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Queensland APPROPRIATION BILL 1998 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Section Page 1 Short title . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2 Supply for 1998-99 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3 Supplementary appropriation for 1997-98 based on statement of unforeseen expenditure to be appropriated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4 Supply for 1999-2000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5 Repeal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 SCHEDULE 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 PART 1--MINISTERIAL PORTFOLIO SUMMARY PART 2--SUPPLY FOR 1998-99 CONSOLIDATED FUND SUMMARY PART 3--SUPPLY FOR 1998-99 CONSOLIDATED FUND PART 4--SUPPLY FOR 1998-99 TRUST AND SPECIAL FUNDS SUMMARY PART 5--SUPPLY FOR 1998-99 TRUST AND SPECIAL FUNDS SCHEDULE 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 PART 1--SUPPLEMENTARY SUPPLY FOR 1997-98 CONSOLIDATED FUND PART 2--SUPPLEMENTARY SUPPLY FOR 1997-98 TRUST AND SPECIAL FUNDS




1998 A BILL FOR An Act to appropriate certain amounts for services in the financial years starting 1 July 1997, 1 July 1998 and 1 July 1999



s1 4 s3 Appropriation The Parliament of Queensland enacts-- 1 title 2 Short 1. This Act may be cited as the Appropriation Act 1998. 3 for 1998-99 4 Supply 2.(1) The Treasurer may issue from the public accounts, and apply for 5 services in the financial year starting 1 July 1998, the following amounts-- 6 From the consolidated fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 16 100 694 000 7 From the trust and special funds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 7 126 228 000 8 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 23 226 922 000 9 (2) The amounts mentioned in subsection (1) include the amounts 10 already authorised by the Appropriation Act 1997 to be issued from the 11 public accounts and applied for services in the financial year starting 12 1 July 1998. 13 (3) The amounts for the services mentioned in subsection (1) are 14 specified in the columns headed `Supply' in schedule 1, parts 2 and 4. 15 appropriation for 1997-98 based on statement of 16 Supplementary unforeseen expenditure to be appropriated 17 3.(1) The Treasurer may issue from the public accounts, and apply for 18 supplementing services in the financial year starting 1 July 1997, the 19 following amounts-- 20 From the consolidated fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1 110 264 000 21 From the trust and special funds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1 858 981 000 22 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2 969 245 000 23 (2) The supplementary services are specified in schedule 2. 24



s4 5 s5 Appropriation for 1999-2000 1 Supply 4. The Treasurer may issue from the public accounts, and apply for 2 services in the financial year starting 1 July 1999, the following amounts-- 3 From the consolidated fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 8 072 302 000 4 From the trust and special funds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 4 150 129 000 5 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 12 222 431 000 6 7 Repeal 5. The following Acts are repealed-- 8 · Appropriation Act 1995 9 · Appropriation Act (No. 2) 1995. 10 * The financial information in some columns in the schedules is rounded to the nearest thousand dollars. Accordingly, some additions may not add correctly due to rounding.



6 Appropriation CHEDULE 1 ¡S PART 1--MINISTERIAL PORTFOLIO SUMMARY Consolidated Trust and Special Fund Funds Budget Actual Supply Budget Actual Supply Minister/Organisational Unit 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 ESTIMATES COMMITTEE A PREMIER POLICY AREA 01 GENERAL PUBLIC SERVICES Parliamentary Commissioner for Administrative Investigations 3,323 3,351 5,183 .. .. .. Department of the Premier and Cabinet 79,565 81,875 167,759 .. .. .. Queensland Audit Office 16,341 16,797 16,238 .. .. .. POLICY AREA 02 LAW, ORDER AND PUBLIC SAFETY Department of the Premier and Cabinet 21,525 22,161 23,731 .. .. .. POLICY AREA 05 SOCIAL WELFARE AND HOUSING Department of the Premier and Cabinet 2,587 2,606 3,793 .. .. .. Total 123,341 126,790 216,704 .. .. ..



7 Appropriation SCHEDULE 1 (continued) PART 1--MINISTERIAL PORTFOLIO SUMMARY (continued) Consolidated Trust and Special Fund Funds Budget Actual Supply Budget Actual Supply Minister/Organisational Unit 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 DEPUTY PREMIER AND MINISTER FOR STATE DEVELOPMENT AND MINISTER FOR TRADE POLICY AREA 10 ECONOMIC SERVICES Department of State Development 102,097 132,440 147,689 58,990 35,824 104,620 Total 102,097 132,440 147,689 58,990 35,824 104,620 TREASURER POLICY AREA 01 GENERAL PUBLIC SERVICES Treasury Department 1,033,281 1,583,960 1,397,652 1,126,249 2,524,085 2,611,276 Total 1,033,281 1,583,960 1,397,652 1,126,249 2,524,085 2,611,276 EXECUTIVE AND LEGISLATIVE POLICY AREA 01 GENERAL PUBLIC SERVICES Office of the Governor 2,827 2,833 3,066 .. .. .. Total 2,827 2,833 3,066 .. .. ..



8 Appropriation SCHEDULE 1 (continued) PART 1--MINISTERIAL PORTFOLIO SUMMARY (continued) Consolidated Trust and Special Fund Funds Budget Actual Supply Budget Actual Supply Minister/Organisational Unit 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 ESTIMATES COMMITTEE B ATTORNEY-GENERAL AND MINISTER FOR JUSTICE AND MINISTER FOR THE ARTS POLICY AREA 01 GENERAL PUBLIC SERVICES Electoral Commission of Queensland 5,487 6,225 13,122 .. .. .. POLICY AREA 02 LAW, ORDER AND PUBLIC SAFETY Department of Justice and Attorney-General 217,981 213,313 212,157 19,068 33,019 24,692 Public Trust Office .. .. .. 36,325 35,384 40,982 POLICY AREA 06 CONSERVATION, RECREATION AND CULTURE Department of Justice and Attorney-General 124,932 137,923 172,743 .. 5,573 22,821 Total 348,400 357,461 398,022 55,393 73,976 88,495



9 Appropriation SCHEDULE 1 (continued) PART 1--MINISTERIAL PORTFOLIO SUMMARY (continued) Consolidated Trust and Special Fund Funds Budget Actual Supply Budget Actual Supply Minister/Organisational Unit 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 MINISTER FOR POLICE AND CORRECTIVE SERVICES POLICY AREA 02 LAW, ORDER AND PUBLIC SAFETY Department of Police 644,109 663,834 705,594 .. .. .. Queensland Corrective Services Commission 270,207 306,436 437,399 .. .. .. Total 914,316 970,270 1,142,993 .. .. .. MINISTER FOR EMERGENCY SERVICES POLICY AREA 02 LAW, ORDER AND PUBLIC SAFETY Queensland Ambulance Service .. .. .. 158,033 158,919 177,330 Department of Emergency Services 127,829 130,799 157,141 .. .. .. Queensland Fire and Rescue Authority .. .. .. 191,818 196,113 209,003 Total 127,829 130,799 157,141 349,851 355,032 386,333



10 Appropriation SCHEDULE 1 (continued) PART 1--MINISTERIAL PORTFOLIO SUMMARY (continued) Consolidated Trust and Special Fund Funds Budget Actual Supply Budget Actual Supply Minister/Organisational Unit 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 ESTIMATES COMMITTEE C MINISTER FOR TRANSPORT AND MINISTER FOR MAIN ROADS POLICY AREA 07 TRANSPORT Department of Main Roads 1,192,445 1,238,001 1,158,591 310,379 307,221 307,606 Department of Transport 1,043,916 1,061,346 1,216,886 5,107 6,576 1,108 Total 2,236,361 2,299,347 2,375,477 315,486 313,797 308,714 MINISTER FOR PUBLIC WORKS AND MINISTER FOR HOUSING POLICY AREA 01 GENERAL PUBLIC SERVICES Department of Public Works 251,303 271,319 297,889 1,526,387 1,795,903 1,720,569 POLICY AREA 05 SOCIAL WELFARE AND HOUSING Department of Housing 216,104 207,527 228,095 657,817 654,981 744,110 Total 467,407 478,846 525,984 2,184,204 2,450,884 2,464,679



11 Appropriation SCHEDULE 1 (continued) PART 1--MINISTERIAL PORTFOLIO SUMMARY (continued) Consolidated Trust and Special Fund Funds Budget Actual Supply Budget Actual Supply Minister/Organisational Unit 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 ESTIMATES COMMITTEE D MINISTER FOR PRIMARY INDUSTRIES POLICY AREA 08 AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND WATER RESOURCES Department of Primary Industries 274,561 281,232 289,008 96,512 92,090 92,021 Total 274,561 281,232 289,008 96,512 92,090 92,021 MINISTER FOR FAMILIES, YOUTH AND COMMUNITY CARE AND MINISTER FOR DISABILITY SERVICES POLICY AREA 05 SOCIAL WELFARE AND HOUSING Department of Families, Youth and Community Care 512,862 550,270 590,443 24,841 24,874 31,128 Total 512,862 550,270 590,443 24,841 24,874 31,128



12 Appropriation SCHEDULE 1 (continued) PART 1--MINISTERIAL PORTFOLIO SUMMARY (continued) Consolidated Trust and Special Fund Funds Budget Actual Supply Budget Actual Supply Minister/Organisational Unit 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 MINISTER FOR ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER POLICY AND MINISTER FOR WOMEN'S POLICY AND MINISTER FOR FAIR TRADING POLICY AREA 01 GENERAL PUBLIC SERVICES Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Policy and Development 36,397 38,531 49,013 .. .. .. Department of Equity and Fair Trading 2,392 2,325 4,763 .. .. .. POLICY AREA 02 LAW, ORDER AND PUBLIC SAFETY Department of Equity and Fair Trading 15,591 15,560 20,043 18,276 13,977 21,467 POLICY AREA 05 SOCIAL WELFARE AND HOUSING Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Policy and Development 48,966 54,022 55,384 .. .. .. Total 103,346 110,438 129,203 18,276 13,977 21,467



13 Appropriation SCHEDULE 1 (continued) PART 1--MINISTERIAL PORTFOLIO SUMMARY (continued) Consolidated Trust and Special Fund Funds Budget Actual Supply Budget Actual Supply Minister/Organisational Unit 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 ESTIMATES COMMITTEE E MINISTER FOR MINES AND ENERGY AND MINISTER ASSISTING THE DEPUTY PREMIER ON REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT POLICY AREA 09 MINING, ENERGY AND ELECTRICITY Department of Mines and Energy 155,497 156,907 160,546 .. 856 3,089 Total 155,497 156,907 160,546 .. 856 3,089 MINISTER FOR HEALTH POLICY AREA 04 HEALTH Department of Health 3,433,614 3,492,674 3,722,019 .. .. .. Total 3,433,614 3,492,674 3,722,019 .. .. ..



14 Appropriation SCHEDULE 1 (continued) PART 1--MINISTERIAL PORTFOLIO SUMMARY (continued) Consolidated Trust and Special Fund Funds Budget Actual Supply Budget Actual Supply Minister/Organisational Unit 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 ESTIMATES COMMITTEE F MINISTER FOR EMPLOYMENT, TRAINING AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS POLICY AREA 02 LAW, ORDER AND PUBLIC SAFETY Department of Employment, Training and Industrial Relations 63,900 64,932 68,500 .. .. .. POLICY AREA 03 EDUCATION Department of Employment, Training and Industrial Relations 516,568 591,223 572,208 .. .. .. POLICY AREA 10 ECONOMIC SERVICES Department of Employment, Training and Industrial Relations 23,088 23,675 71,386 .. .. .. Total 603,556 679,830 712,094 .. .. .. MINISTER FOR EDUCATION POLICY AREA 03 EDUCATION Department of Education 2,930,683 2,960,234 3,062,346 364,757 389,556 398,172 Total 2,930,683 2,960,234 3,062,346 364,757 389,556 398,172



15 Appropriation SCHEDULE 1 (continued) PART 1--MINISTERIAL PORTFOLIO SUMMARY (continued) Consolidated Trust and Special Fund Funds Budget Actual Supply Budget Actual Supply Minister/Organisational Unit 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 ESTIMATES COMMITTEE G MINISTER FOR COMMUNICATION & INFORMATION & MINISTER FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT, PLANNING, REGIONAL & RURAL COMMUNITIES POLICY AREA 01 GENERAL PUBLIC SERVICES Department of Communication and Information, Local Government and Planning 219,447 237,118 296,512 322,760 325,077 336,195 Total 219,447 237,118 296,512 322,760 325,077 336,195 MINISTER FOR TOURISM, SPORT AND RACING POLICY AREA 02 LAW, ORDER AND PUBLIC SAFETY Department of Tourism, Sport and Racing 6,723 18,917 7,105 1,300 1,410 .. POLICY AREA 06 CONSERVATION, RECREATION AND CULTURE Department of Tourism, Sport and Racing 12,217 .. .. 63,369 51,492 94,250



16 Appropriation SCHEDULE 1 (continued) PART 1--MINISTERIAL PORTFOLIO SUMMARY (continued) Consolidated Trust and Special Fund Funds Budget Actual Supply Budget Actual Supply Minister/Organisational Unit 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 POLICY AREA 10 ECONOMIC SERVICES Department of Tourism, Sport and Racing 52,813 120,532 123,927 26,923 29,791 28,087 Total 71,753 139,449 131,032 91,592 82,693 122,337 MINISTER FOR ENVIRONMENT AND HERITAGE AND MINISTER FOR NATURAL RESOURCES POLICY AREA 02 LAW, ORDER AND PUBLIC SAFETY Department of Natural Resources 7,223 7,223 8,836 .. .. .. POLICY AREA 06 CONSERVATION, RECREATION AND CULTURE Department of Environment and Heritage 156,114 161,552 181,635 6,110 6,021 6,903 POLICY AREA 08 AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND WATER RESOURCES Department of Natural Resources 279,386 279,386 347,736 149,163 122,938 150,799



17 Appropriation SCHEDULE 1 (continued) PART 1--MINISTERIAL PORTFOLIO SUMMARY (continued) Consolidated Trust and Special Fund Funds Budget Actual Supply Budget Actual Supply Minister/Organisational Unit 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 POLICY AREA 10 ECONOMIC SERVICES Department of Natural Resources 100,207 100,207 104,556 .. .. .. Total 542,930 548,368 642,763 155,273 128,959 157,702 TOTAL 14,204,108 15,239,266 16,100,694 5,164,184 6,811,680 7,126,228



18 Appropriation SCHEDULE 1 (continued) PART 2--SUPPLY FOR 1998-99 CONSOLIDATED FUND SUMMARY Budget Actual Supply Policy Areas-- 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 $'000 $'000 $'000 01 General Public Services 1,650,363 2,244,334 2,251,197 02 Law, Order and Public Safety 1,375,088 1,443,175 1,640,506 03 Education 3,447,251 3,551,457 3,634,554 04 Health 3,433,614 3,492,674 3,722,019 05 Social Welfare and Housing 780,519 814,425 877,715 06 Conservation, Recreation and Culture 293,263 299,475 354,378 07 Transport 2,236,361 2,299,347 2,375,477 08 Agriculture, Forestry and Water Resources 553,947 560,618 636,744 09 Mining, Energy and Electricity 155,497 156,907 160,546 10 Economic Services 278,205 376,854 447,558 TOTAL CONSOLIDATED FUND 14,204,108 15,239,266 16,100,694



19 Appropriation SCHEDULE 1 (continued) PART 3--SUPPLY FOR 1998-99 CONSOLIDATED FUND Budget Actual Supply 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 $'000 $'000 $'000 POLICY AREA 01 GENERAL PUBLIC SERVICES PROGRAM AREA 011 LEGISLATIVE AND EXECUTIVE SERVICES Department of Equity and Fair Trading 2,392 2,325 4,763 Electoral Commission of Queensland 5,487 6,225 13,122 Office of the Governor 2,827 2,833 3,066 Parliamentary Commissioner for Administrative Investigations 3,323 3,351 5,183 Department of the Premier and Cabinet 56,190 57,002 77,762 Queensland Audit Office 16,341 16,797 16,238 TOTAL FOR PROGRAM AREA 011 86,560 88,533 120,134 PROGRAM AREA 012 FINANCIAL AND FISCAL SERVICES Treasury Department 377,648 316,855 499,298 TOTAL FOR PROGRAM AREA 012 377,648 316,855 499,298 PROGRAM AREA 013 GENERAL POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Policy and Development 36,397 38,531 49,013 Department of Communication and Information, Local Government and Planning 219,447 237,118 296,512 Department of the Premier and Cabinet 23,375 24,873 89,997 TOTAL FOR PROGRAM AREA 013 279,219 300,522 435,522



20 Appropriation SCHEDULE 1 (continued) PART 3--SUPPLY FOR 1998-99 CONSOLIDATED FUND (continued) Budget Actual Supply 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 $'000 $'000 $'000 PROGRAM AREA 014 SUPERANNUATION Treasury Department 655,633 1,267,105 898,354 TOTAL FOR PROGRAM AREA 014 655,633 1,267,105 898,354 PROGRAM AREA 015 GENERAL SERVICES Department of Public Works 251,303 271,319 297,889 TOTAL FOR PROGRAM AREA 015 251,303 271,319 297,889 TOTAL FOR POLICY AREA 01 1,650,363 2,244,334 2,251,197 POLICY AREA 02 LAW, ORDER AND PUBLIC SAFETY PROGRAM AREA 021 POLICE SERVICES Department of Police 644,109 663,834 705,594 TOTAL FOR PROGRAM AREA 021 644,109 663,834 705,594 PROGRAM AREA 022 LAW COURTS AND LEGAL SERVICES Department of Equity and Fair Trading 15,591 15,560 20,043 Department of Justice and Attorney-General 217,981 213,313 212,157 Department of Natural Resources 7,223 7,223 8,836 Department of the Premier and Cabinet 21,525 22,161 23,731 Department of Tourism, Sport and Racing 6,723 18,917 7,105 TOTAL FOR PROGRAM AREA 022 269,043 277,174 271,872



21 Appropriation SCHEDULE 1 (continued) PART 3--SUPPLY FOR 1998-99 CONSOLIDATED FUND (continued) Budget Actual Supply 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 $'000 $'000 $'000 PROGRAM AREA 023 CORRECTIVE SERVICES Queensland Corrective Services Commission 270,207 306,436 437,399 TOTAL FOR PROGRAM AREA 023 270,207 306,436 437,399 PROGRAM AREA 024 PUBLIC SAFETY Department of Emergency Services 127,829 130,799 157,141 Department of Employment, Training and Industrial Relations 63,900 64,932 68,500 TOTAL FOR PROGRAM AREA 024 191,729 195,731 225,641 TOTAL FOR POLICY AREA 02 1,375,088 1,443,175 1,640,506 POLICY AREA 03 EDUCATION PROGRAM AREA 031 STUDIES Department of Education 2,912,926 2,942,418 3,040,210 TOTAL FOR PROGRAM AREA 031 2,912,926 2,942,418 3,040,210 PROGRAM AREA 033 TECHNICAL AND FURTHER EDUCATION Department of Employment, Training and Industrial Relations 516,568 591,223 572,208 TOTAL FOR PROGRAM AREA 033 516,568 591,223 572,208



22 Appropriation SCHEDULE 1 (continued) PART 3--SUPPLY FOR 1998-99 CONSOLIDATED FUND (continued) Budget Actual Supply 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 $'000 $'000 $'000 PROGRAM AREA 034 OTHER TERTIARY EDUCATION Department of Education 17,757 17,816 22,136 TOTAL FOR PROGRAM AREA 034 17,757 17,816 22,136 TOTAL FOR POLICY AREA 03 3,447,251 3,551,457 3,634,554 POLICY AREA 04 HEALTH PROGRAM AREA 041 PUBLIC HEALTH Department of Health 97,294 104,276 114,455 TOTAL FOR PROGRAM AREA 041 97,294 104,276 114,455 PROGRAM AREA 048 DISTRICT HEALTH SERVICES Department of Health 3,226,665 3,272,131 3,480,848 TOTAL FOR PROGRAM AREA 048 3,226,665 3,272,131 3,480,848 PROGRAM AREA 049 PATHOLOGY AND SCIENTIFIC SERVICES Department of Health 109,655 116,267 126,716 TOTAL FOR PROGRAM AREA 049 109,655 116,267 126,716 TOTAL FOR POLICY AREA 04 3,433,614 3,492,674 3,722,019



23 Appropriation SCHEDULE 1 (continued) PART 3--SUPPLY FOR 1998-99 CONSOLIDATED FUND (continued) Budget Actual Supply 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 $'000 $'000 $'000 POLICY AREA 05 SOCIAL WELFARE AND HOUSING PROGRAM AREA 051 WELFARE SERVICES Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Policy and Development 48,966 54,022 55,384 Department of Families, Youth and Community Care 512,862 550,270 590,443 Department of the Premier and Cabinet 2,587 2,606 3,793 TOTAL FOR PROGRAM AREA 051 564,415 606,898 649,620 PROGRAM AREA 052 HOUSING Department of Housing 216,104 207,527 228,095 TOTAL FOR PROGRAM AREA 052 216,104 207,527 228,095 TOTAL FOR POLICY AREA 05 780,519 814,425 877,715 POLICY AREA 06 CONSERVATION, RECREATION AND CULTURE PROGRAM AREA 061 CONSERVATION AND RECREATION Department of Environment and Heritage 156,114 161,552 181,635 Department of Tourism, Sport and Racing 12,217 .. .. TOTAL FOR PROGRAM AREA 061 168,331 161,552 181,635



24 Appropriation SCHEDULE 1 (continued) PART 3--SUPPLY FOR 1998-99 CONSOLIDATED FUND (continued) Budget Actual Supply 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 $'000 $'000 $'000 PROGRAM AREA 062 CULTURAL FACILITIES AND SERVICES Department of Justice and Attorney-General 124,932 137,923 172,743 TOTAL FOR PROGRAM AREA 062 124,932 137,923 172,743 TOTAL FOR POLICY AREA 06 293,263 299,475 354,378 POLICY AREA 07 TRANSPORT PROGRAM AREA 075 ROADS Department of Main Roads 1,192,445 1,238,001 1,158,591 TOTAL FOR PROGRAM AREA 075 1,192,445 1,238,001 1,158,591 PROGRAM AREA 076 TRANSPORT PLANNING AND OPERATIONS Department of Transport 1,043,916 1,061,346 1,216,886 TOTAL FOR PROGRAM AREA 076 1,043,916 1,061,346 1,216,886 TOTAL FOR POLICY AREA 07 2,236,361 2,299,347 2,375,477



25 Appropriation SCHEDULE 1 (continued) PART 3--SUPPLY FOR 1998-99 CONSOLIDATED FUND (continued) Budget Actual Supply 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 $'000 $'000 $'000 POLICY AREA 08 AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND WATER RESOURCES PROGRAM AREA 081 RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND SERVICES Department of Natural Resources 279,386 279,386 347,736 TOTAL FOR PROGRAM AREA 081 279,386 279,386 347,736 PROGRAM AREA 082 INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT Department of Primary Industries 274,561 281,232 289,008 TOTAL FOR PROGRAM AREA 082 274,561 281,232 289,008 TOTAL FOR POLICY AREA 08 553,947 560,618 636,744 POLICY AREA 09 MINING, ENERGY AND ELECTRICITY PROGRAM AREA 091 MINING AND ENERGY Department of Mines and Energy 155,497 156,907 160,546 TOTAL FOR PROGRAM AREA 091 155,497 156,907 160,546 TOTAL FOR POLICY AREA 09 155,497 156,907 160,546



26 Appropriation SCHEDULE 1 (continued) PART 3--SUPPLY FOR 1998-99 CONSOLIDATED FUND (continued) Budget Actual Supply 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 $'000 $'000 $'000 POLICY AREA 10 ECONOMIC SERVICES PROGRAM AREA 101 BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY Department of State Development 102,097 132,440 147,689 Department of Tourism, Sport and Racing 50,813 118,532 121,927 TOTAL FOR PROGRAM AREA 101 152,910 250,972 269,616 PROGRAM AREA 103 LABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Department of Employment, Training and Industrial Relations 23,088 23,675 71,386 TOTAL FOR PROGRAM AREA 103 23,088 23,675 71,386 PROGRAM AREA 104 LAND MANAGEMENT Department of Natural Resources 100,207 100,207 104,556 TOTAL FOR PROGRAM AREA 104 100,207 100,207 104,556 PROGRAM AREA 105 OTHER ECONOMIC SERVICES Department of Tourism, Sport and Racing 2,000 2,000 2,000 TOTAL FOR PROGRAM AREA 105 2,000 2,000 2,000 TOTAL FOR POLICY AREA 10 278,205 376,854 447,558



27 Appropriation SCHEDULE 1 (continued) PART 4--SUPPLY FOR 1998-99 TRUST AND SPECIAL FUNDS SUMMARY Budget Actual Supply Policy Areas-- 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 $'000 $'000 $'000 01 General Public Services 2,975,396 4,645,065 4,668,040 02 Law, Order and Public Safety 424,820 438,822 473,474 03 Education 364,757 389,556 398,172 05 Social Welfare and Housing 682,658 679,855 775,238 06 Conservation, Recreation and Culture 69,479 63,086 123,974 07 Transport 315,486 313,797 308,714 08 Agriculture, Forestry and Water Resources 245,675 215,028 242,820 09 Mining, Energy and Electricity .. 856 3,089 10 Economic Services 85,913 65,615 132,707 TOTAL TRUST AND SPECIAL FUNDS 5,164,184 6,811,680 7,126,228



28 Appropriation SCHEDULE 1 (continued) PART 5--SUPPLY FOR 1998-99 TRUST AND SPECIAL FUNDS Budget Actual Supply 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 $'000 $'000 $'000 POLICY AREA 01 GENERAL PUBLIC SERVICES PROGRAM AREA 012 FINANCIAL AND FISCAL SERVICES Treasury Department Casino Community Benefit Fund 4,323 4,467 5,036 Commonwealth Petroleum Products Subsidies Fund 1,500 2,173 2,650 Companies Liquidation Account 10 2 3 Treasurer's Unclaimed Moneys Fund 150 .. .. Funeral Benefit Trust Fund 222 219 234 Government Schemes Agency Fund 49,300 27,386 29,114 Convention Centre Construction Fund 3,500 1,671 19,830 Gaming Machine Community Benefit Fund 15,076 13,701 18,783 Motor Accident Insurance Fund 20,071 28,465 21,948 Nominal Defendant Fund 23,676 36,115 27,448 Franchise Fees Compensation Fund .. 1,077,353 1,312,200 TOTAL FOR PROGRAM AREA 012 117,828 1,191,552 1,437,246 PROGRAM AREA 013 GENERAL POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION Department of Communication and Information, Local Government and Planning Commonwealth Grants to Local Authorities Trust Fund 223,833 222,296 227,318 CITEC Trust Fund 98,927 102,781 108,877 TOTAL FOR PROGRAM AREA 013 322,760 325,077 336,195



29 Appropriation SCHEDULE 1 (continued) PART 5--SUPPLY FOR 1998-99 TRUST AND SPECIAL FUNDS (continued) Budget Actual Supply 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 $'000 $'000 $'000 PROGRAM AREA 014 SUPERANNUATION Treasury Department Parliamentary Contributory Superannuation Fund 3,423 5,379 4,284 State Public Sector Superannuation Fund 762,892 954,138 838,256 Government Superannuation Provision Fund 225,487 357,578 313,933 Superannuation Office Trust Fund 16,619 15,438 17,557 TOTAL FOR PROGRAM AREA 014 1,008,421 1,332,533 1,174,030 PROGRAM AREA 015 GENERAL SERVICES Department of Public Works Q-FLEET Trust Fund 234,213 232,274 222,793 Queensland Government Printing Office Fund 24,037 21,440 20,287 Building Trust Fund 727,116 836,740 821,619 Sales and Distribution Trust Fund 35,970 44,194 45,716 Project Services Trust Fund 78,811 107,369 105,599 Property Management Trust Fund 90,636 99,164 104,470 Maintenance and Operations Trust Fund 298,866 391,975 384,995 Contract Management Fund 36,738 62,747 15,090 TOTAL FOR PROGRAM AREA 015 1,526,387 1,795,903 1,720,569 TOTAL FOR POLICY AREA 01 2,975,396 4,645,065 4,668,040



30 Appropriation SCHEDULE 1 (continued) PART 5--SUPPLY FOR 1998-99 TRUST AND SPECIAL FUNDS (continued) Budget Actual Supply 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 $'000 $'000 $'000 POLICY AREA 02 LAW, ORDER AND PUBLIC SAFETY PROGRAM AREA 022 LAW COURTS AND LEGAL SERVICES Department of Equity and Fair Trading Auctioneers and Agents Fidelity Guarantee Fund 18,105 13,856 21,316 Consumer Credit Fund 171 121 151 Department of Justice and Attorney-General District Courts Suitors' Fund 2,000 2,816 .. Supreme Court Suitors' Fund 4,000 7,901 .. Crown Law Trust Fund 13,068 15,330 16,392 Court Suitors Fund .. 6,972 8,300 Public Trust Office Public Trustee Account 36,325 35,384 40,982 Department of Tourism, Sport and Racing Liquor Act Fund 1,300 1,410 .. TOTAL FOR PROGRAM AREA 022 74,969 83,790 87,141 PROGRAM AREA 024 PUBLIC SAFETY Queensland Ambulance Service Ambulance Service Trust Fund 158,033 158,919 177,330 Queensland Fire and Rescue Authority State Fire Services Trust Fund 191,818 101,916 .. QFRA Trust Fund .. 94,197 209,003 TOTAL FOR PROGRAM AREA 024 349,851 355,032 386,333 TOTAL FOR POLICY AREA 02 424,820 438,822 473,474



31 Appropriation SCHEDULE 1 (continued) PART 5--SUPPLY FOR 1998-99 TRUST AND SPECIAL FUNDS (continued) Budget Actual Supply 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 $'000 $'000 $'000 POLICY AREA 03 EDUCATION PROGRAM AREA 031 STUDIES Department of Education Commonwealth Education Fund 364,757 389,556 398,172 TOTAL FOR PROGRAM AREA 031 364,757 389,556 398,172 TOTAL FOR POLICY AREA 03 364,757 389,556 398,172 POLICY AREA 05 SOCIAL WELFARE AND HOUSING PROGRAM AREA 051 WELFARE SERVICES Department of Families, Youth and Community Care Charities and Rehabilitation Benefit Fund 24,841 24,874 31,128 TOTAL FOR PROGRAM AREA 051 24,841 24,874 31,128



32 Appropriation SCHEDULE 1 (continued) PART 5--SUPPLY FOR 1998-99 TRUST AND SPECIAL FUNDS (continued) Budget Actual Supply 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 $'000 $'000 $'000 PROGRAM AREA 052 HOUSING Department of Housing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Housing Fund 74,155 67,326 77,485 Home Purchase Assistance Account 69,324 62,738 89,279 Queensland Housing Commission Fund 458,344 464,640 511,843 Housing Property Services Fund 36,183 40,730 .. Home Lending Management Fund 9,554 8,535 .. Housing Portfolio Management Fund 10,257 11,012 .. Housing Commercial Services Fund .. .. 65,503 TOTAL FOR PROGRAM AREA 052 657,817 654,981 744,110 TOTAL FOR POLICY AREA 05 682,658 679,855 775,238 POLICY AREA 06 CONSERVATION, RECREATION AND CULTURE PROGRAM AREA 061 CONSERVATION AND RECREATION Department of Environment and Heritage Queensland Recreation Areas Management Board Fund 3,706 3,538 4,413 Beach Protection Authority Fund 2,404 2,483 2,490 Department of Tourism, Sport and Racing Sport and Recreation Benefit Fund 62,349 50,946 93,301 Sports and Youth Fund 1,020 546 949 TOTAL FOR PROGRAM AREA 061 69,479 57,513 101,153



33 Appropriation SCHEDULE 1 (continued) PART 5--SUPPLY FOR 1998-99 TRUST AND SPECIAL FUNDS (continued) Budget Actual Supply 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 $'000 $'000 $'000 PROGRAM AREA 062 CULTURAL FACILITIES AND SERVICES Department of Justice and Attorney-General Queensland Cultural Facilities Fund .. 5,573 22,821 TOTAL FOR PROGRAM AREA 062 .. 5,573 22,821 TOTAL FOR POLICY AREA 06 69,479 63,086 123,974 POLICY AREA 07 TRANSPORT PROGRAM AREA 075 ROADS Department of Main Roads Main Roads Business Operations Trust Fund 305,049 302,354 303,669 Developers Infrastructure Contributions Trust Fund 5,330 4,867 3,937 TOTAL FOR PROGRAM AREA 075 310,379 307,221 307,606 PROGRAM AREA 076 TRANSPORT PLANNING AND OPERATIONS Department of Transport Driver Training Fund 5,107 6,576 1,108 TOTAL FOR PROGRAM AREA 076 5,107 6,576 1,108 TOTAL FOR POLICY AREA 07 315,486 313,797 308,714



34 Appropriation SCHEDULE 1 (continued) PART 5--SUPPLY FOR 1998-99 TRUST AND SPECIAL FUNDS (continued) Budget Actual Supply 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 $'000 $'000 $'000 POLICY AREA 08 AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND WATER RESOURCES PROGRAM AREA 081 RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND SERVICES Department of Natural Resources Rural Lands Protection Fund 23,157 21,909 24,229 Artesian Bores and Water Supply Areas Working Account 131 131 131 Brisbane Forest Park Fund 1,697 1,858 1,803 Water Operations Fund 124,178 99,040 124,636 TOTAL FOR PROGRAM AREA 081 149,163 122,938 150,799 PROGRAM AREA 082 INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT Department of Primary Industries Banana Industry Fund 846 1,025 1,047 Fisheries Research Fund 525 402 570 Forestry Fund 95,141 90,663 90,404 TOTAL FOR PROGRAM AREA 082 96,512 92,090 92,021 TOTAL FOR POLICY AREA 08 245,675 215,028 242,820



35 Appropriation SCHEDULE 1 (continued) PART 5--SUPPLY FOR 1998-99 TRUST AND SPECIAL FUNDS (continued) Budget Actual Supply 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 $'000 $'000 $'000 POLICY AREA 09 MINING, ENERGY AND ELECTRICITY PROGRAM AREA 091 MINING AND ENERGY Department of Mines and Energy Irvinebank State Treatment Works Fund .. 32 .. Coal Industry Fund .. 824 2,989 Coal Industry Welfare Fund .. .. 100 TOTAL FOR PROGRAM AREA 091 .. 856 3,089 TOTAL FOR POLICY AREA 09 .. 856 3,089 POLICY AREA 10 ECONOMIC SERVICES PROGRAM AREA 101 BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY Department of State Development Estates Maintenance Fund 12,931 9,814 6,665 Industrial Estates Construction Fund 37,946 18,873 46,577 National Industry Extension Service Fund 8,113 7,137 5,351 Estates Construction Fund .. .. 46,027 TOTAL FOR PROGRAM AREA 101 58,990 35,824 104,620 PROGRAM AREA 105 OTHER ECONOMIC SERVICES Department of Tourism, Sport and Racing Racing Development Fund 26,923 29,791 28,087 TOTAL FOR PROGRAM AREA 105 26,923 29,791 28,087 TOTAL FOR POLICY AREA 10 85,913 65,615 132,707



36 Appropriation SCHEDULE 2 ¡ ART 1--SUPPLEMENTARY SUPPLY FOR 1997-98 P CONSOLIDATED FUND $'000 POLICY AREA 01 GENERAL PUBLIC SERVICES PROGRAM AREA 011 LEGISLATIVE AND EXECUTIVE SERVICES Electoral Commission of Queensland 738 Office of the Governor 6 Parliamentary Commissioner for Administrative Investigations 29 Department of the Premier and Cabinet 3,433 Queensland Audit Office 457 PROGRAM AREA 013 GENERAL POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION Department of Local Government and Planning 16,289 Department of the Premier and Cabinet 7,943 PROGRAM AREA 014 SUPERANNUATION Treasury Department 611,474 PROGRAM AREA 015 GENERAL SERVICES Department of Public Works and Housing 22,966 TOTAL FOR POLICY AREA 01 663,335 POLICY AREA 02 LAW, ORDER AND PUBLIC SAFETY PROGRAM AREA 021 POLICE SERVICES Department of Police 21,726



37 Appropriation SCHEDULE 2 (continued) PART 1--SUPPLEMENTARY SUPPLY FOR 1997-98 CONSOLIDATED FUND (continued) $'000 PROGRAM AREA 022 LAW COURTS AND LEGAL SERVICES Department of Tourism, Small Business and Industry 12,195 PROGRAM AREA 023 CORRECTIVE SERVICES Queensland Corrective Services Commission 36,037 PROGRAM AREA 024 PUBLIC SAFETY Department of Emergency Services 2,970 Department of Training and Industrial Relations 1,033 TOTAL FOR POLICY AREA 02 73,961 POLICY AREA 03 EDUCATION PROGRAM AREA 031 STUDIES Department of Education 29,492 PROGRAM AREA 033 TECHNICAL AND FURTHER EDUCATION Department of Training and Industrial Relations 74,655 PROGRAM AREA 034 OTHER TERTIARY EDUCATION Department of Education 60 TOTAL FOR POLICY AREA 03 104,207



38 Appropriation SCHEDULE 2 (continued) PART 1--SUPPLEMENTARY SUPPLY FOR 1997-98 CONSOLIDATED FUND (continued) $'000 POLICY AREA 04 HEALTH PROGRAM AREA 041 PUBLIC HEALTH Department of Health 6,982 PROGRAM AREA 048 DISTRICT HEALTH SERVICES Department of Health 45,467 PROGRAM AREA 049 PATHOLOGY AND SCIENTIFIC SERVICES Department of Health 6,612 TOTAL FOR POLICY AREA 04 59,061 POLICY AREA 05 SOCIAL WELFARE AND HOUSING PROGRAM AREA 051 WELFARE SERVICES Department of Families, Youth and Community Care 42,557 Department of the Premier and Cabinet 19 TOTAL FOR POLICY AREA 05 42,576 POLICY AREA 06 CONSERVATION, RECREATION AND CULTURE PROGRAM AREA 061 CONSERVATION AND RECREATION Department of Emergency Services 46,388 Department of Environment 5,439






40 Appropriation SCHEDULE 2 (continued) PART 1--SUPPLEMENTARY SUPPLY FOR 1997-98 CONSOLIDATED FUND (continued) $'000 POLICY AREA 09 MINING, ENERGY AND ELECTRICITY PROGRAM AREA 091 MINING AND ENERGY Department of Mines and Energy 1,411 TOTAL FOR POLICY AREA 09 1,411 POLICY AREA 10 ECONOMIC SERVICES PROGRAM AREA 101 BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY Department of Economic Development and Trade 12,440 Department of Tourism, Small Business and Industry 10,416 PROGRAM AREA 102 TOURISM Department of Tourism, Small Business and Industry 7,794 PROGRAM AREA 103 LABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Department of Training and Industrial Relations 587 TOTAL FOR POLICY AREA 10 31,237 TOTAL CONSOLIDATED FUND 1,110,264



41 Appropriation SCHEDULE 2 (continued) ART 2--SUPPLEMENTARY SUPPLY FOR 1997-98 P TRUST AND SPECIAL FUNDS $'000 POLICY AREA 01 GENERAL PUBLIC SERVICES PROGRAM AREA 012 FINANCIAL AND FISCAL SERVICES Treasury Department Casino Community Benefit Fund 145 Commonwealth Petroleum Products Subsidies Fund 674 Franchise Fees Compensation Fund 1,077,353 Motor Accident Insurance Fund 8,394 Nominal Defendant Fund 12,440 PROGRAM AREA 014 SUPERANNUATION Treasury Department Government Superannuation Provision Fund 132,092 Parliamentary Contributory Superannuation Fund 1,956 State Public Sector Superannuation Fund 191,247 PROGRAM AREA 015 GENERAL SERVICES Department of Public Works and Housing Building Trust Fund 109,624 CITEC Trust Fund 3,854 Contract Management Fund 26,009 Maintenance and Operations Trust Fund 93,110 Project Services Trust Fund 28,559 Property Management Trust Fund 8,530 Sales and Distribution Trust Fund 8,224 TOTAL FOR POLICY AREA 01 1,702,211



42 Appropriation SCHEDULE 2 (continued) PART 2--SUPPLEMENTARY SUPPLY FOR 1997-98 TRUST AND SPECIAL FUNDS (continued) $'000 POLICY AREA 02 LAW, ORDER AND PUBLIC SAFETY PROGRAM AREA 022 LAW COURTS AND LEGAL SERVICES Department of Justice Court Suitors Fund 6,972 Crown Law Trust Fund 2,262 District Courts Suitors' Fund 817 Supreme Court Suitors' Fund 3,902 Department of Tourism, Small Business and Industry Liquor Act Fund 111 PROGRAM AREA 024 PUBLIC SAFETY Queensland Ambulance Service Ambulance Service Trust Fund 887 Queensland Fire and Rescue Authority QFRA Trust Fund 94,198 TOTAL FOR POLICY AREA 02 109,149 POLICY AREA 03 EDUCATION PROGRAM AREA 031 STUDIES Department of Education Commonwealth Education Fund 24,799 TOTAL FOR POLICY AREA 03 24,799



43 Appropriation SCHEDULE 2 (continued) PART 2--SUPPLEMENTARY SUPPLY FOR 1997-98 TRUST AND SPECIAL FUNDS (continued) $'000 POLICY AREA 05 SOCIAL WELFARE AND HOUSING PROGRAM AREA 051 WELFARE SERVICES Department of Families, Youth and Community Care Charities and Rehabilitation Benefit Fund 34 PROGRAM AREA 052 HOUSING Department of Public Works and Housing Housing Portfolio Management Fund 755 Housing Property Services Fund 4,547 Queensland Housing Commission Fund 6,296 TOTAL FOR POLICY AREA 05 11,632 POLICY AREA 06 CONSERVATION, RECREATION AND CULTURE PROGRAM AREA 061 CONSERVATION AND RECREATION Department of Environment Beach Protection Authority Fund 80 PROGRAM AREA 062 CULTURAL FACILITIES AND SERVICES Treasury Department Queensland Cultural Facilities Fund 5,574 TOTAL FOR POLICY AREA 06 5,654



44 Appropriation SCHEDULE 2 (continued) PART 2--SUPPLEMENTARY SUPPLY FOR 1997-98 TRUST AND SPECIAL FUNDS (continued) $'000 POLICY AREA 07 TRANSPORT PROGRAM AREA 076 TRANSPORT PLANNING AND OPERATIONS Department of Transport Driver Training Fund 1,470 TOTAL FOR POLICY AREA 07 1,470 POLICY AREA 08 AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND WATER RESOURCES PROGRAM AREA 081 RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND SERVICES Department of Natural Resources Brisbane Forest Park Fund 161 PROGRAM AREA 082 INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT Department of Primary Industries, Fisheries and Forestry Banana Industry Fund 180 TOTAL FOR POLICY AREA 08 341



45 Appropriation SCHEDULE 2 (continued) PART 2--SUPPLEMENTARY SUPPLY FOR 1997-98 TRUST AND SPECIAL FUNDS (continued) $'000 POLICY AREA 09 MINING, ENERGY AND ELECTRICITY PROGRAM AREA 091 MINING AND ENERGY Department of Mines and Energy Coal Industry Fund 825 Irvinebank State Treatment Works Fund 32 TOTAL FOR POLICY AREA 09 857 POLICY AREA 10 ECONOMIC SERVICES PROGRAM AREA 105 OTHER ECONOMIC SERVICES Department of Police Racing Development Fund 2,868 TOTAL FOR POLICY AREA 10 2,868 TOTAL TRUST AND SPECIAL FUNDS 1,858,981 © State of Queensland 1998


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