Northern Territory Numbered Regulations

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   1.      Title  
   2.      Commencement  
   3.      Definitions  
   4.      Meaning of minimum information  


           Division 1--General matters

   5.      Application of Division  
   6.      Duty to identify hazards  
   7.      Hierarchy of control measures  
   8.      Maintenance of control measures  
   9.      Review of control measures  
   10.     Safe work practices  
   11.     Multiple duties  

           Division 2--Risk assessments and safe work method statements

   12.     Risk assessments and safe work method statements  
   13.     Access to risk assessments and safe work method statements  


           Division 1--Electrical work licences

   14.     Classes of electrical work licences  
   15.     Unrestricted electrical mechanic licence  
   16.     Unrestricted electrical mechanic and fitter licence  
   17.     Term of unrestricted electrical work licences  
   18.     Restricted electrical work licence  
   19.     Endorsements  
   20.     Air-conditioning and refrigeration equipment work endorsement  
   21.     Disconnect and reconnect work endorsement – basic electrical equipment  
   22.     Disconnect and reconnect work endorsement – water heaters  
   23.     Disconnect and reconnect work endorsement – explosion protected equipment  
   24.     Disconnect and reconnect work endorsement – self-propelled, high-voltage earthmoving equipment  
   25.     Domestic appliances and equipment work endorsement  
   26.     Electrical cable jointer work endorsement  
   27.     Electrical fitter work endorsement  
   28.     Electrical line work endorsement – distribution  
   29.     Electrical line work endorsement – transmission  
   30.     Electronics and communication equipment work endorsement  
   31.     Fire protection equipment work endorsement  
   32.     Gas equipment work endorsement  
   33.     Instrumentation and process control equipment work endorsement  
   34.     Maritime operations work endorsement  
   35.     Specialised commercial and industrial equipment work endorsement  
   36.     Water plumbing equipment work endorsement  
   37.     Other electrical work endorsed by Electrical Safety Regulator  
   38.     Term of restricted electrical work licence  

           Division 2--Electrical contractor licences

   39.     Eligibility for electrical contractor licence  
   40.     Nominated person on electrical contractor licence  
   41.     Removal of nominated person  
   42.     Term of electrical contractor licence  

           Division 3--In-house electrical licences

   43.     Eligibility for in-house electrical licences  

           Division 4--Conditions and restrictions

   44.     Conditions and restrictions on electrical work licence  
   45.     Conditions and restrictions on electrical contractor licence  
   46.     Advertising by licensed electrical contractor  
   47.     Conditions of in-house electrical licence  
   48.     Licence not transferable  
   49.     Licensee contact details  
   50.     Change in body corporate or partnership  

           Division 5--Apprentices and trainees

   51.     Levels of supervision  
   52.     Apprentices  
   53.     Trainees  
   54.     Term of trainee permit  
   55.     Trainee permit not transferable  
   56.     Duty of person conducting business or undertaking in relation to supervision  
   57.     Duty of holder of electrical work licence supervising  
   58.     Offence of failing to supervise apprentice or trainee  
   59.     Refusal of work  

           Division 6--Other matters related to licences and trainee permits

   60.     Other eligibility criteria for electrical work licence  
   61.     Colour identification test statement  
   62.     Further assessment  
   63.     Producing licence, trainee permit and other documents  
   64.     Return of licence or trainee permit  
   65.     Replacement of licence or trainee permit  
   66.     Renewal of licence or trainee permit  


           Division 1--Electrical equipment and electrical installations

   67.     Unsafe electrical equipment  
   68.     Cord extension sets and flexible cables  
   69.     Safety switches  
   70.     Electrical equipment in hostile environment  
   71.     Untested electrical equipment in hostile environment  

           Division 2--Electrical work on energised electrical equipment

   72.     Application of Division  
   73.     Testing to determine whether equipment is energised  
   74.     Prohibition of electrical work on energised electrical equipment  
   75.     Preventing inadvertent energising  
   76.     Preliminary steps  
   77.     Performing electrical work on energised electrical equipment  
   78.     Authorised access only  
   79.     Contact with equipment being worked on  

           Division 3--Safety switches

   80.     Use of socket outlets in hostile environment  
   81.     Testing of safety switches  

           Division 4--Consumer electrical equipment

   82.     Approved consumer electrical equipment  


           Division 1--Application of Part

   83.     Application of Part  

           Division 2--Wiring Rules

   84.     Exemption for streetlights  
   85.     Compliance with Wiring Rules  
   86.     Examination and testing  
   87.     Compliance with Wiring Rules  
   88.     Compliance with current standards  
   89.     Suitability of testing instruments  
   90.     Duty to comply with Wiring Rules  
   91.     Duty of person conducting business or undertaking  

           Division 3--General electrical work

   92.     Electrical work involving pools, water features and water tubs  
   93.     Duty of person in control to fix defect  
   94.     Earthing  
   95.     Duty to preserve insulation of electric line  
   96.     Duty to ensure safety of disconnected overhead electric line  

           Division 4--Certificates of compliance

   97.     Contents of certificates of compliance  

           Division 5--Misrepresentation

   98.     Misrepresentations about electrical work  
   99.     Misrepresentation about contract to perform electrical work  
   100.    Misrepresentation about licence  
   101.    Other misrepresentation  

           Division 6--Other matters

   102.    Electrical equipment with serious defect  
   103.    Rescue and resuscitation training  


           Division 1--Construction work

   104.    Standards for electrical equipment for construction  
   105.    Electrical equipment for construction  
   106.    Construction wiring  
   107.    Defence  

           Division 2--Manufacturing work

   108.    Double adaptors and piggyback plugs prohibited  
   109.    Safety switches  
   110.    Specified electrical equipment  
   111.    Manufacturing work – safety switch  

           Division 3--Service work and office work

   112.    Specified electrical equipment  
   113.    Safety switches – service work and office work  

           Division 4--Electrical work related to amusement devices, rides and activities

   114.    Application of Division  
   115.    Double adaptors and piggyback plugs prohibited  
   116.    Specified electrical equipment  
   117.    Amusement devices and amusement rides  
   118.    Safety switches  

           Division 5--Work in proximity to exposed conductors or electrical equipment

   119.    Work involving danger of direct contact with live conductors  
   120.    Work in proximity to exposed conductors or electrical equipment  

           Division 6--High voltage electrical work

   121.    Performance of high voltage live line work  
   122.    High voltage live line work management plan  
   123.    Work in proximity to exposed high voltage conductors or electrical equipment  
   124.    Direct contact with exposed high voltage electrical equipment  
   125.    Live high voltage line work  
   126.    Authorisations – high voltage  
   127.    Regular assessment  

           Division 7--Work in roof spaces

   128.    Roof spaces de-energised  
   129.    Offence related to electrical work in roof spaces  

           Division 8--Installation of ceiling insulation

   130.    Training for assessment of electrical risk  
   131.    Installation standard  
   132.    Energised equipment in ceiling prohibited  
   133.    Assessment of electrical risk and control measures  
   134.    Electrically conductive ceiling insulation on joists prohibited  
   135.    Metal or other conductive fasteners for ceiling insulation prohibited  

           Division 9--Photovoltaic arrays

   136.    Standards  
   137.    Enclosure of photovoltaic array  
   138.    Power conversion equipment  
   139.    Isolators prohibited on roof  
   140.    Disconnection points  
   141.    Signage  

           Division 10--Energy storage systems

   142.    Installation of energy storage systems  
   143.    Smoke alarm – indoors  
   144.    Safety – indoor installation  
   145.    Safety – outside installation  
   146.    Storage of combustible materials  
   147.    Signage – general  
   148.    Fire indicator panels  
   149.    Signage – commercial operations  
   150.    Registration – commercial operations  
   151.    Notice of ceasing operation  

           Division 11--Electric vehicles

   152.    Smoke alarms  
   153.    Signage – inside building  
   154.    Signage – on land or outside building  
   155.    Other signage  
   156.    Protection for freestanding electrical connection points for electric vehicles  


           Division 1--Service lines

   157.    Duties related to service lines  
   158.    Inspection of clamps and apparatus  
   159.    Structure supporting electric line or equipment  

           Division 2--Maintenance related to powerlines

   160.    Trimming of trees near overhead electric line  
   161.    Consultation with owner or occupier before remedial action to clear vegetation  

           Division 3--Proximity to powerlines and electricity infrastructure

              Subdivision 1--Proximity to powerlines

   162.    Proximity to powerlines  
   163.    Erection of buildings in proximity to powerlines  
   164.    Prohibition of certain activities in proximity to powerlines  
   165.    Register of underground powerlines  

              Subdivision 2--Conduct in proximity to electricity infrastructure

   166.    Placement of materials in proximity to electricity infrastructure  
   167.    Placement of materials in proximity to supporting structures  
   168.    Placement of materials in proximity to substations  
   169.    Prohibition of burning in proximity to electricity infrastructure  
   170.    Protection of underground powerlines  
   171.    Entangled objects  
   172.    Altering ground levels near electricity infrastructure  

              Subdivision 3--Transportation in proximity to powerlines

   173.    Transportation  
   174.    Recovery of costs  
   175.    Obstruction of road  
   176.    Interference or damage of road  
   177.    Removal of danger on road  

           Division 4--Cathodic protection systems

   178.    Cathodic protection systems  

           Division 5--Distribution entity improvement notices

   179.    Giving improvement notice  
   180.    Contents of improvement notices  
   181.    Extension of time for compliance with improvement notices  
   182.    Compliance with improvement notice  

           Division 6--Other matters

   183.    Changes to safety management and mitigation plan  


           Division 1--Potential risks

   184.    Notice to purchaser of land about potential risks  
   185.    Duty of purchaser to rectify potential risks  

           Division 2--Approved safety switches

   186.    Notice to purchaser of land about approved safety switches  
   187.    Notice to Electrical Safety Regulator – approved safety switches  
   188.    Duty of purchaser to install approved safety switches  
   189.    Testing of safety switches for residential premises subject to tenancy agreement  
   190.    Installation of approved safety switch for residential premises subject to tenancy agreement  
   191.    Performing electrical installation work for domestic residences and residential premises  


   192.    Register of engaged workers  
   193.    Record of apprentices and trainees  
   194.    Appointment of inspectors  
   195.    Fees  
   196.    Display of distribution entity improvement notice  
   197.    Costs of ensuring compliance with direction  
   198.    General offence  
   199.    Register of licences  
   200.    Information sharing  


   201.    Infringement notice offence and infringement amount payable  
   202.    When infringement notice may be given  
   203.    Contents of infringement notice  
   204.    Effective date of payment methods  
   205.    Expiation of offence  
   206.    Withdrawal of infringement notice  
   207.    Effect of Part  
           SCHEDULE 1
           SCHEDULE 2
           SCHEDULE 3
           SCHEDULE 4
           SCHEDULE 5
           SCHEDULE 6

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