After section 53
For a control program, the Chief Inspector may take any of the following actions in the program area:
(a) locate and assemble unowned controlled livestock for testing, inspection, treatment or valuation;
(b) mark unowned controlled livestock for their identification;
(c) test unowned controlled livestock using a test specified in a notice under section 51;
(d) treat unowned controlled livestock;
(e) erect, repair or maintain fences or structures to ensure unowned controlled livestock are contained;
(f) move or restrict the movement of unowned controlled livestock;
(g) move unowned controlled livestock to an abattoir for slaughter;
(h) destroy unowned controlled livestock;
(i) destroy unowned livestock that are not controlled livestock to protect the health and welfare of other livestock.
Example for paragraph (i)
An order may be that certain livestock be destroyed because of overcrowding resulting from actions taken under the control program.