(1) A person is eligible to hold office as a member of the Tribunal if the person:
(a) has demonstrable skills, knowledge or experience to enable the person to exercise the powers and perform the functions related to appeals; and
(b) is not ineligible under subsection (2); and
(c) is a fit and proper person; and
(d) resides in the Territory, unless the Minister grants an exception.
Note for subsection (1)(a)
The skills, knowledge or experience need not be limited to Australia.
(2) A person is not eligible to appointed or hold office as a member of the Tribunal if the person:
(a) at any time within the previous 2 years, whether or not professionally, licensed or registered:
(i) was a member of the committee, or an employee, of a race club; or
(ii) had an interest, either directly or indirectly, in a business licensed under this Act; or
(iii) had management or control of an office or agency established under an agency agreement with the licensee of a totalisator licence issued under the Totalisator Licensing and Regulation Act 2000 ; or
(b) at any time within the previous 2 years:
(i) was a rider in thoroughbred racing or driver in harness racing; or
(ii) trained horses or greyhounds for racing; or
(c) at any time within the previous 3 years:
(i) became bankrupt; or
(ii) applied to take the benefit of a law for the relief of bankrupt or insolvent debtors; or
(iii) compounded with creditors or makes an assignment of the person's remuneration for their benefit.
(4) The Minister may undertake any investigation the Minister considers necessary to assess a person's suitability to be appointed as a member of the Tribunal.
(5) A member of the Tribunal must notify the Minister in writing if the member is no longer eligible to hold office.