement as to who to answer
30.04. Filing interrogatories and time for answers
30.05. Source for answers to interrogatories
30.06. How interrogatories to be answered
30.07. Ground of objection to answer
30.08. Who to answer interrogatories
30.09. Failure to answer interrogatories
30.10. Non-compliance with order
30.11. Answers as evidence
31.01. Definitions
31.02. When is examination available
31.03. Application for and consent to examination
31.04. Effect of consent or order
31.05. Examination of corporations
31.06. Examiner
31.07. Attendance on examination
31.08. Powers of examiner
31.09. Record of examination
31.10. How party to be examined
31.11. Order to answer question
31.12. Costs of examination
32.01. Definitions
32.02. Privilege
32.03. Discovery to identify a defendant
32.04. Party an applicant
32.05. Discovery from prospective defendant
32.06. Party an applicant
32.07. Discovery from non-party
32.08. Procedure
32.09. Inspection of documents
32.10. Directions as to documents
32.11. Costs
33.01. Application
33.02. Counterclaim
33.03. Definitions
33.04. Notice for examination
33.05. Expenses
33.06. Report of examination
33.07. Service of reports
33.08. Time for service
33.09. Proceeding against medical expert
33.10. Material for Court
33.11. Medical report admissible
33.12. No evidence unless disclosed in report
33.13. Medical report generally not admissible unless this Order complied with
34.01. Powers of Court
34.03. Admissions and agreements
34.04. Duty to obtain directions
35.01. Definition
35.02. Voluntary admission of facts
35.03. Notice for admission of facts
35.04. Judgment on admissions
35.05. Notice for admission of documents
35.07. Restrictive effect of admission
35.08. Notice to produce documents
36.01. General
36.02. Failure to amend within time limited
36.03. Amendment of pleading
36.04. Disallowance of pleading amendment
36.05. How pleading amendment made
36.06. Pleading to an amended pleading
36.07. Amendment of judgment or order
37.01. Inspection, detention, etc., of property
37.02. Inspection from prospective defendant
37.03. Procedure
37.04. Disposal of perishable property
37.05. Payment into Court in discharge of lien
37.06. Interim distribution of property or income
37.07. Jurisdiction of Court not affected
37A.01. Definitions
37A.02. Freezing order
37A.03. Ancillary order
37A.04. Respondent need not be party to proceeding
37A.05. Order against judgment debtor, prospective judgment debtor or third party
37A.06. Jurisdiction
37A.07. Service outside Australia of application for freezing order or ancillary order
37A.08. Costs
37B.01. Definitions
37B.02. Search order
37B.03. Requirements for grant of search order
37B.04. Jurisdiction
37B.05. Terms of search order
37B.06. Independent solicitors
37B.07. Costs
38.01. When Court may grant
38.02. Application before trial
38.03. Costs and expenses of non-party
38.04. Ouster of office
39.01. Application and definitions
39.02. Appointment of receiver
39.03. Service of order
39.04. Consent of receiver
39.05. Security by receiver
39.06. Remuneration of receiver
39.07. Receiver's accounts
39.08. Default by receiver
39.09. Directions to receivers
40.01. Definition
40.02. Evidence of witness
40.03. Contrary direction as to evidence
40.04. Examination on affidavit
40.05. Evidence of particular facts
40.06. Revocation or variation of order
40.07. Deposition as evidence
40.08. Proof of Court documents
40.09. Evidence of consent
40.10. Defamation
40.11. Subsequent use of evidence at trial
40.12. Attendance and production
40.13. View
40.14. Preservation of exhibits
41.01. Order for witness examination
41.02. Documents for examiner
41.03. Appointment for examination
41.04. Conduct of examination
41.05. Examination of additional persons
41.06. Objection
41.07. Taking of depositions
41.08. Authentication and filing
41.09. Report of examiner
41.10. Default of witness
41.11. Witness allowance
41.12. Perpetuation of testimony
41.13. Letter of request
41.14. Translation
41.15. Undertaking
41.16. Order for payment of expenses
42.01. Interpretation
42.02. Issuing of subpoena
42.03. Form of subpoena
42.03A. Alteration of date or time for attendance or production
42.04. Setting aside or other relief
42.05. Service
42.06. Compliance with subpoena
42.07. Production otherwise than upon attendance
42.08. Removal, return, inspection, copying and disposal of documents and things
42.09. Inspection of, and dealing with, documents and things produced otherwise than on attendance
42.10. Disposal of documents and things produced
42.11. Costs and expenses of compliance
42.12. Failure to comply with subpoena – contempt of court
42.13. Documents and things in the custody of a court
43.01. Form of affidavit
43.02. Affidavit by illiterate or blind person
43.03. Content of affidavit
43.04. Affidavit by 2 or more deponents
43.05. Alterations
43.06. Annexures and exhibits
43.07. Time for making affidavit
43.08. Irregularity
43.09. Filing
43.10. Affidavit witnessed by party
44.01. Definition
44.02. Application
44.03. Service of statement of expert evidence
44.04. Making statement of other party evidence
44.05. Expert witnesses giving evidence on same or similar question
45.01. Definition
45.02. Evidence by affidavit
45.03. Judgment where no appearance
45.04. Proceedings after appearance
45.05. Special procedure
46.01. Application
46.02. Application by summons
46.03. Notice of application
46.04. Form and filing of summons
46.05. Service
46.05.1.Day for hearing
46.06. Adjournment
46.07. Absence of party to summons
46.08. Setting aside
47.01. Place of trial
47.02. Mode of trial
47.03. Jury procedure
47.04. Separate trial of question
47.05. Judgment after determination of preliminary question
48.01. Definitions
48.02. Application
48.03. Directions by Registrar
48.04. Convening initial directions hearing
48.05. Notice of initial directions hearing
48.06. Categorising proceedings
48.07. Category C and D proceedings
48.08. Category A, B and E proceedings
48.09. Notice of adjourned or further directions hearings
48.10. Party to attend directions hearing
48.11. Non-attendance at directions hearing
48.12. Settlement conference
48.13. Mediation
48.14. Costs of directions hearings, settlement conferences and mediations
48.15. Papers for trial Judge
48.16. Listing hearing
48.17. Listing for trial
48.18. Matters to be considered before listing for trial
48.19. Cost of listing hearing
48.20. Trial lists
48.21. Fixing hearing dates
48.22. Pre-trial directions hearing before trial Judge
48.23. Proceedings commenced in Alice Springs
48.24. Other proceedings
48.25. Witness statements
48.26. Evidence at trial by videoconference
48.27. Self-executing orders
48.28. Experimental rules
49.01. Order of evidence and addresses
49.02. Absence of party
49.03. Adjournment of trial
49.04. Death before judgment
49.05. Certificate of Associate
50.01. Reference to referee
50.02. Directions as to procedure
50.03. Report on reference
50.05. Committal
50.06. Remuneration of referee
51.01. Mode of assessment
51.02. Notice to other party
51.03. Procedure on assessment
51.04. Order for damages
51.05. Default judgment against some defendants
51.06. Continuing cause of action
51.07. Value of goods
52.01. Account or inquiry at any stage
52.02. Directions for account
52.03. Form and verification of account
52.04. Filing and service of account
52.05. Notice of charge, error in account
52.06. Allowances
52.07. Delay
52.08. Fund distribution before all entitled ascertained
53.01. Application
53.02. Originating process
53.03. Who to be defendant
53.04. Affidavit in support
53.05. Service
53.06. Occupier made a party
53.07. Judgment for possession
53.08. Warrant of possession
54.01. Definitions
54.02. Relief without general administration
54.03. Parties
54.04. Notice of proceeding and judgment
54.05. Relief in proceeding by originating motion
54.06. Judgment in administration proceeding
54.07. Conduct of sale
55.01. Definition
55.02. Power to order sale
55.03. Notice of application
55.04. Manner of sale
55.05. Certifying result of sale
55.06. Mortgage, exchange or partition
55A.01. Publication of notice of proposed application
55A.02. Application
56.01. Judgment or order instead of writ
56.02. Time for commencement of proceeding
57.01. Definition
57.02. Application for writ
57.03. Order on application
57.04. Further application for writ
57.05. Service
57.06. Disobedience
57.07. Return to the writ
57.08. Person detained before Court
57.09. Production of person in confinement, to testify
59.01. General relief
59.02. Date of effect
59.03. Time for compliance
59.04. Statement of reasons for judgment
59.05. Notice of judgment to non-party
59.06. Consent orders
60.01. When authentication required
60.02. Mode of authentication
60.03. Drawing up of judgment or order
60.04. Order signed by Judge or Associate Judge
60.05. Recitals in judgments and orders
60.06. Drawing up and settling
60.07. Copy of judgment or order
60.08. Form of judgment or order
62.01. Definitions
62.02. When to give security
62.03. Manner of giving security
62.04. Failure to give security
62.05. Variation or setting aside
63.01. Interpretation
63.02. Application
63.03. General rule
63.04. Time for order for costs, taxation and payment
63.05. Costs of question or part of proceeding
63.06. By whom costs to be taxed
63.07. Other orders for payment of costs
63.08. Cost on writ and on default judgment
63.09. Costs in Local Court, &c.
63.10. No order for taxation required in certain cases
63.11. No order for costs required in certain cases
63.12. Enforcement of order of Taxing Master
63.13. Costs in account
63.14. Order for payment
63.15. Offer of compromise
63.16. Non-admission of fact or document
63.17. Interlocutory injunction
63.18. Interlocutory application
63.19. Inquiry as to ownership of property
63.20. Costs reserved
63.21. Costs liability of legal practitioner
63.22. Money claim in wrong Court, &c.
63.23. Trustee or mortgagee
63.24. Application
63.25. Bases of taxation
63.26. Standard basis
63.27. Indemnity basis
63.28. General basis
63.29. Where indemnity basis applicable
63.30. Party as trustee
63.31. Costs payable to solicitor where money claimed by or on behalf of person under disability
63.32. Ascertaining costs on a taxation
63.33. Powers of Taxing Master
63.34. Costs of taxation
63.35. Application
63.36. Summons for taxation
63.37. Filing of bill
63.38. Service of bill
63.39. Defendant not appearing
63.40. Content of bill
63.41. Disbursement or fee not paid
63.42. Charge of lawyer out of Territory
63.43. Amendment of bill
63.44. Agreement as to part of bill
63.45. Objection to bill
63.46. Discretionary costs
63.47. Taxation where no objection
63.48. Attendance of parties
63.49. Reference to Judge
63.50. Notice to person interested in fund
63.51. Application by person liable to pay
63.52. Solicitor at fault
63.53. Cross costs
63.54. Order on taxation
63.55. Objection, reconsideration and review
63.56. Application
63.57. Basis of taxation of costs payable by client
63.58. Basis of taxation of costs payable otherwise than by client
63.59. Costs payable to solicitor by his own client
63.60. Contentious business
63.60.1.Costs in grant of probate or administration
63.61. Procedure on taxation
63.62. Appointment to tax
63.63. Reference for taxation
63.63A. Taxation under settlement agreement
63.64. Failure to serve bill or tax
63.65. Application
63.66. Increased allowance
63.67. Service of several documents
63.68. Inclusion in bill of disbursement not made
63.69. Defendants with same solicitor
63.70. Certain cost to be included in witnesses allowance
63.71. Negotiations
63.72. Counsel's fees
63.72A. Cancellation fees for counsel
63.73. Barrister and solicitor
63.73A. Increase in costs allowed if offer of compromise not accepted
63.74. Interest on costs
63.75. GST
63.76. Further provision as to costs and interest on costs
64.01. Definitions
64.02. Application
64.03. Party having carriage of proceeding
64.04. Draft of the case
64.05. Form and contents
64.06. Settling the case
64.07. Objections
64.08. Signing the case
64.09. Stating the case
64.10. Extension of time
64.11. Filing the case
64.12. Setting down for hearing
64.13. Documents
64.14. Inferences
64.15. Insufficient case
64.16. Disputed facts
65.01. Application
65.02. Mode of application
65.03. Service of document
65.04. Documents for application
65.05. Procedure on application
66.01. Definitions
66.02. Payment of money
66.03. Possession of land
66.04. Delivery of goods
66.05. Doing or abstaining from doing an act
66.06. Attendance of natural person
66.07. Attendance of corporation
66.08. Attendance before another Court, etc.
66.09. Contempt
66.10. Service before committal or sequestration
66.11. Substituted performance
66.12. Enforcement by or against non-party
66.13. Non-performance of condition
66.14. Matters occurring after judgment
66.15. Order in aid of enforcement
66.16. Stay of execution
67.01. Definitions
67.02. Order for examination or production
67.03. Corporation
67.04. Procedure
67.05. Record of examination
68.01. Definitions
68.02. Leave to issue warrant
68.03. Separate execution for costs
68.04. Issue of warrant of execution
68.05. Duration
68.06. Costs of prior execution
68.07. Provision for enforcing payment of money
68.08. Form of warrant of execution
69.01. Definitions
69.02. Application
69.03. New enforcement process
69.04. Two or more warrants
69.05. Order of sale
69.06. Time and place of sale
69.07. Advertisement of sale
69.08. Notional possession of goods
70.01. Payment of money
70.02. Removal of goods on warrant of possession
71.01. Definitions and application
71.02. What debts attachable
71.03. Bank account
71.04. Filing and service of garnishee summons
71.05. Evidence on application for garnishee summons
71.06. Garnishee summons
71.07. Service of summons
71.08. What debts attached, when and to what extent
71.09. Payment to judgment creditor
71.10. Dispute of liability by garnishee
71.11. Claim by other person
71.12. Discharge of garnishee
71.13. Money in Court
71.14. Costs
72.01. Definitions
72.02. Application for attachment of earnings order
72.03. Making of order
72.04. Attendance of or information about judgment debtor
72.05. Contents of order
72.06. Service of orders
72.07. Employer to make payments
72.08. Attachment of earnings in place of other orders
72.09. Execution after attachment of earnings
72.10. Discharge or variation of order
72.11. Cessation of attachment of earnings order
72.12. Two or more orders in force
72.13. When varied order taken to be made
72.14. Notice to judgment debtor of payments
72.15. Determination of earnings
72.16. Service
73.01. Definitions
73.02. Order charging securities
73.03. Filing and service of charging summons
73.04. Evidence on application for charging summons
73.05. Charging summons
73.06. Service of summons
73.07. Effect of service of summons
73.08. Order on summons hearing
73.09. Effect and enforcement of charge
73.10. Variation or discharge of order
73.11. Order charging funds in Court
73.12. Stop order for funds in Court
73.13. Stop notice on corporation stock not in Court
73.14. Effect of stop notice
73.15. Withdrawal or discharge of stop notice
73.16. Prohibition of transfer of or payment on stock
74.01. Procedure
74.02. Appointment of receiver by way of equitable execution
75.01. Definition
75.02. Contempt in face of the Court
75.03. Procedure on hearing of charge
75.04. Custody pending disposal of charge
75.05. Application
75.06. Procedure
75.07. Application by Registrar
75.08. Arrest of respondent
75.09. Warrant for arrest
75.10. Application
75.11. Punishment for contempt
75.12. Discharge
75.13. Warrant for committal
75.14. Costs
76.01. Definitions
76.02. Enforcement by sequestration
76.03. Order for sequestration
76.04. Application
77.01. Authority in civil proceedings
77.02. Limitation on authority
77.03. Associate Judge to hear application
77.04. Reference by Associate Judge to Judge
78.01. Directions in judgment
78.02. Claims
78.03. Interest on debts
78.04. Interest on legacies
78.05. Account or inquiry by Associate Judge
78.06. Associate Judges's order
79.01. Application
79.02. Litigants' Fund
79.03. Particulars of payment
79.04. Other application of moneys
79.05. Money in Court or to be paid into Court for person under disability
79.06. Delay
79.07. Investment of moneys paid into Court
79.07.1.Unclaimed money
79.08. Payment under order
80.01. Application
80.02. Documents required
80.03. Service
80.04. Affidavit of service
80.05. Certificate
81.01. Procedure
81.02. Examiner
81.03. Conduct of examination
81.04. Attendance of non-party
81.05. Deposition and exhibits
81.06. Certificate
81A.01. Interpretation
81A.02. Application
81A.02A.Authority of Associate Judge in criminal proceedings
81A.03. Dispensing with compliance
81A.04. Time
81A.05. Private practitioner acting for accused to notify Court
81A.06. How document is filed
81A.07. Place of filing
81A.08. Date of filing
81A.09. Inspection of documents
81A.10. Service
81A.11. Applications generally
81A.12. Proceeding for breach of bail
81A.14. Arraignments
81A.15. Fixing time for pre-trial conference
81A.16. Pre-trial conference
81A.17. Powers of criminal registrar at pre-trial conference
81A.18. Pre-trial hearing
81A.19. Tendering documents at pre-trial conference or pre-trial hearing
81A.20. Definition
81A.21. Duty to disclose risk
81A.22. Court may order disclosure to Sheriff and officer in charge of prison
81A.23. Sheriff to be informed of and explain order
81A.24. "At risk" to be written on warrants
81A.25. Subpoenas
81A.26. Evidence by videoconferencing
81A.27. Victim impact statements and victim reports
81A.27A.Special hearing
81A.27B.Accused to plead
81A.27C.Objection to admissibility of evidence
81A.27D.Special hearing may be re-opened
81A.27E.Duplicate of recording to be made
81A.27F.Editing of recording
81A.27G.Access to recording
81A.27J.Other matters
81A.28. Discovery, inspection and preservation of property
81A.29. Inspection, detention and preservation of property
81A.30. Rights of person affected by ex parte orders
81A.31. Return of preliminary exhibits
81A.32. Preservation of exhibits
81A.33. Court of trial may permit conditional release of documents etc.
81A.34. Release of documents etc. tendered in pursuance of section 189 of Evidence (National Uniform Legislation) Act 2011
81A.35. Destruction of uncollected documents etc.
81A.36. Custody of property of person found guilty
81A.37. Order for security to be given
81A.38. Consequential orders
81A.38A.Submissions on sentencing or sentencing by videoconference by the Judge's own motion
81A.38B.Submissions on sentencing or sentencing by videoconference by application
81A.39. Record of proceedings and recording of orders
81A.40. Certificate of conviction
81A.41. Form of warrants, orders etc.
82.01. Definitions
82.02. Application to appeals
82.03. Operation of Chapter 1
82.04. Filing and service of notice of appeal
82.05. Contents of notice of appeal
82.06. Amendment by supplementary notice
82.07. Competency of appeal
82.08. Cross-appeal
82.09. Notice of contention
82.10. Party's submissions and list of authorities
82.11. Preparation of draft index to appeal book
82.12. Directions hearing
82.13. Appeal book
82.14. Application of Part
82.15. Filing and service of applications
82.16. Supporting documents
82.17. Hearing at same time as appeal
82.18. Response to application
82.19. Determination of application
82.20. If leave granted
82.21. Criminal Code certificate
82.22. Consequential orders
82.23. Reservation of points of law
82.24. Failure to appear
82.25. Notice under Criminal Code
82.26. Parties
82.27. Serial numbers and seals
82.28. No stay of proceedings or execution
82.29. Discontinuance of appeal
82.30. Forms
88.01. Application
88.01.1.Validation of will
88.02. Interpretation
88.03. Transition
88.04. Heading and title
88.05. Powers of Registrar
88.05A. Application by minor for authorisation to make etc. will
88.05B. Application for leave to apply for order regarding will of person without testamentary capacity
88.05C. Application for order to rectify will
88.05D. Application under section 18, 20 or 27 of Wills Act 2000 to be heard by Judge
88.06. Application of Part
88.07. Commencement of proceedings
88.08. Hearing
88.09. Publication of notice of intended application
88.10. Delay
88.11. Domicile out of the Territory
88.12. Identity
88.13. Renunciation
88.14. Evidence of attestation
88.15. Testator's knowledge and approval of contents
88.16. Further evidence as to execution
88.17. Date of execution
88.18. Interlineations, obliterations and alterations
88.19. Documents referred to or attached
88.20. Part of will paper torn off or cut off
88.21. Burning, tearing or other sign of revocation
88.22. Inoperative will
88.23. Evidence and documents in applications for probate
88.24. Evidence and documents in applications for administration
88.25. Evidence and documents in applications for administration with will annexed
88.26. Evidence and documents in applications for resealing
88.27. Affidavit of assets and liabilities
88.28. Administration during minority
88.29. Elected guardians
88.30. Assigned guardians
88.31. Leave to commence proceedings
88.32. Citations
88.33. Proceeding for leave
88.34. Applications in small estates
88.35. Directions
88.36. Record of death
88.37. Form of application
88.38. Application of Division
88.39. Commencement of proceeding
88.40. Claims of interest
88.41. Deposit of grant
88.42. Commencement of non-contentious proceedings
88.43. Commencement of contentious proceedings
88.44. Cross-claim
88.45. Intervention
88.46. Request for issue
88.47. Citation to be settled
88.48. Seal
88.49. Registrar to file copy
88.50. Citation to bring in abolished
88.51. Citation to pray for administration
88.52. Citation to take probate
88.53. Citation to see proceeding
88.54. Proceeding where executor neglects to prove will
88.55. Time for answer to a citation
88.56. Service
88.57. Appearance by person cited to see
88.58. Election to be respondent
88.59. Person under disability
88.60. Person under disability elects to become defendant
88.61. Proof of service of citation to see
88.62. Caveat in respect of grant
88.63. Caveat for solemn form
88.64. Duration
88.65. Leave to withdraw caveat – no proceeding for grant
88.66. Leave to withdraw caveat – proceeding for grant
88.67. Withdrawal
88.68. Recoupment of costs
88.69. Citation of caveator to see
88.70. Order that caveat cease to be in force
88.71. Proceeding by a writ or originating motion
88.74. Service of notice or summons under section 91
88.75. Extension of time
88.76. Order to file, &c., accounts
88.77. Commencement of proceeding for passing or commission
88.78. Proceeding for passing accounts, &c.
88.79. Uncontested proceeding for passing accounts
88.80. Affidavits in support of commission
88.81. Renunciation
88.82. Notice
88.83. Review
88.84. Accounting party
88.85. Public Trustee
88.86. Applications under Probate Act and these Rules
88.87. Notice of appearance
88.88. Notice of intended distribution
88.89. Registrar not to deal with application for representation in certain cases
88.90. Solemn form
89.01. Application
89.02. Definitions
89.03. Form of documents
89.04. Application by Attorney-General
89.05. Removal of proceeding
89.06. Notice
89.07. Service out of Territory
89.08. Procedure after transfer
89.09. Conduct of proceeding
89.10. Directions
89.11. Applications made to Judge
90.01. Interpretation
90.02. Registrar and Marshall
90.03. Operation of Chapters 1 and 2
90.04. Marshall may charge fees
91.01. Definitions
91.02. Application of Chapter 1
91.03. Commencement of proceedings
91.04. Jurisdiction of Associate Judges
91.05. Court assistance in taking evidence
91.06. Subpoenas
91.07. Application to determine a question of law
91.08. Application to set aside an arbitral award
91.09. Appeal on a question of law
91.10. Enforcement of award
91.11. Application of Part
91.12. Offer of compromise
91.13. Time for making or accepting an offer
91.14. Offer without prejudice
91.15. Time for payment
91.16. Withdrawal of acceptance
91.17. Disclosure of offer to arbitrator
91.18. Failure to comply with accepted offer
91.19. Costs if the offer is not accepted
91.20. Transitional matters
92.01. Interpretation
92.02. Application
92.03. Application ex parte
92.04. Application on notice
92.05. Application in relation to deceased person
92.06. Evidence by affidavit
92.07. Affidavit of service
92.08. Discovery
92.09. Examination
92.10. Secrecy provisions in relation to examinations and matters generally
92.11. Damages
92.12. Registration of interstate orders
92.13. Objection
92.14. Restraining order ceasing to have effect
92.15. Forms
93.01. Definitions
93.02. Applications for bail or review of bail
93.03. Application of provisions of Chapter 1A
94.01. Interpretation
94.02. Application
94.03. Application under section 6 by originating motion
94.04. Affidavit
94.05. Security for costs may be ordered
94.06. Order on application
94.07. Notice of registration
94.08. Application to set aside
94.09. Enforcement of judgment
94.10. Certified copy of judgment
94.11. Certificates
94.12. Associate Judge
95.01. Full Court to exercise jurisdiction of Court in certain matters relating to lawyers
96.01. Notice of particulars
96.02. Objection to interpreter
97.01. Form of application for waiver or deferral of fee
97.02. Certificate that fees paid or waived
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