(1) Section 5(1), definitions Australian Design Rule , Australian Motor Vehicle Certification Board"," certification plate , former owner , "gross vehicle mass", multi-purpose passenger car , "new owner", passenger car , passenger car derivative", "Territory motor vehicle , vehicle identification number and visiting motor vehicle
(2) Section 5(1)
"Australian Design Rule "means a national road vehicle standard determined under section 12 of the Road Vehicle Standards Act 2018 (Cth).
"Australian Vehicle Standards Rules" means the Australian Vehicle Standards Rules set out in Schedule 6 of the Standards.
"former owner", in relation to a motor vehicle or trailer that is sold or disposed of, means the person who owned the motor vehicle or trailer immediately before the sale or disposal.
"GCM "or gross combination mass , of a motor vehicle, means the sum of the maximum laden mass of the motor vehicle and any other vehicle or vehicles it may tow at the same time, as determined in accordance with section 60B.
"GVM "or gross vehicle mass , of a vehicle, means the maximum laden mass at which the vehicle may be operated as determined in accordance with section 60A.
"identification device "means a plate or label that is:
(a) attached to a motor vehicle or trailer; and
(b) part of the identification requirements for the motor vehicle or trailer under section 101(1) or (2).
"new owner", in relation to a motor vehicle or trailer that is sold or disposed of, means the person to whom the motor vehicle or trailer is sold or disposed of.
RAV or Register of Approved Vehicles means the Register of Approved Vehicles kept under section 14(1) of the Road Vehicle Standards Act 2018 (Cth).
"second edition ADR "means an Australian Design Rule incorporated in the document entitled "Australian Design Rules for Motor Vehicle Safety, Second Edition" originally published by the then Commonwealth Department of Transport.
"third edition ADR" means an Australian Design Rule that is not a second edition ADR.
"vehicle identification number", of a motor vehicle or trailer, means:
(a) the vehicle identifier of the motor vehicle or trailer; or
(b) the number allotted by the Registrar to the motor vehicle or trailer under section 101AA(1) and marked on the motor vehicle or trailer under section 101AA(2).
"vehicle identifier" means:
(a) for a motor vehicle or trailer manufactured on or before 30 June 1988 – a number permanently marked on the motor vehicle or trailer by the manufacturer for its identification and accepted by the Registrar as a unique identifier; or
(b) for a motor vehicle or trailer manufactured after 30 June 1988 – the identification number allocated to and permanently marked on the motor vehicle or trailer by the manufacturer in accordance with an Australian Design Rule.
"visiting vehicle" means a vehicle that:
(a) is registered in a State, another Territory or another country; and
(b) if required under the law of that State, Territory or country – has affixed to it a current registration label and a number plate or plates; and
(c) is temporarily in the Northern Territory.
(3) Section 5(1), definition "owner", after "vehicle" ( all references )
or trailer
(4) Section 5(3)
omit, insert
(2) Unless otherwise provided, a reference in this Act to an Australian Design Rule is a reference to the rule as in force from time to time.
(3) A reference in this Act to an Australian Design Rule is a reference to the rule read in conjunction with:
(a) for a second edition ADR – the document entitled "Australian Design Rules - Definitions" that forms part of the document entitled "Australian Design Rules for Motor Vehicle Safety, Second Edition" originally published by the then Commonwealth Department of Transport; or
(b) for a third edition ADR – the Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule - Definitions and Vehicle Categories) 2005 (Cth).
(4) If an Australian Design Rule mentioned in this Act refers to another document, the other document is taken to be incorporated with, and form part of, the Australian Design Rule.
(5) A reference in this Act to a second edition ADR, or third edition ADR, followed by a number is a reference to the second edition ADR, or third edition ADR, as appropriate, of that number.
(6) A reference in this Act to a number includes a reference to a letter of the alphabet.
(7) A word or expression defined in the Australian Vehicle Standards Rules applies to those Rules despite any inconsistent definition in this Act.