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Queensland Appropriation Bill 2004
Queensland Appropriation Bill 2004 Contents 1 Short title . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2 Appropriation for 2004-2005 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3 Supply for 2005-2006 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4 Repeals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Schedule 1 Appropriation summary for 2004-2005 . . . . 6 Schedule 2 Appropriation for 2004-2005 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2004 A BILL FOR An Act authorising the Treasurer to pay amounts from the consolidated fund for departments for the financial years starting 1 July 2004 and 1 July 2005
s1 4 s3 Appropriation Bill 2004 The Parliament of Queensland enacts-- 1 1 Short title 2 This Act may be cited as the Appropriation Act 2004.1 3 2 Appropriation for 2004-2005 4 (1) The Treasurer is authorised to pay $21 245 440 000 from the 5 consolidated fund for departments as itemised in schedule 1 6 for the financial year starting 1 July 2004. 7 (2) For each department, the vote amount mentioned for the 8 department in schedule 2-- 9 (a) is appropriated for the financial year for the department 10 for application to its departmental outputs, equity 11 adjustment and administered items as stated in 12 schedule 2; and 13 (b) includes amounts for departmental outputs, equity 14 adjustment and administered items delivered by the 15 department in the financial year starting 1 July 2003 but 16 for which the department has not been paid in that 17 financial year. 18 (3) The amount mentioned in subsection (1) includes the amount 19 already authorised by the Appropriation Act 2003, section 3, 20 to be paid for the financial year starting 1 July 2004. 21 3 Supply for 2005-2006 22 The Treasurer is authorised to pay $10 500 000 000 from the 23 consolidated fund for departments for the financial year 24 starting 1 July 2005. 25 1 Under the Financial Administration and Audit Act 1977, section 22, words used in this Act that are defined in the Financial Administration and Audit Act 1977 have the same meaning the words have in that Act, subject to a contrary intention in this Act.
s4 5 s4 Appropriation Bill 2004 4 Repeals 1 The following Acts are repealed-- 2 · Appropriation Act (No. 2) 2000 No. 53 3 · Appropriation Act 2001 No. 52 4 · Appropriation Act (No. 2) 2001 No. 88. 5
6 Appropriation Bill 2004 Schedule 1 Appropriation summary for 2004-2005 section 2(1) Budget Est. Actual Vote Department 2003-2004 2003-2004 2004-2005 $'000 $'000 $'000 Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Policy 89 197 93 265 55 927 Department of Child Safety .. 88 465 297 224 Department of Communities .. 155 475 385 575 Department of Corrective Services 410 473 598 447 397 756 Department of Education and the Arts 5 023 825 5 130 722 5 589 896 Department of Emergency Services 345 654 338 865 367 887 Department of Employment and Training 583 500 595 616 615 084 Department of Families 491 771 305 087 .. Department of Health 2 665 360 2 724 413 3 041 351 Department of Housing 368 686 454 574 472 832 Department of Industrial Relations 57 214 56 757 53 640 Department of Innovation and Information Economy, Sport and Recreation Queensland 448 826 345 861 .. Department of Justice and Attorney-General 289 952 294 859 319 283 Department of Local Government, Planning, Sport and Recreation 497 640 570 939 710 145 Department of Main Roads 2 032 369 2 184 953 2 243 197 Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy 350 600 498 562 609 267 Department of Police 1 016 949 1 086 571 1 104 270 Department of the Premier and Cabinet 161 923 179 487 208 470 Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries 252 057 265 444 261 782 Department of Public Works 121 049 148 479 161 114 Department of State Development and Innovation 289 078 433 776 267 588
7 Appropriation Bill 2004 Schedule 1 (continued) Budget Est. Actual Vote Department 2003-2004 2003-2004 2004-2005 $'000 $'000 $'000 Department of Tourism, Fair Trading and Wine Industry Development 83 864 84 979 83 369 Department of Transport 1 273 725 1 311 880 1 581 326 Disability Services Queensland 289 938 284 571 361 586 Environmental Protection Agency 266 669 315 855 317 075 Treasury Department 1 656 869 2 680 518 1 713 230 Electoral Commission of Queensland 19 363 20 238 8 397 Office of the Governor 3 239 3 430 3 480 Office of the Ombudsman and Office of Information Commissioner 5 735 5 873 5 914 Office of the Public Service Commissioner 4 224 4 935 4 657 Queensland Audit Office 4 059 4 066 4 118 TOTAL 19 103 808 21 266 962 21 245 440
8 Appropriation Bill 2004 Schedule 2 Appropriation for 2004-2005 section 2(2) Budget Est. Actual Budget Minister/Organisational Unit 2003-2004 2003-2004 2004-2005 $'000 $'000 $'000 Estimates Committee A PREMIER AND MINISTER FOR TRADE Office of the Governor Controlled Items Departmental Outputs 3 353 3 544 3 594 Equity Adjustment (114) (114) (114) Administered Items .. .. .. Vote 3 239 3 430 3 480 Queensland Audit Office Controlled Items Departmental Outputs 4 151 4 158 4 210 Equity Adjustment (92) (92) (92) Administered Items .. .. .. Vote 4 059 4 066 4 118 Office of the Ombudsman and Office of Information Commissioner Controlled Items Departmental Outputs 5 855 5 970 6 034 Equity Adjustment (120) (97) (120) Administered Items .. .. .. Vote 5 735 5 873 5 914
9 Appropriation Bill 2004 Schedule 2 (continued) Budget Est. Actual Budget Minister/Organisational Unit 2003-2004 2003-2004 2004-2005 $'000 $'000 $'000 Office of the Public Service Commissioner Controlled Items Departmental Outputs 4 224 4 935 4 657 Equity Adjustment .. .. .. Administered Items .. .. .. Vote 4 224 4 935 4 657 Department of the Premier and Cabinet Controlled Items Departmental Outputs 74 474 82 794 101 788 Equity Adjustment 524 524 548 Administered Items 86 925 96 169 106 134 Vote 161 923 179 487 208 470 DEPUTY PREMIER, TREASURER AND MINISTER FOR SPORT Treasury Department Controlled Items Departmental Outputs 114 162 116 675 111 079 Equity Adjustment 2 395 2 177 7 241 Administered Items 1 540 312 2 561 666 1 594 910 Vote 1 656 869 2 680 518 1 713 230 MINISTER FOR PUBLIC WORKS, HOUSING AND RACING Department of Public Works Controlled Items Departmental Outputs 77 152 107 088 110 165 Equity Adjustment 30 905 27 012 36 600 Administered Items 12 992 14 379 14 349 Vote 121 049 148 479 161 114
10 Appropriation Bill 2004 Schedule 2 (continued) Budget Est. Actual Budget Minister/Organisational Unit 2003-2004 2003-2004 2004-2005 $'000 $'000 $'000 Department of Housing Controlled Items Departmental Outputs 370 853 457 017 473 093 Equity Adjustment (8 509) (2 443) (261) Administered Items 6 342 .. .. Vote 368 686 454 574 472 832 Estimates Committee B MINISTER FOR CHILD SAFETY Department of Child Safety Controlled Items Departmental Outputs .. 88 465 266 126 Equity Adjustment .. .. 31 098 Administered Items .. .. .. Vote .. 88 465 297 224 ATTORNEY-GENERAL AND MINISTER FOR JUSTICE Department of Justice and Attorney-General Controlled Items Departmental Outputs 183 316 185 028 205 451 Equity Adjustment 18 829 16 179 17 241 Administered Items 87 807 93 652 96 591 Vote 289 952 294 859 319 283
11 Appropriation Bill 2004 Schedule 2 (continued) Budget Est. Actual Budget Minister/Organisational Unit 2003-2004 2003-2004 2004-2005 $'000 $'000 $'000 Electoral Commission of Queensland Controlled Items Departmental Outputs 19 212 20 087 8 441 Equity Adjustment 151 151 (44) Administered Items .. .. .. Vote 19 363 20 238 8 397 MINISTER FOR POLICE AND CORRECTIVE SERVICES Department of Police Controlled Items Departmental Outputs 971 962 989 120 1 068 590 Equity Adjustment 37 494 72 648 34 874 Administered Items 7 493 24 803 806 Vote 1 016 949 1 086 571 1 104 270 Department of Corrective Services Controlled Items Departmental Outputs 384 617 398 801 407 957 Equity Adjustment 25 856 199 646 (10 201) Administered Items .. .. .. Vote 410 473 598 447 397 756
12 Appropriation Bill 2004 Schedule 2 (continued) Budget Est. Actual Budget Minister/Organisational Unit 2003-2004 2003-2004 2004-2005 $'000 $'000 $'000 Estimates Committee C MINISTER FOR EDUCATION AND THE ARTS Department of Education and the Arts Controlled Items Departmental Outputs 3 603 858 3 658 958 3 859 411 Equity Adjustment 105 598 116 168 286 746 Administered Items 1 314 369 1 355 596 1 443 739 Vote 5 023 825 5 130 722 5 589 896 MINISTER FOR EMPLOYMENT, TRAINING AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Department of Employment and Training Controlled Items Departmental Outputs 599 803 609 792 620 002 Equity Adjustment (16 303) (16 061) (6 803) Administered Items .. 1 885 1 885 Vote 583 500 595 616 615 084 Department of Industrial Relations Controlled Items Departmental Outputs 57 293 56 836 53 353 Equity Adjustment (79) (79) 287 Administered Items .. .. .. Vote 57 214 56 757 53 640
13 Appropriation Bill 2004 Schedule 2 (continued) Budget Est. Actual Budget Minister/Organisational Unit 2003-2004 2003-2004 2004-2005 $'000 $'000 $'000 Estimates Committee D MINISTER FOR TRANSPORT AND MAIN ROADS Department of Transport Controlled Items Departmental Outputs 1 253 395 1 263 027 1 394 886 Equity Adjustment 19 599 45 133 89 370 Administered Items 731 3 720 97 070 Vote 1 273 725 1 311 880 1 581 326 Department of Main Roads Controlled Items Departmental Outputs 1 914 621 2 099 120 2 143 890 Equity Adjustment 117 748 85 833 99 307 Administered Items .. .. .. Vote 2 032 369 2 184 953 2 243 197 MINISTER FOR ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER POLICY Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Policy Controlled Items Departmental Outputs 70 851 75 555 33 967 Equity Adjustment 18 000 17 364 21 600 Administered Items 346 346 360 Vote 89 197 93 265 55 927
14 Appropriation Bill 2004 Schedule 2 (continued) Budget Est. Actual Budget Minister/Organisational Unit 2003-2004 2003-2004 2004-2005 $'000 $'000 $'000 MINISTER FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT, PLANNING AND WOMEN Department of Local Government, Planning, Sport and Recreation Controlled Items Departmental Outputs 182 864 236 052 403 104 Equity Adjustment 91 16 325 2 786 Administered Items 314 685 318 562 304 255 Vote 497 640 570 939 710 145 Estimates Committee E MINISTER FOR HEALTH Department of Health Controlled Items Departmental Outputs 2 669 762 2 729 675 2 964 861 Equity Adjustment (4 402) (5 262) 76 490 Administered Items .. .. .. Vote 2 665 360 2 724 413 3 041 351 MINISTER FOR EMERGENCY SERVICES Department of Emergency Services Controlled Items Departmental Outputs 339 354 331 914 358 008 Equity Adjustment 6 300 6 951 9 879 Administered Items .. .. .. Vote 345 654 338 865 367 887
15 Appropriation Bill 2004 Schedule 2 (continued) Budget Est. Actual Budget Minister/Organisational Unit 2003-2004 2003-2004 2004-2005 $'000 $'000 $'000 MINISTER FOR COMMUNITIES, DISABILITY SERVICES AND SENIORS Department of Communities Controlled Items Departmental Outputs .. 97 940 245 891 Equity Adjustment .. 2 306 3 474 Administered Items .. 55 229 136 210 Vote .. 155 475 385 575 Disability Services Queensland Controlled Items Departmental Outputs 272 693 280 035 335 894 Equity Adjustment 17 245 4 536 25 692 Administered Items .. .. .. Vote 289 938 284 571 361 586 Estimates Committee F MINISTER FOR STATE DEVELOPMENT AND INNOVATION Department of State Development and Innovation Controlled Items Departmental Outputs 159 378 250 793 172 625 Equity Adjustment 37 916 23 249 9 704 Administered Items 91 784 159 734 85 259 Vote 289 078 433 776 267 588
16 Appropriation Bill 2004 Schedule 2 (continued) Budget Est. Actual Budget Minister/Organisational Unit 2003-2004 2003-2004 2004-2005 $'000 $'000 $'000 MINISTER FOR ENVIRONMENT Environmental Protection Agency Controlled Items Departmental Outputs 262 207 334 231 328 741 Equity Adjustment 4 462 (18 376) (11 666) Administered Items .. .. .. Vote 266 669 315 855 317 075 MINISTER FOR TOURISM, FAIR TRADING AND WINE INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT Department of Tourism, Fair Trading and Wine Industry Development Controlled Items Departmental Outputs 38 549 38 961 40 078 Equity Adjustment (1 334) (925) (1 073) Administered Items 46 649 46 943 44 364 Vote 83 864 84 979 83 369 Estimates Committee G MINISTER FOR NATURAL RESOURCES, MINES AND ENERGY Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy Controlled Items Departmental Outputs 324 019 332 955 365 833 Equity Adjustment (5 233) (2 094) 5 890 Administered Items 31 814 167 701 237 544 Vote 350 600 498 562 609 267
17 Appropriation Bill 2004 Schedule 2 (continued) Budget Est. Actual Budget Minister/Organisational Unit 2003-2004 2003-2004 2004-2005 $'000 $'000 $'000 MINISTER FOR PRIMARY INDUSTRIES AND FISHERIES Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries Controlled Items Departmental Outputs 230 314 239 014 233 959 Equity Adjustment 5 358 4 954 7 957 Administered Items 16 385 21 476 19 866 Vote 252 057 265 444 261 782 Ceased Entities Department of Families Controlled Items Departmental Outputs 360 047 225 107 .. Equity Adjustment 3 154 5 070 .. Administered Items 128 570 74 910 .. Vote 491 771 305 087 .. Department of Innovation and Information Economy, Sport and Recreation Queensland Controlled Items Departmental Outputs 204 494 151 743 .. Equity Adjustment 13 024 19 274 .. Administered Items 231 308 174 844 .. Vote 448 826 345 861 .. Total Appropriation: 19 103 808 21 266 962 21 245 440 © State of Queensland 2004
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