In this Act:
"affected person", see section 23 (2).
"child" means a person under 18 years old.
"Commissioner", see section 4(1) of the Consumer Affairs and Fair Trading Act 1990.
"dangerous drug", see section 3(1) of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1990.
"executive officer", of a body corporate, means a director or other person who is concerned with, or takes part in, the management of the body corporate.
"operator", of a sex services business, means a person who owns or operates the business.
"personal information", see section 4A of the Information Act 2002.
"Review Committee" means the Review Committee established under section 24A.
"reviewable decision", see section 23 (1).
"sex services business" means a business that provides for or arranges sex work.
"sex work" means the provision by a person of services that involve the person participating in sexual activity with another person in return for payment or reward.
"sex worker" means a person who performs sex work.
"suitability certificate "means a suitability certificate issued under section 19 .