(1) A race club that holds race meetings must take reasonable steps to:
(a) control, supervise, regulate and promote its race meetings; and
(b) develop and implement policies for:
(i) paragraph (a); and
(ii) the protection of the public interest; and
(iii) the welfare of animals used in the racing industry.
(2) A race club must ensure that no person offers or receives wagers at its racecourse without a licence authorising that conduct.
(3) A race club that holds race meetings must fix the areas where and the hours during which wagering licensees may conduct their business.
(4) Nothing in this Act authorises a race club to impose:
(a) conditions on wagering licensees other than those conditions allowed under subsection (3); or
(b) a fee or charge for allowing a wagering licensee to conduct business on a racecourse under its control, unless the fee is authorised, in writing, by the Commission.