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Queensland Agricultural College Amendment Bill 2013
Queensland Agricultural College Amendment Bill 2013 Contents Page Part 1 Preliminary 1 Short title . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2 Commencement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Part 2 Amendment of Agricultural College Act 2005 3 Act amended . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 4 Amendment of long title . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 5 Amendment of s 1 (Short title) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 6 Omission of s 4 (Ministerial declaration `Stepping forward: improving pathways for all young people') . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 7 Replacement of pt 2, hdg (Australian Agricultural College Corporation) 7 Part 2 Queensland Agricultural Training Colleges 8 Replacement of s 5 (Establishment of Australian Agricultural College Corporation) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 5 Queensland Agricultural Training Colleges. . . . . . . . . 7 9 Omission of ss 8 and 9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 10 Replacement of s 10 (Corporation's functions generally). . . . . . . 8 10 Corporation's functions generally . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 11 Omission of s 11 (Additional functions in relation to agricultural college) ....................................... 9 12 Replacement of s 14 (Delegation by corporation) . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 14 Delegation by corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 13 Insertion of new pt 2, div 4A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Division 4A Planning and accountability 14A Giving of statement of expectations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 14B Statement of intent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 14C Corporation to submit strategic plans. . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 14 Amendment of pt 2A, hdg (Australian Agricultural College Employing Office). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Agricultural College Amendment Bill 2013 Contents 15 Amendment of s 16 (Establishment of employing office) . . . . . . . 11 16 Replacement of ss 21 and 22. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 21 Establishment of board. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 22 Board's functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 17 Replacement of ss 23 and 23A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 23 Composition of board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 23A Disqualification as member . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 18 Amendment of s 24 (Board chairperson and deputy chairperson) 13 19 Amendment of s 26 (Conditions of appointment to board). . . . . . 14 20 Amendment of s 26A (Removal from office). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 21 Amendment of s 27 (Vacating office) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 22 Omission of s 29 (Times and places of board meetings) . . . . . . . 15 23 Omission of s 30 (Presiding at board meetings) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 24 Omission of s 33 (Meetings held using communication technology) 15 25 Amendment of s 33A (Disclosure of interests) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 26 Amendment of s 34A (Chairperson's reporting requirements) . . . 15 27 Amendment of s 35 (Establishing committees) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 28 Insertion of new pt 3A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Part 3A Principal executive officer 35A Principal executive officer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 35B Disqualification as principal executive officer . . . . . . . 17 35C Conditions of appointment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 35D Term of appointment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 35E Resignation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 35F Role of the principal executive officer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 35G Relationship between principal executive officer and board .............................. 18 35H Principal executive officer not to engage in other paid employment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 35I Conflicts of interest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 29 Replacement of pt 4 (Agricultural college, director and student advisory council). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Part 4 Agricultural colleges, college boards or college directors Division 1 Agricultural colleges 36 Agricultural colleges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Division 2 Board of agricultural colleges Page 2
Agricultural College Amendment Bill 2013 Contents 37 Boards of agricultural colleges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 38 Disqualification as member of college board . . . . . . . 21 39 Conditions and term of appointment . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 40 Conduct of business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 41 Voting at college board meetings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 42 Quorum for college board meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 43 Disclosure of interests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 44 College board minutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Division 3 College directors 44A College directors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 30 Omission of s 46 (Delegation by Minister) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 31 Insertion of new pt 6, div 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Division 5 Transitional provisions for Agricultural College Amendment Act 2013 65 Definitions for div 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 66 Dissolutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 67 First appointment of members of the board . . . . . . . . 27 68 First appointment of principal executive officer . . . . . 27 69 Records of the former board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 70 References to former entities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 71 Change to name of entities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 32 Amendment of sch 2 (Dictionary) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 33 Omission of attachment (Ministerial Declaration `Stepping Forward: Improving Pathways for all Young People'). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Part 3 Amendments about the dissolution of the employing office 34 Act amended . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 35 Amendment of s 14 (Delegation by corporation) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 36 Replacement of pt 2, div 5, hdg (Other provisions) . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Division 5 Other staff and work performance arrangements 37 Insertion of new s 15AA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 15AA Other staff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 38 Amendment of s 15 (Corporation may enter into work performance arrangements) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 39 Omission of pt 2A (Queensland Agricultural Training Colleges Employing Office) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 40 Amendment of s 23A (Disqualification as member) . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Page 3
Agricultural College Amendment Bill 2013 Contents 41 Amendment of s 65 (Definitions for div 5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 42 Insertion of new ss 73 and 74 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 73 Dissolutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 74 Matters for transfer of employees to corporation . . . . 34 43 Amendment of sch 2 (Dictionary) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Part 4 Minor and consequential amendments 44 Acts amended . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Schedule 1 Minor and consequential amendments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Criminal Law (Rehabilitation of Offenders) Act 1986 . . . . . . . . . . 37 Education (Overseas Students) Act 1996 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Education (Work Experience) Act 1996 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Public Interest Disclosure Act 2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Public Sector Ethics Act 1994 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Page 4
2013 A Bill for An Act to amend the Agricultural College Act 2005 to rename the Australian Agricultural College Corporation and to establish a new governing board for the corporation, and to make consequential or minor amendments to the legislation stated in schedule 1 for related purposes
Agricultural College Amendment Bill 2013 Part 1 Preliminary [s 1] The Parliament of Queensland enacts-- 1 Part 1 Preliminary 2 Clause 1 Short title 3 This Act may be cited as the Agricultural College Amendment 4 Act 2013. 5 Clause 2 Commencement 6 (1) This Act, other than part 3, commences on a day (the first 7 day) to be fixed by proclamation. 8 (2) Part 3 commences on a day, not before the first day, to be 9 fixed by proclamation. 10 Part 2 Amendment of Agricultural 11 College Act 2005 12 Clause 3 Act amended 13 This part amends the Agricultural College Act 2005. 14 Clause 4 Amendment of long title 15 Long title, from `Australian' to `and for'-- 16 omit, insert-- 17 Queensland Agricultural Training Colleges and 18 provide for agricultural colleges, and for 19 Page 6
Agricultural College Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Amendment of Agricultural College Act 2005 [s 5] Clause 5 Amendment of s 1 (Short title) 1 Section 1, `Agricultural College'-- 2 omit, insert-- 3 Queensland Agricultural Training Colleges 4 Clause 6 Omission of s 4 (Ministerial declaration `Stepping 5 forward: improving pathways for all young people') 6 Section 4-- 7 omit. 8 Clause 7 Replacement of pt 2, hdg (Australian Agricultural College 9 Corporation) 10 Part 2, heading-- 11 omit, insert-- 12 Part 2 Queensland 13 Agricultural Training 14 Colleges 15 Clause 8 Replacement of s 5 (Establishment of Australian 16 Agricultural College Corporation) 17 Section 5-- 18 omit, insert-- 19 5 Queensland Agricultural Training Colleges 20 (1) The former Australian Agricultural College 21 Corporation is continued under the name 22 Queensland Agricultural Training Colleges (the 23 corporation). 24 (2) The corporation-- 25 (a) is a body corporate; and 26 (b) has a common seal; and 27 Page 7
Agricultural College Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Amendment of Agricultural College Act 2005 [s 9] (c) may sue and be sued in its corporate name. 1 Clause 9 Omission of ss 8 and 9 2 Sections 8 and 9-- 3 omit. 4 Clause 10 Replacement of s 10 (Corporation's functions generally) 5 Section 10-- 6 omit, insert-- 7 10 Corporation's functions generally 8 The functions of the corporation are as follows-- 9 (a) promote the creation of employment 10 opportunities in the State by providing high 11 quality agricultural and rural vocational 12 education and training; 13 (b) ensure that vocational education and 14 training meets the immediate and future 15 needs of the agricultural, rural and related 16 industries and the community; 17 (c) engage employees, employers, associations 18 of employees or employers and the 19 community to identify agricultural training 20 needs, opportunities and priorities; 21 (d) cooperate with government bodies, industry, 22 commerce and community groups and other 23 persons on training matters relating to the 24 agricultural and rural industries; 25 (e) provide facilities and services for study, 26 research and training relevant to the 27 agricultural, rural and related industries; 28 (f) commercially exploit any property of the 29 corporation, including research or 30 Page 8
Agricultural College Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Amendment of Agricultural College Act 2005 [s 11] knowledge developed by, or belonging to, 1 the corporation; 2 (g) comply with national and State quality 3 standards and audit requirements for 4 registered training organisations; 5 (h) support the continued development of high 6 quality training within the agricultural 7 industry; 8 (i) perform other functions given to the 9 corporation under an Act. 10 Clause 11 Omission of s 11 (Additional functions in relation to 11 agricultural college) 12 Section 11-- 13 omit. 14 Clause 12 Replacement of s 14 (Delegation by corporation) 15 Section 14-- 16 omit, insert-- 17 14 Delegation by corporation 18 The corporation may delegate its powers under this 19 Act to-- 20 (a) the principal executive officer; or 21 (b) an appropriately qualified officer or 22 employee of the corporation; or 23 (c) a college board; or 24 (d) a college director; or 25 (e) an appropriately qualified employee of the 26 employing office or of another government 27 entity who performs work for the 28 corporation under a work performance 29 arrangement. 30 Page 9
Agricultural College Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Amendment of Agricultural College Act 2005 [s 13] Clause 13 Insertion of new pt 2, div 4A 1 Part 2-- 2 insert-- 3 Division 4A Planning and 4 accountability 5 14A Giving of statement of expectations 6 (1) The Minister may give the corporation a written 7 statement (a statement of expectations) of the 8 Minister's expectations of the corporation in 9 performing its functions and exercising its 10 powers. 11 (2) The statement of expectations-- 12 (a) must set out the Minister's expectations for 13 the period stated in the statement; and 14 (b) may include provisions about the 15 following-- 16 (i) the strategic or operational activities to 17 be carried out by the corporation in the 18 performance of its functions; 19 (ii) other activities to be carried out by the 20 corporation; 21 (iii) reporting to the Minister about the 22 activities. 23 (3) A statement of expectations given to the 24 corporation under subsection (1) is taken to be a 25 direction given under section 13(1). 26 14B Statement of intent 27 (1) If the Minister gives a statement of expectations, 28 under section 14A, to the corporation, the 29 corporation must give the Minister a written 30 Page 10
Agricultural College Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Amendment of Agricultural College Act 2005 [s 14] statement (a statement of intent) about how the 1 corporation proposes to comply with the 2 statement of expectations. 3 (2) The statement of intent must be given to the 4 Minister within 30 days after the statement of 5 expectations is given to the corporation. 6 14C Corporation to submit strategic plans 7 (1) The corporation must submit for the Minister's 8 approval a strategic plan developed for the 9 corporation under the Financial Accountability 10 Act 2009. 11 (2) A strategic plan approved by the Minister is taken 12 to be the corporation's strategic plan. 13 Clause 14 Amendment of pt 2A, hdg (Australian Agricultural 14 College Employing Office) 15 Part 2A, heading, `Australian Agricultural College'-- 16 omit, insert-- 17 Queensland Agricultural Training Colleges 18 Clause 15 Amendment of s 16 (Establishment of employing office) 19 Section 16(1)-- 20 omit, insert-- 21 (1) The office established under this Act under the 22 name Australian Agricultural College Employing 23 Office is continued under the name Queensland 24 Agricultural Training Colleges Employing 25 Office. 26 Clause 16 Replacement of ss 21 and 22 27 Sections 21 and 22-- 28 Page 11
Agricultural College Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Amendment of Agricultural College Act 2005 [s 17] omit, insert-- 1 21 Establishment of board 2 The Board of the Queensland Agricultural Training 3 Colleges is established as the corporation's governing 4 body. 5 22 Board's functions 6 The board has the following functions-- 7 (a) deciding the strategies and the operational, 8 administrative and financial policies to be 9 followed by the corporation; 10 (b) ensuring the corporation fulfils a statement 11 of expectations given to the corporation by 12 the Minister under section 14A; 13 (c) ensuring the corporation performs its 14 functions and exercises its powers in a 15 proper, effective and efficient way; 16 (d) ensuring that the corporation acts in 17 accordance with it's strategic and 18 operational plans; 19 (e) accounting to the Minister for the 20 corporation's performance; 21 (f) annually reviewing the performance of the 22 principal executive officer. 23 Clause 17 Replacement of ss 23 and 23A 24 Sections 23 and 23A-- 25 omit, insert-- 26 23 Composition of board 27 (1) The board consists of up to 7 members appointed 28 by the Governor in Council. 29 (2) However-- 30 Page 12
Agricultural College Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Amendment of Agricultural College Act 2005 [s 18] (a) no more than 2 of the members can be 1 chairpersons of college boards; and 2 (b) no more than 2 of the members can be 3 deputy chairpersons of college boards. 4 (3) In appointing a person as a member, the 5 Governor in Council must have regard to the 6 person's ability to make a contribution to the 7 effective and efficient performance of the 8 corporation's functions. 9 (4) The members are appointed under this Act and 10 not the Public Service Act 2008. 11 23A Disqualification as member 12 A person is disqualified from becoming, or continuing 13 as, a member of the board if the person-- 14 (a) has a conviction, other than a spent 15 conviction, for an indictable offence; or 16 (b) is an insolvent under administration; or 17 (c) is not able to manage a corporation because 18 of the Corporations Act, part 2D.6; or 19 (d) is an employee or officer of the corporation 20 or employing office. 21 Clause 18 Amendment of s 24 (Board chairperson and deputy 22 chairperson) 23 (1) Section 24(1)-- 24 omit, insert-- 25 (1) The Governor in Council must appoint a member 26 of the board to be the chairperson and another 27 member to be the deputy chairperson. 28 (1A) Neither the chairperson nor deputy chairperson 29 can be the chairperson or deputy chairperson of a 30 college board. 31 Page 13
Agricultural College Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Amendment of Agricultural College Act 2005 [s 19] (2) Section 24(2) and (3), `Minister'-- 1 omit, insert-- 2 Governor in Council 3 (3) Section 24(1A) to (4)-- 4 renumber as section 24(2) to (5). 5 Clause 19 Amendment of s 26 (Conditions of appointment to board) 6 Section 26, `Minister'-- 7 omit, insert-- 8 Governor in Council 9 Clause 20 Amendment of s 26A (Removal from office) 10 (1) Section 26A, `Minister'-- 11 omit, insert-- 12 Governor in Council 13 (2) Section 26A(2) and (3)-- 14 omit. 15 Clause 21 Amendment of s 27 (Vacating office) 16 Section 27(a) to (c)-- 17 omit, insert-- 18 (a) becomes disqualified from holding office 19 under section 23A; or 20 (b) resigns from office by signed notice of 21 resignation given to the Governor in 22 Council; or 23 (c) is removed from office by signed notice 24 from the Governor in Council. 25 Page 14
Agricultural College Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Amendment of Agricultural College Act 2005 [s 22] Clause 22 Omission of s 29 (Times and places of board meetings) 1 Section 29-- 2 omit. 3 Clause 23 Omission of s 30 (Presiding at board meetings) 4 Section 30-- 5 omit. 6 Clause 24 Omission of s 33 (Meetings held using communication 7 technology) 8 Section 33-- 9 omit. 10 Clause 25 Amendment of s 33A (Disclosure of interests) 11 Section 33A(8)-- 12 omit, insert-- 13 (8) If there are no members who may remain present 14 for considering or deciding the issue, the 15 Minister may consider and decide the issue. 16 (9) A disclosure under subsection (2) must be 17 recorded in the board's minutes. 18 Clause 26 Amendment of s 34A (Chairperson's reporting 19 requirements) 20 (1) Section 34A(1), (3) and (4), `the corporation and'-- 21 omit. 22 (2) Section 34A(1), `relating to the agricultural college (the 23 relevant functions)'-- 24 omit. 25 (3) Section 34A(2), `the corporation or'-- 26 Page 15
Agricultural College Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Amendment of Agricultural College Act 2005 [s 27] omit. 1 (4) Section 34A(2) and (4), `relevant'-- 2 omit. 3 Clause 27 Amendment of s 35 (Establishing committees) 4 (1) Section 35(1) and (2)-- 5 omit, insert-- 6 (1) The board may establish a committee to help it 7 perform its functions. 8 (2) Section 35(5), `corporation'-- 9 omit, insert-- 10 Minister 11 (3) Section 35(6)-- 12 omit. 13 (4) Section 35(3) to (5)-- 14 renumber as section 35(2) to (4). 15 Clause 28 Insertion of new pt 3A 16 After section 35-- 17 insert-- 18 Part 3A Principal executive 19 officer 20 35A Principal executive officer 21 (1) The Minister may, on the recommendation of the 22 corporation, appoint a person as the principal 23 executive officer for the corporation. 24 Page 16
Agricultural College Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Amendment of Agricultural College Act 2005 [s 28] (2) The principal executive officer is appointed under 1 this Act and not under the Public Service Act 2 2008. 3 35B Disqualification as principal executive officer 4 (1) A person is disqualified from becoming, or 5 continuing as, the principal executive officer if 6 the person-- 7 (a) has a conviction, other than a spent 8 conviction, for an indictable offence; or 9 (b) is an insolvent under administration; or 10 (c) is not able to manage a corporation because 11 of the Corporations Act, part 2D.6; or 12 (d) is a member of the board. 13 (2) Also, a person is disqualified from continuing as 14 the principal executive officer if the person fails 15 to comply with section 35H. 16 35C Conditions of appointment 17 For matters not provided for under this Act or stated in 18 the contract of employment, the principal executive 19 officer holds office on the terms of appointment 20 decided by the Minister. 21 35D Term of appointment 22 (1) The principal executive officer holds office for 23 the term, of not more than 3 years, stated in his or 24 her contract of employment. 25 (2) However, a person's appointment as principal 26 executive officer ends if, during the term of the 27 appointment, the person becomes disqualified 28 under section 35B. 29 Page 17
Agricultural College Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Amendment of Agricultural College Act 2005 [s 28] 35E Resignation 1 The principal executive officer may resign by signed 2 notice given to the chairperson of the board. 3 35F Role of the principal executive officer 4 (1) The principal executive officer is responsible for 5 the overall management of the corporation. 6 (2) The principal executive officer has all the powers 7 necessary for carrying out those responsibilities 8 and any function (an additional function) the 9 officer is authorised by another Act to perform. 10 35G Relationship between principal executive 11 officer and board 12 (1) In carrying out the principal executive officer's 13 responsibilities, other than performing an 14 additional function mentioned in section 35F(2), 15 the officer must give effect to any policy or 16 direction of the board relevant to the 17 responsibilities. 18 (2) The principal executive officer must report 19 regularly to the board on the administration of 20 this Act. 21 (3) In carrying out the principal executive officer's 22 responsibilities in compliance with subsection 23 (1), anything done by the officer is taken to have 24 been done by the corporation. 25 35H Principal executive officer not to engage in 26 other paid employment 27 The principal executive officer must not, without the 28 board's prior written approval-- 29 Page 18
Agricultural College Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Amendment of Agricultural College Act 2005 [s 29] (a) engage in paid employment outside the 1 duties of the office of the principal executive 2 officer; or 3 (b) actively take part in the activities of a 4 business, or in the management of a 5 corporation carrying on business. 6 35I Conflicts of interest 7 If the principal executive officer has an interest that 8 conflicts, or may conflict, with the discharge of the 9 officer's responsibilities, the officer-- 10 (a) must disclose the nature of the interest and 11 conflict to the board as soon as practicable 12 after the relevant facts come to the officer's 13 knowledge; and 14 (b) must not take action or further action 15 concerning a matter that is, or may be, 16 affected by the conflict unless authorised by 17 the board. 18 Clause 29 Replacement of pt 4 (Agricultural college, director and 19 student advisory council) 20 Part 4-- 21 omit, insert-- 22 Part 4 Agricultural colleges, 23 college boards or 24 college directors 25 Division 1 Agricultural colleges 26 Page 19
Agricultural College Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Amendment of Agricultural College Act 2005 [s 29] 36 Agricultural colleges 1 (1) The Minister may establish agricultural colleges 2 to deliver education and training services to the 3 agricultural and rural industries. 4 (2) An agricultural college has no legal existence 5 apart from the corporation. 6 (3) The Minister may-- 7 (a) give an agricultural college a name; and 8 (b) establish campuses for the college. 9 Division 2 Board of agricultural 10 colleges 11 37 Boards of agricultural colleges 12 (1) The Minister may establish a college board for 1 13 or more agricultural colleges. 14 (2) The Minister must appoint no more than 7 15 members of each college board established under 16 subsection (1). 17 (3) The Minister may appoint a person as a member 18 only if the person has skills or experience 19 relevant to the functions of the board. 20 (4) The Minister must appoint 1 member as 21 chairperson and another member as deputy 22 chairperson. 23 (5) Subject to direction from the corporation, a 24 college board is responsible for the following in 25 relation to the colleges for the board-- 26 (a) overseeing the day-to-day operations of the 27 colleges; 28 (b) deciding key business planning and 29 performance matters for the colleges; 30 Page 20
Agricultural College Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Amendment of Agricultural College Act 2005 [s 29] (c) curriculum development; 1 (d) designing production programs; 2 (e) subject to direction and approval from the 3 board, deciding operational direction for the 4 colleges; 5 (f) performing the functions delegated to the 6 college board. 7 38 Disqualification as member of college board 8 A person is disqualified from becoming, or continuing 9 as, a member of a college board if the person-- 10 (a) has a conviction, other than a spent 11 conviction, for an indictable offence; or 12 (b) is an insolvent under administration; or 13 (c) is not able to manage a corporation because 14 of the Corporations Act, part 2D.6; or 15 (d) is a member of the board or an employee or 16 a contractor of the corporation. 17 39 Conditions and term of appointment 18 (1) For matters not provided for under this Act or 19 stated in the contract of employment, a member 20 of a college board holds office on the terms of 21 appointment decided by the Minister. 22 (2) A member of a college board holds office for the 23 term, not more than 3 years, stated in his or her 24 contract of employment. 25 (3) However, a person's appointment as member 26 ends if, during the term of the appointment, the 27 person becomes disqualified under section 38. 28 (4) A member of a college board may resign by 29 signed notice given to the chairperson of the 30 board. 31 Page 21
Agricultural College Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Amendment of Agricultural College Act 2005 [s 29] 40 Conduct of business 1 Subject to this division and any requirement 2 prescribed under a regulation, a college board may 3 conduct its business, including its meetings, in the 4 way it considers appropriate. 5 41 Voting at college board meetings 6 (1) At college board meetings, all questions are to be 7 decided by a majority of the votes of the 8 members present. 9 (2) If a member abstains from voting, the member is 10 taken to vote for the negative. 11 (3) The chairperson or a member presiding at a 12 meeting is to have a vote and, if the votes are 13 equal, a casting vote. 14 42 Quorum for college board meeting 15 A quorum for a college board meeting is the number 16 equal to one-half of the number of its appointed 17 members or, if one-half is not a whole number, the 18 next highest whole number. 19 43 Disclosure of interests 20 (1) This section applies to a member of a college 21 board if-- 22 (a) the member has an interest in an issue being 23 considered, or about to be considered, by the 24 college board; and 25 (b) the interest conflicts or may conflict with 26 the proper performance of the member's 27 duties about the consideration of the issue. 28 Page 22
Agricultural College Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Amendment of Agricultural College Act 2005 [s 29] (2) After the relevant facts come to the member's 1 knowledge, the member must disclose the nature 2 of the interest to a college board meeting. 3 (3) Unless the college board otherwise directs, the 4 member must not-- 5 (a) be present when the college board considers 6 the issue; or 7 (b) take part in a decision of the college board 8 about the issue. 9 (4) The member must not be present when the 10 college board is considering whether to give the 11 direction. 12 (5) If there is another person who must, under 13 subsection (2), also disclose an interest in the 14 issue, the other person must not-- 15 (a) be present when the college board is 16 considering whether to give the direction; or 17 (b) take part in making the decision about 18 giving the direction. 19 (6) Subsections (7) and (8) apply if-- 20 (a) because of this section, a member is not 21 present at a college board meeting for 22 considering or deciding the issue, or for 23 considering or deciding whether to give the 24 direction; and 25 (b) there would be a quorum if the member 26 were present. 27 (7) The remaining members present are a quorum of 28 the college board for considering or deciding the 29 issue, or for considering or deciding whether to 30 give the direction, at the meeting. 31 (8) If there are no members who may remain present 32 for considering or deciding the issue, the 33 Minister may consider and decide the issue. 34 Page 23
Agricultural College Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Amendment of Agricultural College Act 2005 [s 29] (9) The disclosure must be recorded in the college 1 board's minutes. 2 44 College board minutes 3 A college board must keep a record of the minutes of 4 its meetings and its decisions. 5 Division 3 College directors 6 44A College directors 7 (1) The Minister must decide the number of college 8 directors and which agricultural colleges the 9 directors are to be appointed for. 10 (2) The corporation appoints each college director in 11 consultation with any college board for the 12 agricultural college the director is to be appointed 13 for. 14 (3) Subject to the relevant board for an agricultural 15 college, the college director is responsible for the 16 day-to-day management of the college and 17 reporting to the board. 18 (4) Subject to any relevant industrial instrument, the 19 corporation may decide the terms of employment 20 for the college director. 21 (5) A college director is appointed under this Act and 22 not under the Public Service Act 2008. 23 (6) A person is disqualified from becoming, or 24 continuing as, a college director if the person-- 25 (a) has a conviction, other than a spent 26 conviction, for an indictable offence; or 27 (b) is an insolvent under administration; or 28 (c) is not able to manage a corporation because 29 of the Corporations Act, part 2D.6; or 30 Page 24
Agricultural College Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Amendment of Agricultural College Act 2005 [s 30] (d) is a member of the college board or an 1 employee or a contractor of the corporation. 2 (7) Subject to any resignation, removal from office 3 or disqualification under subsection (6), a college 4 director holds office for the term, of not more 5 than 3 years, stated in his or her contract of 6 employment. 7 (8) In this section-- 8 relevant board, for an agricultural college, 9 means-- 10 (a) if there is a college board for the 11 college--the college board; or 12 (b) otherwise--the board. 13 Clause 30 Omission of s 46 (Delegation by Minister) 14 Section 46-- 15 omit. 16 Clause 31 Insertion of new pt 6, div 5 17 Part 6-- 18 insert-- 19 Division 5 Transitional provisions for 20 Agricultural College 21 Amendment Act 2013 22 65 Definitions for div 5 23 In this division-- 24 amending Act means the Agricultural College 25 Amendment Act 2013. 26 document includes a policy of the former board. 27 former board means the Board of the Australian 28 Agricultural College Corporation previously 29 Page 25
Agricultural College Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Amendment of Agricultural College Act 2005 [s 31] continued under this Act, section 21, as in force 1 before its amendment under the Agricultural 2 College Amendment Act 2013. 3 former director means the person holding the 4 office of director under this Act, section 37, as in 5 force before its amendment under the 6 Agricultural College Amendment Act 2013. 7 66 Dissolutions 8 (1) On the commencement of this section the 9 following end or cease to exist-- 10 (a) the former board; 11 (b) the appointment of the members of the 12 former board; 13 (c) the office of the former director; 14 (d) the appointment of the former director. 15 (2) No amount, whether by way of compensation, 16 reimbursement or otherwise, is payable by the 17 State or the corporation to any person for or in 18 connection with the enactment of subsection (1). 19 (3) However, to avoid any doubt, subsection (2) does 20 not limit or otherwise affect the former director's 21 right to a benefit or entitlement that, under the 22 existing conditions of appointment, had accrued 23 or was accruing immediately before the 24 commencement of this section. 25 (4) In this section-- 26 existing conditions of appointment, for the 27 former director, means the former director's 28 conditions of appointment as determined by the 29 corporation under section 37 as in force before 30 the amendment of that section under the 31 amending Act, section 29. 32 Page 26
Agricultural College Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Amendment of Agricultural College Act 2005 [s 31] 67 First appointment of members of the board 1 (1) On the commencement of this section, each 2 member of the former board holding office 3 immediately before the commencement of this 4 section becomes a member of the board despite 5 section 17. 6 (2) Despite section 26, the remuneration and 7 conditions of appointment of the former 8 members decided by the Minister before the 9 commencement continue to apply for the 10 appointment. 11 (3) However, this Act applies to each member as if 12 he or she had been appointed under this Act as in 13 force after the commencement. 14 68 First appointment of principal executive officer 15 (1) On the commencement of this section, the person 16 holding office as director under section 37 as in 17 force before the commencement of this section is 18 appointed as the principal executive officer 19 despite section 35A. 20 (2) Despite section 35C, the remuneration and 21 conditions of appointment of the person decided 22 by the Minister before the commencement 23 continue to apply for the appointment. 24 (3) However, this Act applies to the person as if he or 25 she had been appointed under this Act as in force 26 after the commencement. 27 69 Records of the former board 28 On the commencement of this section, a record of the 29 former board becomes a record of the board. 30 Page 27
Agricultural College Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Amendment of Agricultural College Act 2005 [s 31] 70 References to former entities 1 In an Act or document-- 2 (a) a reference to the Australian Agricultural 3 College Corporation may, if the context 4 permits, be taken to be a reference to the 5 corporation; and 6 (b) a reference to the former board may, if the 7 context permits, be taken to be a reference to 8 the board. 9 71 Change to name of entities 10 A change in the name of either of the following 11 entities under the amending Act does not affect 12 the status of the entity-- 13 (a) the corporation; 14 (b) the employing office. 15 72 Effect on legal relationships 16 (1) Nothing done under the amendments to this Act 17 under the amending Act (the Act amendments)-- 18 (a) makes a relevant entity in breach of any 19 instrument, including an instrument 20 prohibiting, restricting or regulating the 21 assignment, novation or transfer of a right or 22 liability or the disclosure of information; or 23 (b) except as provided for under the Act 24 amendments, is taken to fulfil a condition 25 that-- 26 (i) terminates, or allows a person to 27 terminate, an instrument or obligation; 28 or 29 Page 28
Agricultural College Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Amendment of Agricultural College Act 2005 [s 31] (ii) modifies, or allows a person to modify, 1 the operation or effect of an instrument 2 or obligation; or 3 (iii) allows a person to avoid or enforce an 4 obligation or liability contained in an 5 instrument or requires a person to 6 perform an obligation contained in an 7 instrument; or 8 (iv) requires any money to be paid before 9 its stated maturity; or 10 (c) releases a surety or other obligee, wholly or 11 partly, from an obligation. 12 (2) If, apart from this section, the advice, consent or 13 approval of a person would be necessary to do 14 something under the Act amendments, the advice 15 is taken to have been obtained or the consent or 16 approval is taken to have been given 17 unconditionally. 18 (3) If, apart from this section, giving notice to a 19 person would be necessary to do something 20 under the Act amendments, the notice is taken to 21 have been given. 22 (4) In this section-- 23 relevant entity means-- 24 (a) the State or an employee or agent of the 25 State; or 26 (b) the former Australian Agricultural College 27 Corporation, a member of the former board 28 or the former director; or 29 (c) the corporation, a member of the governing 30 board or the principal executive officer. 31 Page 29
Agricultural College Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Amendment of Agricultural College Act 2005 [s 32] Clause 32 Amendment of sch 2 (Dictionary) 1 (1) Schedule 2, definitions board, campus, corporation, director 2 and employing office-- 3 omit. 4 (2) Schedule 2-- 5 insert-- 6 board means the Board of the Queensland 7 Agricultural Training Colleges established under 8 section 21. 9 college board means a college board established 10 under section 37. 11 college director means a person appointed as 12 college director under section 44A. 13 corporation see section 5(1). 14 employing office means the Queensland 15 Agricultural Training Colleges Employing Office 16 continued under section 16. 17 former Australian Agricultural College 18 Corporation means the Australian Agricultural 19 College Corporation previously established under 20 this Act, section 5 as in force before its 21 amendment under the Agricultural College 22 Amendment Act 2013. 23 principal executive officer means the principal 24 executive officer appointed under section 35A. 25 spent conviction means a conviction-- 26 (a) for which the rehabilitation period under the 27 Criminal Law (Rehabilitation of Offenders) 28 Act 1986 has expired under that Act; and 29 (b) that is not revived as prescribed by section 30 11 of that Act. 31 (3) Schedule 2, definition agricultural college, `the'-- 32 Page 30
Agricultural College Amendment Bill 2013 Part 3 Amendments about the dissolution of the employing office [s 33] omit, insert-- 1 an 2 Clause 33 Omission of attachment (Ministerial Declaration 3 `Stepping Forward: Improving Pathways for all Young 4 People') 5 Attachment-- 6 omit. 7 Part 3 Amendments about the 8 dissolution of the employing 9 office 10 Clause 34 Act amended 11 This part amends the Queensland Agricultural Training 12 Colleges Act 2005. 13 Clause 35 Amendment of s 14 (Delegation by corporation) 14 Section 14(e)-- 15 omit, insert-- 16 (e) an appropriately qualified employee of 17 another government entity who performs 18 work for the corporation under a work 19 performance arrangement. 20 Clause 36 Replacement of pt 2, div 5, hdg (Other provisions) 21 Part 2, division 5, heading-- 22 omit, insert-- 23 Page 31
Agricultural College Amendment Bill 2013 Part 3 Amendments about the dissolution of the employing office [s 37] Division 5 Other staff and work 1 performance 2 arrangements 3 Clause 37 Insertion of new s 15AA 4 Part 2-- 5 insert-- 6 15AA Other staff 7 (1) The corporation may employ other staff it 8 considers appropriate to perform its 9 functions. 10 (2) The other staff are appointed under this Act 11 and not the Public Service Act 2008. 12 Clause 38 Amendment of s 15 (Corporation may enter into work 13 performance arrangements) 14 (1) Section 15(1), from `with--'-- 15 omit, insert-- 16 with the appropriate authority of another government 17 entity. 18 (2) Section 15(4)(b), `an employee of the employing office, or'-- 19 omit. 20 Clause 39 Omission of pt 2A (Queensland Agricultural Training 21 Colleges Employing Office) 22 Part 2A-- 23 omit. 24 Clause 40 Amendment of s 23A (Disqualification as member) 25 Section 23A(d)-- 26 Page 32
Agricultural College Amendment Bill 2013 Part 3 Amendments about the dissolution of the employing office [s 41] omit, insert-- 1 (d) is an employee or officer of the corporation. 2 Clause 41 Amendment of s 65 (Definitions for div 5) 3 Section 65-- 4 insert-- 5 executive officer means the executive officer of 6 the employing office appointed under section 19 7 as in force before its repeal under the 8 Agricultural College Amendment Act 2013. 9 Clause 42 Insertion of new ss 73 and 74 10 Part 6, division 5-- 11 insert-- 12 73 Dissolutions 13 (1) On the commencement of this section the 14 following end or cease to exist-- 15 (a) the employing office; 16 (b) the office of the executive officer; 17 (c) the appointment of the executive officer. 18 (2) No amount, whether by way of compensation, 19 reimbursement or otherwise, is payable by the 20 State or the corporation to any person for or in 21 connection with the enactment of subsection (1). 22 (3) However, to avoid any doubt, subsection (2) does 23 not limit or otherwise affect the executive 24 officer's right to a benefit or entitlement that, 25 under the existing conditions of appointment, had 26 accrued or was accruing immediately before the 27 commencement of this section. 28 (4) In this section-- 29 Page 33
Agricultural College Amendment Bill 2013 Part 3 Amendments about the dissolution of the employing office [s 42] existing conditions of appointment, for the 1 executive officer, means the executive officer's 2 conditions of appointment as determined by the 3 Governor in Council under section 19 as in force 4 before the amendment of that section under the 5 amending Act. 6 74 Matters for transfer of employees to 7 corporation 8 (1) On the commencement of this section-- 9 (a) an employee of the employing office 10 employed immediately before the 11 commencement of this section (a 12 transferred employee) becomes an 13 employee of the corporation; and 14 (b) a transferred employee ceases to be an 15 employee of the employing office; and 16 (c) the employing office's records, to the extent 17 they relate to the employment of transferred 18 employees, become records of the 19 corporation; and 20 (d) the employing office's liabilities relating to 21 a transferred employee's accrued rights to 22 annual, sick, long service or other leave 23 become the liabilities of the corporation. 24 (2) The transfer of an employee of the employing 25 office to the corporation does not-- 26 (a) affect the employee's total remuneration; or 27 (b) prejudice the employee's existing or 28 accruing rights to superannuation or annual, 29 sick, long service or other leave; or 30 (c) interrupt continuity of service, except that 31 the employee is not entitled to claim the 32 benefit of a right or entitlement more than 33 Page 34
Agricultural College Amendment Bill 2013 Part 3 Amendments about the dissolution of the employing office [s 43] once in relation to the same period of 1 service; or 2 (d) constitute a retrenchment, redundancy or 3 termination of the employee's employment 4 at the initiative of the employing office; or 5 (e) entitle the employee to a payment or other 6 benefit because he or she is no longer 7 employed by the employing office; or 8 (f) require the employing office to make any 9 payment. 10 (3) A regulation may make provision about all or any 11 of the following to the extent the matter is not 12 provided for in subsection (1) or (2)-- 13 (a) the transfer of an employee of the 14 employing office to the corporation; 15 (b) the terms and conditions of employment, 16 rights and entitlements of employees 17 transferred under paragraph (a); 18 (c) the application of a particular industrial 19 instrument to the employees mentioned in 20 paragraph (a). 21 (4) The regulation has effect despite any other law or 22 instrument. 23 (5) To remove any doubt, it is declared that the 24 regulation applies despite-- 25 (a) the Industrial Relations Act 1999; and 26 (b) any industrial instrument. 27 (6) This section does not apply to the executive 28 officer. 29 Clause 43 Amendment of sch 2 (Dictionary) 30 (1) Schedule 2, definitions employee of the employing office, 31 employing office and executive officer-- 32 Page 35
Agricultural College Amendment Bill 2013 Part 4 Minor and consequential amendments [s 44] omit. 1 (2) Schedule 2-- 2 insert-- 3 employing office means the former Australian 4 Agricultural College Employing Office 5 previously established under section 16 before 6 the repeal of that section under the Agricultural 7 College Amendment Act 2013. 8 Part 4 Minor and consequential 9 amendments 10 Clause 44 Acts amended 11 Schedule 1 amends the Acts it mentions. 12 Page 36
Agricultural College Amendment Bill 2013 Schedule 1 Schedule 1 Minor and consequential 1 amendments 2 section 44 3 Criminal Law (Rehabilitation of Offenders) Act 1986 4 1 Section 9A, table, item 8-- 5 omit, insert-- 6 8 Person employed at the 8(1) An offence defined in the Queensland Agricultural Training Criminal Code, chapter 22, Colleges under the Queensland 32, 33 or 34 or the Drugs Agricultural Training Colleges Misuse Act 1986, part 2. Act 2005 as-- (2) An offence of a similar nature (a) the principal executive committed in Queensland or officer; or elsewhere. (b) a director; or (3) An offence of a sexual nature (c) an instructor; or whether committed in (d) a member of the Queensland or elsewhere. administrative, building, domestic or ground staff. Education (Overseas Students) Act 1996 7 1 Schedule, definitions agricultural college and director-- 8 omit, insert-- 9 agricultural college means the Queensland 10 Agricultural Training Colleges under the 11 Queensland Agricultural Training Colleges Act 12 2005. 13 Page 37
Agricultural College Amendment Bill 2013 Schedule 1 Education (Work Experience) Act 1996 1 1 Section 5(1)(e)-- 2 omit, insert-- 3 (e) if the student is enrolled in the Queensland 4 Agricultural Training Colleges under the 5 Queensland Agricultural Training Colleges 6 Act 2005--the college; or 7 Public Interest Disclosure Act 2010 8 1 Section 6(1)(i)-- 9 omit, insert-- 10 (i) the Queensland Agricultural Training 11 Colleges under the Queensland Agricultural 12 Training Colleges Act 2005; 13 2 Schedule 4, definition agricultural college-- 14 omit. 15 Public Sector Ethics Act 1994 16 1 Schedule, definition agricultural college-- 17 omit, insert-- 18 agricultural college means the Queensland 19 Agricultural Training Colleges under the 20 Page 38
Agricultural College Amendment Bill 2013 Schedule 1 Queensland Agricultural Training Colleges Act 21 2005. 22 © State of Queensland 2013 Authorised by the Parliamentary Counsel Page 39
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