(1) A pleading shall:
(a) specify the name of the legal practitioner, if any, who has the conduct of the proceeding on behalf of the party filing the pleading;
(b) be signed and dated by that legal practitioner or, where there is no such legal practitioner, by the party;
(c) contain a description of the pleading; and
(d) be divided into paragraphs numbered consecutively and each allegation, so far as practicable, shall be contained in a separate paragraph.
(2) Where a pleading has been settled by counsel or a legal practitioner other than the legal practitioner referred to in subrule (1)(a), the name of counsel or that other legal practitioner and the fact that it was so settled shall be noted on the pleading.
(3) A pleading shall be signed by the legal practitioner who settled it or, where the pleading was not settled by a legal practitioner, by the party.