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Appropriation Bill 2021

Long Title
1 Short title
2 Appropriation for 2021–2022
3 Supply for 2022–2023
4 Repeals

Schedule 1 - Appropriation summary for 2021–2022

Schedule 2 - Appropriation for 2021–2022

Long Title

An Act authorising the Treasurer to pay amounts from the consolidated fund for departments for the financial years starting 1 July 2021 and 1 July 2022

The Parliament of Queensland enacts—

1 Short title

This Act may be cited as the Appropriation Act 2021.

[Note: Under the Financial Accountability Act 2009, section 5, words used in this Act that are defined under the Financial Accountability Act 2009 have the same meaning the words have in that Act, subject to a contrary intention in this Act.]

2 Appropriation for 2021–2022

(1) The Treasurer is authorised to pay $63,525,414,000 from the consolidated fund for departments as itemised in schedule 1 for the financial year starting 1 July 2021.

(2) For each department, the vote amount mentioned for the department in schedule 2 is appropriated for the financial year for the department for application to its departmental services, equity adjustment and administered items as stated in schedule 2.

(3) The amount mentioned in subsection (1) includes the amount already authorised by the Appropriation (2020–2021) Act 2021, section 3, to be paid for the financial year starting 1 July 2021.

3 Supply for 2022–2023

The Treasurer is authorised to pay $31,762,707,000 from the consolidated fund for departments for the financial year starting 1 July 2022.

4 Repeals

The following Acts are repealed—

Appropriation Act 2019, No. 22

Appropriation Act (No. 2) 2020, No. 5.

Schedule 1 Appropriation summary for 2021–2022

Department Budget2020–2021$’000 Est. Actual2020–2021$’000 Vote2021–2022$’000
Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships
[Note: The department ceased on 12 November 2020.]
25,540 25,540 ..
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries 565,236 409,371 381,148
Department of Children, Youth Justice and Multicultural Affairs (formerly Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women) 1,796,893 1,911,140 1,916,629
Department of Communities, Housing and Digital Economy (formerly Department of Housing and Public Works) 1,512,404 1,383,764 1,642,726
Department of Education 14,725,634 14,243,330 15,836,450
Department of Employment, Small Business and Training 1,357,775 1,294,168 1,244,539
Department of Energy and Public Works 394,909 362,023 762,775
Department of Environment and Science 806,792 764,092 727,083
Department of Justice and Attorney-General 1,040,157 1,229,097 1,130,464
Department of the Premier and Cabinet 234,569 216,405 267,365
Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water (formerly Department of Regional Development and Manufacturing and Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning) 18,942 47,852 355,930
Department of Resources (formerly Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy) 611,761 567,214 319,872
Department of Seniors, Disability Services and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships (formerly Department of Communities, Disability Services and Seniors) 2,761,556 2,750,774 2,736,631
Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning (formerly Department of Local Government, Racing and Multicultural Affairs) 1,348,100 1,362,447 1,791,852
Department of Tourism, Innovation and Sport (formerly Department of State Development, Tourism and Innovation and Department of Innovation, Tourism Industry Development and the Commonwealth Games) 696,010 643,503 527,129
Department of Transport and Main Roads 8,281,280 8,175,530 9,956,677
Department of Youth Justice
[Note: The department ceased on 12 November 2020.]
156,227 156,227 ..
Electoral Commission of Queensland 92,775 82,363 29,510
Office of the Governor 7,337 7,337 8,328
Office of the Inspector-General of Emergency Management 4,126 4,126 4,309
Office of the Ombudsman 8,574 8,574 8,982
Public Safety Business Agency
[Note: The department ceased on 1 July 2021.]
193,298 178,286 ..
Public Service Commission 11,485 11,381 13,979
Queensland Audit Office 6,598 6,598 7,014
Queensland Corrective Services 1,083,195 996,199 1,290,501
Queensland Fire and Emergency Services 117,555 208,734 137,288
Queensland Health 12,253,962 12,163,607 13,064,355
Queensland Police Service 2,226,036 2,250,807 2,507,405
Queensland Treasury 8,518,926 8,411,817 6,856,473
TOTAL 60,857,652 59,872,306 63,525,414

Schedule 2 Appropriation for 2021–2022

Department Budget2020–2021$’000 Est. Actual2020–2021$’000 Vote2021–2022$’000
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
Controlled items
departmental services 333,136 347,909 323,634
equity adjustment (6,203) (6,003) (818)
Administered items 238,303 67,465 58,332
Vote 565,236 409,371 381,148
Department of Children, Youth Justice and Multicultural Affairs (formerly Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women)
Controlled items
departmental services 1,719,769 1,813,091 1,838,805
equity adjustment 4,828 26,828 (12,367)
Administered items 72,296 71,221 90,191
Vote 1,796,893 1,911,140 1,916,629
Department of Communities, Housing and Digital Economy (formerly Department of Housing and Public Works)
Controlled items
departmental services 1,137,169 1,075,845 1,223,496
equity adjustment 248,475 174,270 246,731
Administered items 126,760 133,649 172,499
Vote 1,512,404 1,383,764 1,642,726
Department of Education
Controlled items
departmental services 9,621,435 9,593,602 10,365,369
equity adjustment 1,109,918 600,814 850,752
Administered items 3,994,281 4,048,914 4,620,329
Vote 14,725,634 14,243,330 15,836,450
Department of Employment, Small Business and Training
Controlled items
departmental services 1,360,279 1,295,952 1,245,822
equity adjustment (2,504) (1,784) (1,283)
Administered items .. .. ..
Vote 1,357,775 1,294,168 1,244,539
Department of Energy and Public Works
Controlled items
departmental services 86,108 87,216 173,321
equity adjustment 44,284 6,811 43,260
Administered items 264,517 267,996 546,194
Vote 394,909 362,023 762,775
Department of Environment and Science
Controlled items
departmental services 716,239 675,539 682,105
equity adjustment 11,734 9,734 44,978
Administered items 78,819 78,819 ..
Vote 806,792 764,092 727,083
Department of Justice and Attorney-General
Controlled items
departmental services 624,979 622,289 711,479
equity adjustment (45,458) (43,236) (55,323)
Administered items 460,636 650,044 474,308
Vote 1,040,157 1,229,097 1,130,464
Department of the Premier and Cabinet
Controlled items
departmental services 87,757 78,335 99,816
equity adjustment .. .. ..
Administered items 146,812 138,070 167,549
Vote 234,569 216,405 267,365
Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water (formerly Department of Regional Development and Manufacturing and Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning)
Controlled items
departmental services .. 6,352 178,725
equity adjustment 18,942 41,500 140,000
Administered items .. .. 37,205
Vote 18,942 47,852 355,930
Department of Resources (formerly Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy)
Controlled items
departmental services 315,357 297,174 319,767
equity adjustment 92,025 69,467 (4,381)
Administered items 204,379 200,573 4,486
Vote 611,761 567,214 319,872
Department of Seniors, Disability Services and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships (formerly Department of Communities, Disability Services and Seniors)
Controlled items
departmental services 328,408 316,626 295,216
equity adjustment 9,470 4,950 6,670
Administered items 2,423,678 2,429,198 2,434,745
Vote 2,761,556 2,750,774 2,736,631
Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning (formerly Department of Local Government, Racing and Multicultural Affairs)
Controlled items
departmental services 601,383 462,241 727,035
equity adjustment 21,301 14,080 (4,295)
Administered items 725,416 886,126 1,069,112
Vote 1,348,100 1,362,447 1,791,852
Department of Tourism, Innovation and Sport (formerly Department of State Development, Tourism and Innovation and Department of Innovation, Tourism Industry Development and the Commonwealth Games)
Controlled items
departmental services 438,853 373,352 377,073
equity adjustment 32,187 25,181 23,497
Administered items 224,970 244,970 126,559
Vote 696,010 643,503 527,129
Department of Transport and Main Roads
Controlled items
departmental services 5,673,004 5,632,724 5,947,975
equity adjustment 2,019,337 2,363,643 2,419,324
Administered items 588,939 179,163 1,589,378
Vote 8,281,280 8,175,530 9,956,677
Electoral Commission of Queensland
Controlled items
departmental services 92,812 83,052 28,895
equity adjustment (37) (689) 615
Administered items .. .. ..
Vote 92,775 82,363 29,510
Office of the Governor
Controlled items
departmental services 7,337 7,326 8,328
equity adjustment .. 11 ..
Administered items .. .. ..
Vote 7,337 7,337 8,328
Office of the Inspector-General of Emergency Management
Controlled items
departmental services 4,126 4,126 4,309
equity adjustment .. .. ..
Administered items .. .. ..
Vote 4,126 4,126 4,309
Office of the Ombudsman
Controlled items
departmental services 8,574 8,574 8,982
equity adjustment .. .. ..
Administered items .. .. ..
Vote 8,574 8,574 8,982
Public Service Commission
Controlled items
departmental services 11,485 11,381 13,979
equity adjustment .. .. ..
Administered items .. .. ..
Vote 11,485 11,381 13,979
Queensland Audit Office
Controlled items
departmental services 6,598 6,598 7,014
equity adjustment .. .. ..
Administered items .. .. ..
Vote 6,598 6,598 7,014
Queensland Corrective Services
Controlled items
departmental services 1,025,723 1,027,535 1,066,466
equity adjustment 57,472 (31,336) 224,035
Administered items .. .. ..
Vote 1,083,195 996,199 1,290,501
Queensland Fire and Emergency Services
Controlled items
departmental services 124,070 215,249 135,298
equity adjustment (6,515) (6,515) 1,990
Administered items .. .. ..
Vote 117,555 208,734 137,288
Queensland Health
Controlled items
departmental services 12,283,406 12,332,464 12,714,683
equity adjustment (98,740) (238,627) 272,460
Administered items 69,296 69,770 77,212
Vote 12,253,962 12,163,607 13,064,355
Queensland Police Service
Controlled items
departmental services 2,191,123 2,217,455 2,496,168
equity adjustment 34,188 32,627 11,237
Administered items 725 725 ..
Vote 2,226,036 2,250,807 2,507,405
Queensland Treasury
Controlled items
departmental services 371,772 342,217 477,879
equity adjustment (9,254) 151,371 7,596
Administered items 8,156,408 7,918,229 6,370,998
Vote 8,518,926 8,411,817 6,856,473
Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships
Controlled items
departmental services 24,260 24,260 ..
equity adjustment 100 100 ..
Administered items 1,180 1,180 ..
Vote 25,540 25,540 ..

[Note: The department ceased on 12 November 2020.]
Department of Youth Justice
Controlled items
departmental services 112,525 112,525 ..
equity adjustment 43,702 43,702 ..
Administered items .. .. ..
Vote 156,227 156,227 ..

[Note: The department ceased on 12 November 2020.]
Public Safety Business Agency
Controlled items
departmental services 200,371 189,965 ..
equity adjustment (7,073) (11,679) ..
Administered items .. .. ..
Vote 193,298 178,286 ..

[Note: The department ceased on 1 July 2021.]
TOTAL APPROPRIATION 60,857,652 59,872,306 63,525,414

© State of Queensland 2021


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