(1) On completing the hearing of a disciplinary matter, the Commission must:
(a) dismiss the matter if satisfied that there are no grounds for taking disciplinary action; or
(b) take disciplinary action if satisfied that there are grounds to do so.
(2) On completing the hearing of a complaint, the Commission may take no action or any action referred to in section 224 (2).
(3) After making a decision under subsection (1) or (2), the Commission must give:
(a) a decision notice to the parties to the hearing; and
(b) a copy of the decision notice to any person not a party who made a complaint under section 220 that initiated the hearing.
(4) Any action imposed on a person takes effect on the later of the following:
(a) the day the decision notice is served on the person;
(b) the day specified in the decision notice.
(6) The Commission must publish a notice of any disciplinary action taken by the Commission.