(1) An alcohol protection order issued under section 6 ceases to be in force as soon as the adult to whom it was issued is no longer considered to have allegedly committed the qualifying offence in respect of which it was issued.
(2) As soon as practicable after an adult is no longer considered to have allegedly committed the qualifying offence in respect of which the alcohol protection order was issued, an officer must give the adult, or a person who the officer reasonably believes to be the adult's legal representative, a notice in writing to that effect.
(3) For subsections (1) and (2), an adult is no longer considered to have allegedly committed a qualifying offence if:
(a) there is a trial in respect of the qualifying offence and the adult is found not guilty; or
(b) the charges in respect of the qualifying offence are withdrawn or dismissed; or
(c) for another reason, the adult is not liable to be punished in respect of the qualifying offence.