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Queensland Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008
Queensland Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Contents Page Part 1 Preliminary 1 Short title . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2 Commencement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 Division 1 Preliminary 3 Act amended in pt 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Division 2 Amendments not relating to approved managers 4 Replacement of s 3 (Objects of Act). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 3 Act's objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 5 Amendment of s 3A (Principle underlying this Act for facilitating and regulating the liquor industry) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 6 Amendment of s 4 (Definitions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 7 Amendment of s 4B (Meaning of liquor). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 8 Amendment of s 5 (Who is a responsible adult for a minor). . . . . 16 9 Amendment of s 9 (Ordinary trading hours) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 10 Amendment of s 12 (Exemptions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 11 Amendment of s 21 (Jurisdiction and powers of tribunal). . . . . . . 17 12 Insertion of new s 42A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 42A Chief executive may issue guidelines. . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 13 Replacement of pt 4 (Licences and permits) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Part 3A Risk-assessed management plans 50 Definitions for pt 3A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 51 Approval of plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 52 Changing plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 53 Recording change of plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 54 Conditions about approved plan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Contents Part 4 Licences Division 1 Licences under this Act 58 Available licences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Division 2 Commercial hotel licence 59 Principal activity of a business conducted under a commercial hotel licence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 60 Authority of commercial hotel licence . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 61 Restrictions on grant of commercial hotel licence . . . 24 62 Consumption of liquor on premises by residents and guests ........................... 25 Division 3 Commercial special facility licence 63 Principal activity of a business under a commercial special facility licence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 64 Authority of commercial special facility licence. . . . . . 26 65 Restriction on grant of commercial special facility licence .............................. 26 Division 4 Commercial other licence Subdivision 1 General 66 Types of commercial other licence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Subdivision 2 Subsidiary on-premises licence 67 Principal activity of a business under a subsidiary on-premises licence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 67AA Principal activity is the provision of entertainment . . . 27 67A Principal activity is the provision of meals . . . . . . . . . 28 67B Principal activity is the provision of accommodation . 28 67C Authority of subsidiary on-premises licence . . . . . . . . 29 67D Restriction on grant of subsidiary on-premises licence .............................. 30 67E Restriction on sale of liquor for consumption off premises ............................. 30 Subdivision 3 Subsidiary off-premises licence 68 Principal activity of a business under a subsidiary off-premises licence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 69 Authority of subsidiary off-premises licence . . . . . . . . 31 69A Restriction on grant of subsidiary off-premises licence .............................. 31 Subdivision 4 Bar licence 70 Principal activity of a business under a bar licence . . 32 70A Authority of bar licence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Page 2
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Contents Subdivision 5 Industrial canteen licence 71 Definition for sdiv 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 71A Principal activity of a business under an industrial canteen licence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 71B Authority of industrial canteen licence . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 71C Restriction on grant of industrial canteen licence. . . . 33 Subdivision 6 Producer/wholesaler licence 72 Principal activity of a business under a producer/wholesaler licence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 73 Authority of producer/wholesaler licence . . . . . . . . . . 34 74 Restriction on grant of producer/wholesaler licence. . 34 75 Restriction on sale of liquor under producer/wholesaler licence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Division 5 Community club licence 76 Principal activity of business under community club licence .............................. 36 77 Authority of community club licence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 78 Restrictions on grant of community club licence . . . . 39 79 Requirements of club and secretary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Division 6 Community other licence 80 Principal activity of business under community other licence .............................. 42 81 Authority of community other licence . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 82 Restriction on grant of community other licence and other related matters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 83 Requirements of club and secretary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Division 7 Extended trading hours approval 84 Authority of extended trading hours approval . . . . . . . 45 85 Application for approval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 86 Hours to which application may relate etc. . . . . . . . . . 45 87 Restriction on grant of extended trading hours approval ............................. 46 Part 4A Permits Division 1 Permits under this Act 100 Available permits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Division 2 Commercial public event permits 101 Definitions for div 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Page 3
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Contents 101A Commercial public event permit issued jointly to 2 or more licensees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 102 Licensee to obtain a commercial public event permit for selling or supplying liquor at public events . 48 103 Restriction on grant of commercial public event permit ............................... 49 103A Area defined in commercial public event permit forms part of licensed premises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 103B Authority of commercial public event permit . . . . . . . . 50 Division 3 Community liquor permit 103C Authority of community liquor permit . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 103D Restriction on grant of community liquor permit . . . . . 51 103E Identification of premises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 103F Restriction on consumption or possession of liquor . . 52 Division 4 Extended hours permit 103G Authority of extended hours permit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 103H Restriction on grant of extended hours permit . . . . . . 52 103I Hours to which application may relate etc. . . . . . . . . . 53 103J Restriction on number of extended trading hours permits for particular premises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Division 5 Restricted liquor permit 103JA Authority of restricted liquor permit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 103K Restriction on grant of restricted liquor permit and other related matters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 103L Duration of permit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 103M Requirements of club and secretary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Division 6 Adult entertainment permit 103N Adult entertainment code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 103O Only licensees and permittees eligible for grant of adult entertainment permit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 103P Authority of adult entertainment permit . . . . . . . . . . . 58 103Q Approved area to conform with requirements. . . . . . . 58 103R Duration of adult entertainment permit. . . . . . . . . . . . 58 103S Adult entertainment permit dependent on currency of licence or community liquor permit or restricted liquor permit .......................... 59 103T Restriction on grant of adult entertainment permit . . . 59 Division 7 Restricted area permits 103U Authority of restricted area permit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Page 4
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Contents 103V Restriction on grant of restricted area permit . . . . . . . 60 14 Amendment of s 105 (Requirements for applications) . . . . . . . . . 61 15 Omission of s 109C (Application for grant of extended hours permit) ....................................... 61 16 Amendment of s 110 (Application for grant of extended hours permit not on regular basis) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 17 Replacement of s 116 (Public interest relevant to applications) . . 62 116 When community impact statement to be given to chief executive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 18 Amendment of s 118A (Submissions on public interest) . . . . . . . 64 19 Replacement of s 121 (Conference of concerned persons and decision by chief executive) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 121 Matters the chief executive must have regard to . . . . 64 20 Amendment of s 136 (Grounds for disciplinary action) . . . . . . . . 65 21 Insertion of new s 137E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 137E Disciplinary action against former licensee . . . . . . . . 65 22 Amendment of s 142 (Closure of premises in face of riot or tumult) ........................................ 66 23 Insertion of new pt 5, div 4A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Division 4A Training course certificate requirements 141B Application of div 4A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 141C Conditions about training course certificates for particular persons ................ 67 141D Application of s 136 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 24 Replacement of pt 5, div 6 (Certain provisions about conditions of licences and permits for Brisbane City Council area). . . . . . . . 68 Division 6 Certain provisions about conditions of licences for Brisbane City Council area Subdivision 1 Preliminary 142AD Definitions for div 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 142AE Application of div 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 142AF Purpose of div 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Subdivision 2 Conditions of licences 142AG Conditions about crowd controllers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 142AH Conditions about closed-circuit television equipment. 71 142AI Conditions about incident and training registers . . . . 73 142AJ Conditions about drinking practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 142AK Compliance with conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Page 5
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Contents Subdivision 3 Application of s 136 to conditions under sdiv 2 142AL Application of s 136 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 25 Amendment of s 142B (Applying for approval as trainer) . . . . . . . 75 26 Insertion of new s 152A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 152A Change in principal activity of business conducted under a licence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 27 Insertion of new s 155AB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 155AB Supervision of volunteers--community club licence, community other licence or restricted liquor permit . . 75 28 Amendment of ss 155A and 156 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 29 Insertion of new ss 156A-156C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 156A Irresponsible supply of liquor to a minor at a private place etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 156B Prohibition on sale of undesirable liquor product . . . . 77 156C Interim prohibition on sale of undesirable liquor product .............................. 78 30 Amendment of s 173B (Consumption of liquor in certain public places prohibited) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 31 Replacement of ss 199 and 200. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 199 Definitions for pt 9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 200 Licence period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 32 Amendment of s 202 (Fees payable for licences and permits). . . 80 33 Omission of ss 203-207. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 34 Amendment of s 208 (Payment of fees) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 35 Omission of ss 209-214. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 36 Amendment of s 215 (Refund of fee) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 37 Amendment of s 215A (Refund of fees--general) . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 38 Amendment of s 217 (Records to be kept by licensee) . . . . . . . . 81 39 Amendment of s 218 (Powers of examination by investigator). . . 82 40 Insertion of new ss 219 and 220 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 219 Community investment fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 220 Disbursement of fees etc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 41 Insertion of new ss 224 and 225 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 224 Liquor accord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 225 Additional time for consumption or removal of liquor . 84 42 Amendment of s 235 (Regulation-making power) . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 43 Insertion of pt 12, div 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Page 6
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Contents Division 8 Transitional provisions for Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Act 2008 288 Definitions for div 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 289 Existing licences. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 290 Existing permits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 291 Extended hours permit that includes trading between 5a.m. and 7a.m. or between 7a.m. and 10a.m. .............................. 87 292 Existing application for column 1 licence etc. . . . . . . . 88 293 Nominee for a licence or permit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 294 Training course certificate requirement . . . . . . . . . . . 89 295 Risk-assessed management plan conditions . . . . . . . 89 Division 3 Amendments relating to approved managers 44 Amendment of s 4 (Definitions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 45 Amendment of s 21 (Jurisdiction and powers of tribunal). . . . . . . 90 46 Insertion of new pt 4, div 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Division 15 Approved managers 104A Responsibility of approved manager etc. . . . . . . . . . . 91 47 Replacement of ss 107A and 107B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 107A Additional restriction on grant of licence. . . . . . . . . . . 91 107B Additional restriction on grant of permit . . . . . . . . . . . 92 48 Replacement of s 131A (Decision by chief executive on application to continue trading in certain circumstances). . . . . . . 92 131A Decision by chief executive on application to continue trading in certain circumstances . . . . . . . . . 92 49 Replacement of s 132 (Discharge of licensee or permittee from obligations) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 132 Discharge of licensee or permittee from obligations . 94 50 Replacement of s 134 (Cancellation, suspension or variation of permits) .................................... 95 134 Cancellation, suspension or variation of permits . . . . 95 51 Amendment of s 141 (Order to close premises for unlawful trading) ....................................... 97 52 Insertion of new pt 5C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Part 5C Approval as approved manager Division 1 Obtaining approval 142Q Applying for approval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 142R Deciding application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Page 7
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Contents 142S Grant of application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 142T Refusal to grant application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Division 2 Renewal 142U Applying for renewal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 142V Deciding application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 142W Renewal of approval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 142X Refusal to renew approval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 142Y Approval continues pending decision about renewal . 101 Division 3 Lapsing of applications 142Z Lapsing of application. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Division 4 Suspension and cancellation of approvals 142ZA Grounds for suspension or cancellation . . . . . . . . . . . 102 142ZB Show cause notice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 142ZC Representations about show cause notices . . . . . . . . 103 142ZD Ending show cause process without further action . . 103 142ZE Suspension or cancellation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 53 Replacement of s 149 (Licensee to exercise control over premises) ..................................... 105 149 Employment on licensed premises. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 54 Replacement of s 149B (Supervising adult entertainment) . . . . . 105 149B Supervising adult entertainment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 55 Insertion of new pt 6, div 1A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Division 1A Provisions binding particular licensees and permittees 155AC Application of div 1A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 155AD Who must be present or reasonably available at licensed premises etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 155AE Approved managers register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 155AF Exemption from obligation under s 155AD(3). . . . . . . 108 Part 3 Amendment of Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000 56 Act amended in pt 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 57 Amendment of s 53 (Prevention of particular offences relating to liquor) ......................................... 110 58 Insertion of new ss 53A and 53B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 53A Seizure of liquor from a minor in particular circumstances ........................... 111 53B Entry powers for vehicles referred to in ss 53 and 53A 112 Page 8
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Contents Part 4 Amendment of Acts 59 Consequential and other amendments of Acts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Schedule 1 Consequential and other amendments of Acts . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Cairns Casino Agreement Act 1993 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Charitable and Non-Profit Gaming Act 1999 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Gaming Machine Act 1991 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Liquor Act 1992 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Tobacco and Other Smoking Products Act 1998 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 Schedule 2 Amendments of the Liquor Act 1992 relating to approved managers ..................................... 124 Page 9
2008 A Bill for An Act to amend the Liquor Act 1992 and the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000 for particular purposes, and to make consequential amendments of other Acts as stated in schedule 1 for purposes related to those particular purposes
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 1 Preliminary [s 1] The Parliament of Queensland enacts-- 1 Part 1 Preliminary 2 Clause 1 Short title 3 This Act may be cited as the Liquor and Other Acts 4 Amendment Act 2008. 5 Clause 2 Commencement 6 This Act, other than sections 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 22, 29 and 41 and 7 part 3, commences on 1 January 2009. 8 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 9 Division 1 Preliminary 10 Clause 3 Act amended in pt 2 11 This part amends the Liquor Act 1992. 12 Division 2 Amendments not relating to 13 approved managers 14 Clause 4 Replacement of s 3 (Objects of Act) 15 Section 3-- 16 omit, insert-- 17 Page 12
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 5] `3 Act's objects 1 `This Act's objects are-- 2 (a) to regulate the liquor industry in a way compatible with 3 minimising harm caused by alcohol abuse and misuse; 4 and 5 Examples of harm-- 6 · adverse effects on a person's health 7 · personal injury 8 · property damage 9 · violent or anti-social behaviour 10 (b) to facilitate and regulate the optimum development of 11 the tourist, liquor and hospitality industries of the State 12 having regard to the welfare, needs and interests of the 13 community and the economic implications of change; 14 and 15 (c) to provide for the jurisdiction of the tribunal to hear and 16 decide appeals authorised by this Act; and 17 (d) to provide for a flexible, practical system for regulation 18 of the liquor industry of the State with minimal 19 formality, technicality or intervention consistent with 20 the proper and efficient administration of this Act; and 21 (e) to regulate the sale and supply of liquor in particular 22 areas to minimise harm caused by alcohol abuse and 23 misuse and associated violence; and 24 (f) to regulate the provision of adult entertainment; and 25 (g) to provide revenue for the State to enable the attainment 26 of this Act's objects and for other purposes of 27 government.'. 28 Clause 5 Amendment of s 3A (Principle underlying this Act for 29 facilitating and regulating the liquor industry) 30 Section 3A(4)-- 31 omit, insert-- 32 Page 13
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 6] `(4) This section applies subject to this Act's object mentioned in 1 section 3(a).'. 2 Clause 6 Amendment of s 4 (Definitions) 3 Section 4-- 4 insert-- 5 `approved extended trading hours, for licensed premises, 6 means the trading hours mentioned in an extended trading 7 hours approval for the premises that is endorsed, under section 8 85(1), on the licence. 9 approved risk-assessed management plan see section 50. 10 bar licence means a commercial other licence for conducting 11 a business with the principal activity mentioned in section 70. 12 column 1 licence, for part 12, division 8, see section 288. 13 column 2 licence, for part 12, division 8, see section 288. 14 column 1 permit, for part 12, division 8, see section 288. 15 column 2 permit, for part 12, division 8, see section 288. 16 community impact statement means a statement by that name 17 required to be given to the chief executive under section 116. 18 community investment fund, for part 9, see section 199. 19 current training course certificate means a training course 20 certificate that is in force. 21 extended trading hours approval see section 84. 22 fee includes a tax. 23 industrial canteen licence means a commercial other licence 24 for conducting a business with the principal activity 25 mentioned in section 71A. 26 main premises, for part 4A, division 2, see section 101. 27 producer/wholesaler licence means a commercial other 28 licence for conducting a business with the principal activity 29 mentioned in section 72. 30 Page 14
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 7] remote industrial locality, for part 3A, division 4, subdivision 1 5, see section 71 2 risk-assessed management plan see section 50. 3 subsidiary off-premises licence means a commercial other 4 licence for conducting a business with the principal activity 5 mentioned in section 68. 6 subsidiary on-premises licence means a commercial other 7 licence for conducting a business with the principal activity 8 mentioned in section 67. 9 training course certificate means a certificate in the approved 10 form-- 11 (a) given to a person, for satisfactorily completing the 12 approved training course, by someone who holds an 13 approval under part 5A as a trainer for the course; and 14 (b) stating the certificate remains in force for 3 years after it 15 is given to the person.'. 16 Clause 7 Amendment of s 4B (Meaning of liquor) 17 (1) Section 4B(2)-- 18 insert-- 19 `Examples of other substances-- 20 ice confections, jellies and aerosol sprays'. 21 (2) Section 4B(3)-- 22 renumber as section 4B(4). 23 (3) Section 4B-- 24 insert-- 25 `(3) Liquor also includes any other substance containing ethyl 26 alcohol (ethanol), which substance is prescribed under a 27 regulation as liquor.'. 28 Page 15
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 8] Clause 8 Amendment of s 5 (Who is a responsible adult for a 1 minor) 2 Section 5(b), from `, while' to `places,'-- 3 omit. 4 Clause 9 Amendment of s 9 (Ordinary trading hours) 5 (1) Section 9-- 6 insert-- 7 `(1A) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), on any day other than Good 8 Friday or Christmas Day, ordinary trading hours of licensed 9 premises, other than premises to which a producer/wholesaler 10 licence relates or an airport or casino to which a commercial 11 special facility licence relates, are between 10a.m. and 12 12 midnight. 13 `(1B) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), on any day other than Good 14 Friday or Christmas Day, ordinary trading hours of an airport 15 or casino to which a commercial special facility licence 16 relates are between 5a.m. and 12 midnight.'. 17 (2) Section 9(3)(a)(ii), `or (c)'-- 18 omit. 19 (3) Section 9(3)(b)-- 20 omit. 21 (4) Section 9(3)(c)-- 22 renumber as section 9(3)(b). 23 (5) Section 9(5)-- 24 omit, insert-- 25 `(5) Subject to subsection (2), on Good Friday and Christmas Day 26 ordinary trading hours of all licensed premises, other than 27 premises to which a producer/wholesaler licence relates, 28 are-- 29 (a) for sale of liquor to a person to consume on the premises 30 in association with the consumer eating a meal in a part 31 Page 16
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 10] of the premises ordinarily set aside for dining if the meal 1 is prepared, served and intended to be eaten on the 2 premises--between 10a.m. and 12 midnight; or 3 (b) for other sale of liquor--nil.'. 4 (6) Section 9(6) and (8) to (11)-- 5 omit. 6 (7) Section 9(7), `7a.m.'-- 7 omit, insert-- 8 `10a.m.'. 9 Clause 10 Amendment of s 12 (Exemptions) 10 Section 12(2)-- 11 insert-- 12 `(j) a sale of liquor forming part of a floral arrangement or 13 gift basket to be delivered as a gift to a person (the 14 relevant person) other than the purchaser of the floral 15 arrangement or gift basket, if-- 16 (i) the sale is part of a florist's business or the business 17 of a person selling gift baskets; and 18 (ii) the relevant person is an adult; and 19 (iii) the gift is to be delivered to a place other than the 20 place at which the business mentioned in 21 subparagraph (i) is conducted; and 22 (iv) the quantity of the liquor is not more than 1L; and 23 (v) the total value of the liquor and the container in 24 which it is supplied is not more than one-half of 25 the gift's sale price; and 26 (vi) the liquor had been purchased on a retail basis.'. 27 Clause 11 Amendment of s 21 (Jurisdiction and powers of tribunal) 28 (1) Section 21(1)-- 29 Page 17
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 12] insert-- 1 `(ea) the refusal to grant an application to change an approved 2 risk-assessed management plan; or'. 3 (2) Section 21(1)(f), `assessment, reassessment or imposition 4 of'-- 5 omit. 6 Clause 12 Insertion of new s 42A 7 After section 42-- 8 insert-- 9 `42A Chief executive may issue guidelines 10 `(1) The chief executive may issue guidelines to inform persons 11 about-- 12 (a) the attitude the chief executive is likely to adopt on a 13 particular matter; or 14 (b) how the chief executive administers this Act. 15 `(2) A guideline may be replaced or amended by a later guideline 16 issued under this section. 17 `(3) The chief executive must keep copies of the guidelines 18 available for inspection, free of charge, by members of the 19 public at-- 20 (a) the department's head office and regional offices; and 21 (b) other places the chief executive considers appropriate. 22 `(4) Also, the chief executive must, if asked by a person, give the 23 person a copy of a guideline, or an extract from a guideline, 24 free of charge.'. 25 Clause 13 Replacement of pt 4 (Licences and permits) 26 Part 4-- 27 omit, insert-- 28 Page 18
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 13] `Part 3A Risk-assessed management 1 plans 2 `50 Definitions for pt 3A 3 `In this part-- 4 approved risk-assessed management plan, for licensed 5 premises or premises to which a restricted liquor permit 6 relates, means a risk-assessed management plan approved 7 under section 51 for the premises, and includes the plan as 8 changed under section 52. 9 risk-assessed management plan, for licensed premises or 10 premises to which a restricted liquor permit relates, means a 11 document containing information about the procedures and 12 practices, relating to the matters prescribed under a regulation, 13 for the conduct of business at the premises. 14 `51 Approval of plan 15 `(1) This section applies if the chief executive issues a licence or 16 restricted liquor permit. 17 `(2) The chief executive is taken to have approved the 18 risk-assessed management plan identified in the licence or 19 permit. 20 `(3) The chief executive must endorse the plan with the chief 21 executive's written approval and give the endorsed plan to the 22 licensee or permittee. 23 `52 Changing plan 24 `(1) A licensee, or permittee for a restricted liquor permit, may 25 apply to the chief executive to change the licensee's, or 26 permittee's, approved risk-assessed management plan for the 27 licensed premises or premises to which the permit relates. 28 `(2) In deciding whether to grant the application, the chief 29 executive must have regard to the requirements for a 30 Page 19
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 13] risk-assessed management plan mentioned in the definition 1 risk-assessed management plan in section 50. 2 `(3) If the chief executive decides to grant the application, the 3 chief executive must as soon as practicable give the licensee 4 or permittee written notice of the decision. 5 `(4) The change takes effect on the day stated for the change in the 6 notice and does not depend on-- 7 (a) the plan being amended to incorporate the change; or 8 (b) the licence or permit being amended to identify the 9 amended plan. 10 `(5) If the chief executive decides not to grant the application, the 11 chief executive must as soon as practicable give the licensee 12 or permittee written notice of the decision and the reasons for 13 it. 14 `(6) If the chief executive fails to decide the application within 90 15 days after its receipt, the failure is taken to be a decision by 16 the chief executive not to grant the application. 17 `53 Recording change of plan 18 `(1) This section applies if a licensee or permittee receives a notice 19 under section 52(3) about a change to the licensee's, or 20 permittee's, approved risk-assessed management plan for the 21 licensed premises or premises to which the permit relates. 22 `(2) Within 14 days after receiving the notice, the licensee or 23 permittee must return the following documents to the chief 24 executive-- 25 (a) the plan, incorporating the change; 26 (b) the licensee's licence, or permittee's permit, in which 27 the plan is identified. 28 Maximum penalty--25 penalty units. 29 `(3) On receiving the plan, incorporating the change, the chief 30 executive must immediately endorse the plan with the chief 31 Page 20
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 13] executive's written approval and give the endorsed plan to the 1 licensee or permittee. 2 `(4) On receiving the licence or permit, the chief executive must 3 immediately amend the licence or permit to identify the 4 amended plan and give the amended licence or permit to the 5 licensee or permittee. 6 `54 Conditions about approved plan 7 `(1) It is a condition of a licence or restricted liquor permit that the 8 licensee or permittee-- 9 (a) keep the approved plan available for inspection at the 10 licensed premises or premises to which the permit 11 relates by an investigator and patrons of the premises; 12 and 13 (b) display signage at the premises in a way that is likely to 14 make the patrons aware that-- 15 (i) the licensee or permittee has an approved 16 risk-assessed management plan for the premises; 17 and 18 (ii) the approved plan is available for inspection by the 19 patrons; and 20 (c) ensure all staff of the premises, and crowd controllers 21 engaged in maintaining order in and around the 22 premises, are aware of, and perform their duties at the 23 premises in compliance with, the approved plan. 24 `(2) In this section-- 25 approved plan means the licensee's, or permittee's, approved 26 risk-assessed management plan for the premises. 27 Page 21
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 13] `Part 4 Licences 1 `Division 1 Licences under this Act 2 `58 Available licences 3 `(1) The following licences may be granted and held under this 4 Act-- 5 (a) commercial hotel licence; 6 (b) commercial special facility licence; 7 (c) commercial other licence; 8 (d) community club licence; 9 (e) community other licence. 10 `(2) Only 1 licence may be granted or held for premises, or part of 11 premises, but a licence may be granted or held for the 12 premises or part even though there is a licence under the Wine 13 Industry Act 1994 for the premises or part. 14 `(3) However, if a licence is granted or held for premises, or part of 15 premises, under this Act and the Wine Industry Act 1994-- 16 (a) the licensee under both Acts must be the same person; 17 and 18 (b) liquor may be sold under the licence under this Act only 19 for the trading hours authorised under the licence. 20 `Division 2 Commercial hotel licence 21 `59 Principal activity of a business conducted under a 22 commercial hotel licence 23 `(1) The principal activity of a business conducted under a 24 commercial hotel licence is the sale of liquor for consumption 25 on the licensed premises, or on and off the premises, together 26 with-- 27 Page 22
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 13] (a) the provision of meals and accommodation, as required 1 under the licence; and 2 (b) the provision of premises and catering facilities for use 3 by persons genuinely attending a function held on the 4 premises. 5 `(2) The authority under a commercial hotel licence to sell liquor 6 does not apply unless a business is conducted on the licensed 7 premises with the principal activity as mentioned in 8 subsection (1). 9 `(3) To remove doubt, it is declared that it is inconsistent with the 10 principal activity of a business conducted under a commercial 11 hotel licence to only sell liquor for consumption off the 12 premises. 13 `60 Authority of commercial hotel licence 14 `(1) A commercial hotel licence authorises the licensee-- 15 (a) to sell liquor on the licensed premises, for consumption 16 on or off the premises, during ordinary trading hours or 17 approved extended trading hours; and 18 (b) to sell liquor on the licensed premises, for consumption 19 on or off the premises, at any time to a resident on the 20 premises; and 21 (c) to sell liquor on the licensed premises, for consumption 22 on the premises, at any time to a guest of a resident on 23 the premises while the guest is in the resident's 24 company; and 25 (d) to sell liquor on premises approved by the chief 26 executive for sale of liquor under authority of the 27 licence, for consumption-- 28 (i) off the premises; or 29 (ii) on the premises in the amount and in the 30 circumstances prescribed by regulation. 31 Page 23
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 13] Note-- 1 Premises approved by the chief executive under subsection (1)(d) 2 are detached bottle shops under this Act. 3 `(2) If the chief executive states in the licence, the authority of a 4 commercial hotel licence extends to the sale of liquor off the 5 licensed premises, for consumption off the premises, while 6 the licensee is catering for a function if-- 7 (a) the sale is ancillary to the function at the place where the 8 liquor is consumed; and 9 (b) the liquor is sold for consumption by persons genuinely 10 attending the function. 11 `(3) The authority under subsection (1) or (2) is subject to this Act 12 and the conditions stated in a particular licence. 13 `(4) Premises approved by the chief executive for sale of liquor 14 under the authority of a commercial hotel licence are part of 15 the licensed premises to which the licence relates. 16 `61 Restrictions on grant of commercial hotel licence 17 `(1) The chief executive may grant a commercial hotel licence 18 only if the chief executive is satisfied of the following-- 19 (a) the business to be conducted under the licence on the 20 licensed premises will have the principal activity as 21 mentioned in section 59(1); 22 (b) the business to be conducted under the licence on the 23 licensed premises will have a commercial kitchen and at 24 least 2 of the following facilities-- 25 (i) a dining, restaurant, or bistro-style, facility; 26 (ii) self-contained accommodation of at least 3 rooms 27 for letting to travellers; 28 (iii) a function room facility available for hire by 29 members of the public; 30 (c) the licensed premises-- 31 Page 24
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 13] (i) have the capacity to seat more than 60 patrons at 1 any one time; and 2 (ii) have toilet facilities for male and female patrons of 3 the business to be conducted under the licence on 4 the premises. 5 `(2) The chief executive must not grant a commercial hotel licence 6 to a person-- 7 (a) for premises the chief executive reasonably considers 8 are, or are to be, used primarily as a supermarket; or 9 (b) if the chief executive considers that the sale of liquor 10 proposed to be carried on under authority of the licence 11 would more appropriately be carried on under the 12 authority of a licence of another kind. 13 `(3) Also, the chief executive must not grant a commercial hotel 14 licence to an incorporated association under the Associations 15 Incorporation Act 1981. 16 `62 Consumption of liquor on premises by residents 17 and guests 18 `Liquor supplied under the authority of a commercial hotel 19 licence to a resident on the licensed premises, or to a guest of 20 a resident in the resident's company, for consumption on the 21 premises at any time other than ordinary trading hours, or 22 approved extended trading hours, must be consumed in a 23 residential unit on the premises. 24 `Division 3 Commercial special facility licence 25 `63 Principal activity of a business under a commercial 26 special facility licence 27 `(1) The principal activity of a business conducted under a 28 commercial special facility licence is the provision of one of 29 the following facilities-- 30 (a) a casino; 31 Page 25
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 13] (b) an airport; 1 (c) a convention centre; 2 (d) another type of facility, other than a sporting facility, 3 that makes, or is likely to make, a significant 4 contribution to the tourism development of the State. 5 `(2) The authority under a commercial special facility licence to 6 sell or supply liquor does not apply unless a business is 7 conducted on the licensed premises with the principal activity 8 as mentioned in subsection (1). 9 `64 Authority of commercial special facility licence 10 `(1) A commercial special facility licence authorises the licensee 11 to sell liquor on the licensed premises, for consumption on or 12 off the premises, during the times stated in the licence. 13 `(2) The authority under subsection (1) is subject to this Act and 14 the conditions that the chief executive has stated in the 15 particular licence. 16 `65 Restriction on grant of commercial special facility 17 licence 18 `(1) The chief executive may grant a commercial special facility 19 licence only if the chief executive is satisfied the business to 20 be conducted under the licence on the licensed premises will 21 have the principal activity as mentioned in section 63(1). 22 `(2) The chief executive must not grant a commercial special 23 facility licence if the chief executive considers that the supply 24 of liquor proposed to be provided under authority of the 25 licence would more appropriately be carried on under the 26 authority of a licence of another kind. 27 `(3) Also, the chief executive must not grant a commercial special 28 facility licence to a person for premises the chief executive 29 reasonably considers are, or are to be, used primarily as a 30 supermarket. 31 Page 26
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 13] `Division 4 Commercial other licence 1 `Subdivision 1 General 2 `66 Types of commercial other licence 3 `The following types of commercial other licence may be 4 granted and held under this Act-- 5 (a) subsidiary on-premises licence; 6 (b) subsidiary off-premises licence; 7 (c) bar licence; 8 (d) industrial canteen licence; 9 (e) producer/wholesaler licence. 10 `Subdivision 2 Subsidiary on-premises licence 11 `67 Principal activity of a business under a subsidiary 12 on-premises licence 13 `(1) The principal activity of a business conducted under a 14 subsidiary on-premises licence is the provision of an activity, 15 matter or service to which the sale of liquor for consumption 16 on the licensed premises is a subsidiary aspect. 17 `(2) The authority under a subsidiary on-premises licence to sell or 18 supply liquor does not apply unless a business is conducted on 19 the licensed premises with the principal activity as mentioned 20 in subsection (1). 21 `67AA Principal activity is the provision of entertainment 22 `(1) This section applies if the principal activity of a business 23 conducted under a subsidiary on-premises licence is the 24 provision of entertainment on the licensed premises. 25 Page 27
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 13] `(2) The authority of the licence is restricted to the sale and supply 1 of liquor to a person for consumption on the premises in 2 association with the person being provided entertainment on 3 the premises. 4 `67A Principal activity is the provision of meals 5 `(1) This section applies if the principal activity of a business 6 conducted under a subsidiary on-premises licence is the 7 provision of meals prepared, and served to be eaten, on the 8 licensed premises. 9 `(2) The authority of the licence is restricted to the following-- 10 (a) the sale and supply of liquor for consumption on the 11 premises-- 12 (i) in association with a consumer eating a meal on the 13 premises; and 14 (ii) to persons on the premises other than in association 15 with the persons eating meals; 16 (b) the sale and supply of 1 opened and 1 unopened bottle 17 of wine for consumption off the premises to each adult 18 consumer eating a meal. 19 `67B Principal activity is the provision of accommodation 20 `(1) This section applies if the principal activity of a business 21 conducted under a subsidiary on-premises licence is the 22 provision of accommodation. 23 `(2) The licence authorises the licensee to sell liquor on the 24 licensed premises-- 25 (a) at any time-- 26 (i) to a resident on the licensed premises, or a guest of 27 a resident in the resident's company, for 28 consumption on the premises; or 29 Page 28
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 13] (ii) to a resident on the licensed premises in a quantity 1 of not more than 9L on any day, for consumption 2 off the premises; and 3 (b) during ordinary trading hours or approved extended 4 trading hours, to any person, including a person not 5 eating a meal, for consumption in a part of the premises 6 stated in the licence as ordinarily set aside for dining. 7 `(3) Liquor supplied under authority of the licence to a resident on 8 the licensed premises or a guest of a resident in the resident's 9 company, for consumption on the premises outside ordinary 10 trading hours or approved extended trading hours, must be 11 consumed in a residential unit on the premises. 12 `67C Authority of subsidiary on-premises licence 13 `(1) A subsidiary on-premises licence authorises the licensee to 14 sell liquor in association with an activity, matter or service 15 provided on the licensed premises, or on premises of which 16 the licensed premises form part, which activity, matter or 17 service is the primary purpose to be served by conduct of 18 business under authority of the licence-- 19 (a) for consumption on the licensed premises; and 20 (b) if the chief executive so stated in the licence--for 21 consumption off the licensed premises; 22 during ordinary trading hours or approved extended trading 23 hours. 24 `(2) Subject to section 67E, if the chief executive states in the 25 licence, the authority of a subsidiary on-premises licence 26 extends to the sale of liquor on premises other than the 27 licensed premises for consumption on the other premises. 28 `(3) The authority under subsection (1) or (2) is subject to this Act 29 and the conditions stated in a particular licence. 30 Page 29
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 13] `67D Restriction on grant of subsidiary on-premises 1 licence 2 `The chief executive must not grant a subsidiary on-premises 3 licence to a person for a vehicle the chief executive reasonably 4 considers is, or is to be, used primarily to transport persons by 5 road between licensed premises. 6 `67E Restriction on sale of liquor for consumption off 7 premises 8 `(1) The chief executive may decide that liquor may be sold under 9 authority of a subsidiary on-premises licence for consumption 10 off the licensed premises only if the chief executive is 11 satisfied that sale of the liquor will be made only in the course 12 of the licensee providing catering facilities for functions. 13 `(2) The authority conferred by a subsidiary on-premises licence 14 to sell liquor for consumption off the licensed premises is 15 restricted to the sale of liquor-- 16 (a) as ancillary to a function that-- 17 (i) happens at a place at which the liquor is consumed; 18 and 19 (ii) includes the licensee providing food for the 20 function of sufficient substance as to be ordinarily 21 accepted as a meal for consumption by persons 22 genuinely attending the function, even though the 23 food may be eaten while standing and without 24 cutlery; and 25 (b) for consumption by persons genuinely attending the 26 function. 27 `(3) Subsection (4) applies if the principal activity of a business 28 conducted under a subsidiary on-premises licence is the 29 provision of meals prepared, and served to be eaten, on the 30 licensed premises. 31 `(4) Subsections (1) and (2) do not apply to the licence in relation 32 to a sale or supply of liquor under section 67A(2)(b). 33 Page 30
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 13] `Subdivision 3 Subsidiary off-premises licence 1 `68 Principal activity of a business under a subsidiary 2 off-premises licence 3 `(1) The principal activity of a business conducted under a 4 subsidiary off-premises licence is the provision of an activity, 5 matter or service to which the sale of liquor for consumption 6 off the licensed premises is a subsidiary aspect. 7 `(2) The authority under a subsidiary off-premises licence to sell 8 or supply liquor does not apply unless a business is conducted 9 on the licensed premises with the principal activity as 10 mentioned in subsection (1). 11 `69 Authority of subsidiary off-premises licence 12 `(1) A subsidiary off-premises licence authorises the licensee, 13 during the times stated in the licence, to sell liquor on the 14 licensed premises, for consumption off the premises, if the 15 amount of each sale is not more than-- 16 (i) if the chief executive stated an amount in the 17 licence--the amount stated by the chief executive; or 18 (ii) in any other case--2L. 19 `(2) The authority under subsection (1) is subject to this Act and 20 the conditions stated in the particular licence. 21 `69A Restriction on grant of subsidiary off-premises 22 licence 23 `(1) The chief executive must not grant a subsidiary off-premises 24 licence to a person for premises the chief executive reasonably 25 considers are, or are to be, used primarily as a supermarket. 26 `(2) Also, the chief executive must not grant a subsidiary 27 off-premises licence to a person for premises the chief 28 executive reasonably considers are, or are to be, used 29 primarily for the hiring out of party equipment. 30 Page 31
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 13] `Subdivision 4 Bar licence 1 `70 Principal activity of a business under a bar licence 2 `(1) The principal activity of a business conducted under a bar 3 licence is the sale of liquor on the licensed premises having 4 the capacity to seat not more than 60 patrons at any one time. 5 `(2) The authority under a bar licence to sell or supply liquor does 6 not apply unless a business is conducted on the licensed 7 premises with the principal activity as mentioned in 8 subsection (1). 9 `70A Authority of bar licence 10 `(1) A bar licence authorises the licensee to sell liquor on the 11 licensed premises for consumption on the premises during 12 ordinary trading hours or approved extended trading hours. 13 `(2) The authority under subsection (1) is subject to this Act and 14 the conditions stated in a particular licence. 15 `Subdivision 5 Industrial canteen licence 16 `71 Definition for sdiv 5 17 `In this subdivision-- 18 remote industrial locality means a locality at which-- 19 (a) there is no permanent residential population; and 20 (b) mining, or rail or road construction, activities are 21 happening. 22 `71A Principal activity of a business under an industrial 23 canteen licence 24 `(1) The principal activity of a business conducted under an 25 industrial canteen licence is the sale of liquor on the licensed 26 premises located within a remote industrial locality. 27 Page 32
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 13] `(2) The authority under an industrial canteen licence to sell or 1 supply liquor does not apply unless a business is conducted on 2 the licensed premises with the principal activity as mentioned 3 in subsection (1). 4 `71B Authority of industrial canteen licence 5 `(1) An industrial canteen licence authorises the licensee to sell 6 liquor to a relevant person on the licensed premises, for 7 consumption on or off the premises. 8 `(2) The authority under subsection (1) is subject to this Act and 9 the conditions stated in a particular licence. 10 `(3) In this section-- 11 relevant person means-- 12 (a) a person working at the remote industrial locality within 13 which the premises are located; or 14 (b) a member of the family, or a guest, of a person 15 mentioned in paragraph (a). 16 `71C Restriction on grant of industrial canteen licence 17 `The chief executive may grant an industrial canteen licence 18 in relation to a remote industrial locality only if there is no 19 other licensed premises located within the locality. 20 `Subdivision 6 Producer/wholesaler licence 21 `72 Principal activity of a business under a 22 producer/wholesaler licence 23 `(1) The principal activity of a business conducted under a 24 producer/wholesaler licence is either or both of the 25 following-- 26 (a) the production and wholesale sale on the licensed 27 premises of liquor made on the premises; 28 Page 33
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 13] (b) the wholesale sale on the licensed premises of liquor. 1 `(2) The authority under a producer/wholesaler licence to sell or 2 supply liquor does not apply unless a business is conducted on 3 the licensed premises with the principal activity as mentioned 4 in subsection (1). 5 `73 Authority of producer/wholesaler licence 6 `(1) A producer/wholesaler licence authorises the licensee-- 7 (a) if the licensee is a producer of liquor--to sell on the 8 licensed premises liquor produced or made on the 9 premises, for consumption on or off the premises, 10 during ordinary trading hours or approved extended 11 trading hours; or 12 (b) if the licensee is a wholesale supplier of liquor--to sell 13 liquor on the licensed premises, for consumption off the 14 premises, during ordinary trading hours. 15 `(2) The authority under subsection (1) is subject to this Act and 16 the conditions stated in a particular licence. 17 `74 Restriction on grant of producer/wholesaler licence 18 `The chief executive may grant a producer/wholesaler licence 19 only if the chief executive is satisfied the business to be 20 conducted under the licence on the licensed premises will 21 have the principal activity as mentioned in section 72(1). 22 `75 Restriction on sale of liquor under 23 producer/wholesaler licence 24 `(1) Subject to subsection (2), the holder of a producer/wholesaler 25 licence must not sell liquor to a person other than-- 26 (a) a licensee or permittee; or 27 (b) a licensee under the Wine Industry Act 1994; or 28 Page 34
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 13] (c) a person engaged in an activity to which this Act is 1 prescribed not to apply, if the sale is for the purpose of 2 that activity; or 3 (d) a person authorised by a law of the Commonwealth, 4 another State or a Territory or foreign country to sell 5 liquor, or the person's agent; or 6 (e) a person exempt from the application of a law of the 7 Commonwealth, another State or a Territory relating to 8 the sale of liquor, or the person's agent, if the sale is 9 made in circumstances in which the person is so exempt; 10 or 11 (f) a person who purchases the liquor for export; or 12 (g) a person who purchases the liquor for stock in a duty 13 free store; or 14 (h) a person who purchases the liquor to provide it for 15 consumption on ships or aircraft on international 16 journeys; or 17 (i) a person who purchases the liquor to provide it at 18 Government House, or at a foreign embassy or 19 consulate, as part of official activities at the place; or 20 (j) a person who purchases the liquor for a religious entity 21 for sacramental purposes. 22 `(2) The holder of a producer/wholesaler licence who is a producer 23 of liquor may-- 24 (a) sell the licensee's liquor and liquor for which the 25 licensee is a wholesaler to a visitor to the licensed 26 premises for consumption on the premises in association 27 with the visitor eating a meal in a part of the premises 28 ordinarily set aside for dining if the meal is prepared, 29 served and intended to be eaten on the premises; and 30 (b) sell the licensee's liquor, for consumption on or off the 31 licensed premises, to a visitor to the licensed premises, 32 if the liquor is sold as a souvenir of the visit. 33 `(3) The holder of a producer/wholesaler licence does not 34 contravene this section by selling liquor during any period-- 35 Page 35
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 13] (a) to the holder's staff; or 1 (b) for sampling, promotions or similar purposes; 2 if such sales do not exceed 2.5% by value of the holder's total 3 sales of liquor during the period. 4 `(4) This section does not apply to the holder of a 5 producer/wholesaler licence who holds a brewery licence 6 within the meaning of the Excise Act 1901 (Cwlth), section 7 77A in relation to the sale by the licensee of the licensee's 8 liquor. 9 `(5) In this section-- 10 licensee's liquor means liquor produced on the premises to 11 which the licence relates. 12 `Division 5 Community club licence 13 `76 Principal activity of business under community club 14 licence 15 `(1) The principal activity of a business conducted under a 16 community club licence is the provision of facilities and 17 services to the club's members and the achievement of the 18 club's objects. 19 `(2) The authority under a community club licence to sell or 20 supply liquor does not apply unless a business is conducted on 21 the licensed premises with the primary purpose as mentioned 22 in subsection (1). 23 `77 Authority of community club licence 24 `(1) A community club licence authorises the licensee to sell 25 liquor on the licensed premises-- 26 (a) during ordinary trading hours, or approved extended 27 trading hours, to-- 28 (i) a member of the club, for consumption on or off 29 the premises, or a guest of a member in the 30 Page 36
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 13] member's company, for consumption on the 1 premises; or 2 (ii) a member of a reciprocal club whose members' 3 reciprocal rights are secured by formal reciprocal 4 arrangements for consumption on or off the 5 premises, or a guest of a member of such a 6 reciprocal club in the member's company for 7 consumption on the premises; or 8 (iii) an applicant for membership of the club for a 9 period of 30 days after receipt by the secretary of 10 the club of the applicant's application for 11 membership for consumption on the premises; or 12 (iv) a visitor to the club whose ordinary place of 13 residence is in another State or a Territory or in a 14 foreign country for consumption on the premises; 15 or 16 (v) a visitor to the club whose ordinary place of 17 residence is in the State at least 15km from the 18 club's premises for consumption on the premises; 19 or 20 (vi) a person attending a function or club activity, other 21 than the purpose of the club, on the premises for 22 consumption on the premises; or 23 (vii) for a club that is a RSL or Services Club--a 24 defence member for consumption on the premises; 25 and 26 (b) at any time to a resident on the premises, or a guest of a 27 resident in the resident's company, for consumption on 28 the premises. 29 `(2) Despite subsection (1)(a)(vi), if the chief executive states in a 30 community club licence that the licensed premises include 31 particular premises (the other premises) that the club owns or 32 has a legal right to occupy and the other premises may be used 33 on an infrequent basis for an event, the licence authorises the 34 licensee to sell liquor within a defined area on the other 35 Page 37
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 13] premises for the event for consumption within the defined 1 area stated in the licence if-- 2 (a) the sale is during ordinary trading hours for the licence 3 to members of the public attending the event on the 4 other premises; and 5 (b) the event is the playing of a sport or game for which the 6 club is established; and 7 Example of sport or game for which a club is established-- 8 If a rugby union club is established but the club allows other 9 clubs to use its premises for bridge or darts, or encourages the 10 rugby union club's members to play those games, the rugby 11 union club is established for rugby union and not other sports or 12 games (like bridge or darts) that may be played on its premises. 13 (c) the club is catering for the event on the other premises; 14 and 15 (d) at least 14 days before the date of the event, the club 16 gives written notice about the event to the police officer 17 in charge of the locality in which the event is to be held. 18 Example for subsection (2)-- 19 A football club may have premises with an adjacent field in 1 suburb 20 that are used on a weekly basis for training and regular games. The club 21 may also own a second field in another suburb which is used a few times 22 a year for the club's games. The chief executive may state in the 23 community club licence that the licensed premises includes defined 24 areas at 1 or both fields. The community club licence authorises the club 25 to sell liquor within the defined areas. 26 `(3) For subsection (2), the area of the other premises defined in 27 the licence forms part of the licensee's licensed premises for 28 the period the licensee is authorised to sell liquor on the other 29 premises. 30 `(4) Despite section 76(1), a community club licence does not 31 authorise the sale or supply of liquor from a facility ordinarily 32 known as a drive-in or drive through bottle shop. 33 `(5) The authority under subsections (1) and (2) is subject to this 34 Act and the conditions stated in a particular licence. 35 `(6) A visitor to the premises of a club who-- 36 Page 38
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 13] (a) with permission of an authorised agent of the 1 management committee of the club; and 2 (b) after payment of the fee, if any, ordinarily charged for 3 the purpose; 4 plays a sport or game that is part of the club's business, or that 5 is played under the auspices of the club, is taken, for the 6 purposes of subsection (1), to be a member of the club for the 7 day on which the visitor so plays. 8 `(7) If it is a team that plays a sport or game mentioned in 9 subsection (6) as visitors to the premises of a club, every 10 genuine official of the team is taken to be a visitor who has 11 played the sport or game although the official has not taken 12 part in the sport or game. 13 `(8) In this section-- 14 defence member means any of the following persons in 15 possession of a current service identity card-- 16 (a) a member of the Permanent Naval Forces, the Australian 17 Regular Army, the Regular Army Supplement or the 18 Permanent Air Force; 19 (b) a member of the Emergency Forces or the Reserve 20 Forces who is rendering continuous full-time service. 21 game does not include a game within the meaning of the 22 Gaming Machine Act 1991. 23 `78 Restrictions on grant of community club licence 24 `(1) The chief executive may grant a community club licence only 25 if the chief executive is satisfied that-- 26 (a) the business to be conducted under the licence on the 27 licensed premises will have the principal activity as 28 mentioned in section 76(1); and 29 (b) the club in question is a non-proprietary club. 30 `(2) The chief executive may not grant a community club licence 31 if-- 32 Page 39
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 13] (a) the premises to which the community club licence 1 would relate are a part of larger premises, wholly or 2 partly (the larger premises); and 3 (b) another type of licence was formerly held in relation to 4 the larger premises; and 5 (c) another type of licence is still held in relation to the 6 remainder of the larger premises, wholly or partly. 7 Example-- 8 If club A applies for a community club licence in relation to a part of 9 premises that has been excised from club B's general licence, club A's 10 application must be refused. 11 `79 Requirements of club and secretary 12 `(1) A community club licence is subject to the following 13 conditions-- 14 (a) the rules of the club must comply with the schedule, 15 except as otherwise authorised in writing by the chief 16 executive; 17 (b) if an amendment of the rules of the club is adopted by 18 the club-- 19 (i) the club's secretary must, within 14 days after the 20 adoption of the amendment, give to the chief 21 executive a certified copy of the proposed 22 amendment; and 23 (ii) the amendment takes effect at the end of 28 days 24 after receipt by the chief executive of the certified 25 copy, unless, within that period, the chief executive 26 disallows the amendment by written notice given 27 to the club's secretary; 28 (c) the club's secretary must keep on the club premises a 29 register of-- 30 (i) the name and address of each member of the club; 31 and 32 Page 40
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 13] (ii) particulars of payment of the membership 1 subscription last paid by the member; 2 (d) the club's secretary must keep on the club premises a 3 register of-- 4 (i) the name of each guest of a member or visitor to 5 the club premises; and 6 (ii) the current place of residence of each guest or 7 visitor or, if the guest or visitor is a member of a 8 reciprocal club, the name of the reciprocal club; 9 (e) the club's secretary must keep the register mentioned in 10 paragraph (c) or (d) open for inspection at any time by 11 an investigator. 12 `(2) The regulations may prescribe amendments to which 13 subsection (1)(b)(i) does not apply. 14 `(3) An amendment to which subsection (1)(b)(i) does not apply 15 takes effect as soon as it is adopted by the club. 16 `(4) Subsection (1)(d) does not apply to a person who is-- 17 (a) a minor; or 18 (b) a visitor mentioned in section 77(6) or (7). 19 `(5) A person must not make an entry in a register, or give 20 information to someone else to enter in a register, mentioned 21 in subsection (1)(c) or (d) that the person knows is false, 22 misleading or incomplete in a material particular. 23 Maximum penalty--35 penalty units. 24 `(6) It is enough for a complaint against a person for an offence 25 against subsection (5) to state that the information entered was 26 false, misleading or incomplete to the person's knowledge. 27 Page 41
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 13] `Division 6 Community other licence 1 `80 Principal activity of business under community other 2 licence 3 `(1) The principal activity of a business conducted under a 4 community other licence is the provision of facilities and 5 services to the relevant club's members and the achievement 6 of the club's objects. 7 `(2) The authority under a community other licence to sell or 8 supply liquor does not apply unless a business is conducted on 9 the licensed premises with the primary purpose as mentioned 10 in subsection (1). 11 `(3) In this section-- 12 relevant club means the club to which the licence relates. 13 `81 Authority of community other licence 14 `(1) A community other licence authorises the licensee to sell and 15 supply liquor on the licensed premises during ordinary trading 16 hours to the following persons, for consumption on the 17 premises-- 18 (a) a member of the relevant club; 19 (b) a guest of a member of the relevant club in the member's 20 company; 21 (c) a member of a reciprocal club; 22 (d) a guest of a member of a reciprocal club in the 23 member's company. 24 `(2) The authority under subsection (1) is subject to this Act and 25 the conditions stated in the licence. 26 `(3) In this section-- 27 relevant club means the club to which the licence relates. 28 Page 42
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 13] `82 Restriction on grant of community other licence and 1 other related matters 2 `(1) The chief executive may grant a community other licence 3 only if the chief executive is satisfied the relevant club is a 4 non-proprietary club. 5 `(2) The chief executive must include the following matters in a 6 community other licence-- 7 (a) the times, totalling not more than 25 hours a week, for 8 the sale of liquor under the licence; 9 (b) the area to which the licence relates. 10 `(3) In this section-- 11 relevant club means the club to which the licence relates. 12 `83 Requirements of club and secretary 13 `(1) A community other licence is subject to the following 14 conditions-- 15 (a) the rules of the relevant club must comply with the 16 schedule, unless the chief executive has given written 17 permission to the club to amend the rules; 18 (b) if an amendment of the rules of the relevant club is 19 adopted by the club-- 20 (i) within 14 days after adoption of the amendment, 21 the club's secretary must give the chief executive a 22 certified copy of the amendment; and 23 (ii) the amendment takes effect at the end of 28 days 24 after the chief executive receives the certified copy 25 unless the chief executive has disallowed the 26 amendment by written notice given to the club's 27 secretary; 28 (c) the relevant club's secretary must keep on the club 29 premises a register of-- 30 (i) the name and address of each club member; and 31 Page 43
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 13] (ii) particulars of the most recent membership 1 subscription paid by the member; 2 (d) the relevant club's secretary must keep on the club 3 premises a register of-- 4 (i) the name and current address of each guest of a 5 member; and 6 (ii) the name of each member of a reciprocal club, on 7 the premises, and the name of the reciprocal club; 8 and 9 (iii) the name and current address of each guest of a 10 member of a reciprocal club mentioned in 11 subparagraph (ii); 12 (e) the relevant club's secretary must keep the registers 13 mentioned in paragraphs (c) and (d) open for inspection 14 by an investigator at any time when the club is open. 15 `(2) The regulations may prescribe amendments to which 16 subsection (1)(b)(i) does not apply. 17 `(3) An amendment to which subsection (1)(b)(i) does not apply 18 takes effect as soon as it is adopted by the relevant club. 19 `(4) A person must not make an entry in a register, or give 20 information to someone else to enter in a register, mentioned 21 in subsection (1)(c) or (d), that the person knows is false, 22 misleading or incomplete in a material particular. 23 Maximum penalty--35 penalty units. 24 `(5) It is enough for a complaint against a person for an offence 25 against subsection (4) to state that the information entered was 26 false, misleading or incomplete to the person's knowledge. 27 `(6) In this section-- 28 relevant club means the club to which the licence relates. 29 Page 44
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 13] `Division 7 Extended trading hours approval 1 `84 Authority of extended trading hours approval 2 `An extended trading hours approval authorises the licensee 3 who is the holder of the approval to sell liquor on a regular 4 basis under authority of the licence that relates to the licensed 5 premises for which the approval is granted subject to this Act 6 at the times, and subject to the conditions, stated in the 7 approval. 8 `85 Application for approval 9 `(1) An applicant for a licence, or a licensee, may apply to the 10 chief executive for an extended trading hours approval for the 11 premises that are, or are to be, the licensed premises. 12 `(2) If the application is granted, the approval must be endorsed by 13 the chief executive on the licence. 14 `86 Hours to which application may relate etc. 15 `(1) An application may be made for an extended trading hours 16 approval for a licence other than a community other licence 17 that, if granted, would extend trading hours on a regular basis 18 to include trading between 12a.m. and 5a.m. 19 `(2) An application may be made for an extended trading hours 20 approval for a licence other than a community other licence 21 that, if granted, would extend trading hours on a regular basis 22 to include trading between 9a.m. and 10a.m. 23 `(3) The applicant for an application mentioned in subsection (2) 24 must satisfy the chief executive that there is a demonstrated 25 community need for the application to be granted. 26 `(4) An application may be made for an extended trading hours 27 approval for a community club licence that, if granted, would 28 extend trading hours on a regular basis to include trading 29 between 7a.m. and 9a.m. 30 `(5) For an application mentioned in subsection (4)-- 31 Page 45
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 13] (a) the applicant must satisfy the chief executive that there 1 is a demonstrated community need for the application to 2 be granted; or 3 (b) the club to which the licence relates must be a sporting 4 club for a sport prescribed under a regulation. 5 `(6) An application may be made for an extended trading hours 6 approval for a licence other than a community other licence 7 that, if granted, would extend trading hours on a regular basis 8 to include trading between 7a.m. and 9a.m. but only for the 9 purpose of selling and supplying liquor to or for persons 10 genuinely attending a function held on the licensed premises 11 during those hours. 12 `87 Restriction on grant of extended trading hours 13 approval 14 `The chief executive must not grant an extended trading hours 15 approval that would purport to authorise the sale of liquor at 16 any time on Good Friday, Christmas Day or Anzac Day, 17 otherwise than as prescribed by section 9. 18 `Part 4A Permits 19 `Division 1 Permits under this Act 20 `100 Available permits 21 `The following permits may be granted and held under this 22 Act-- 23 (a) a commercial public event permit; 24 (b) a community liquor permit; 25 (c) an extended hours permit; 26 (d) a restricted liquor permit; 27 Page 46
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 13] (e) an adult entertainment permit; 1 (f) a restricted area permit. 2 `Division 2 Commercial public event permits 3 `101 Definitions for div 2 4 `In this division-- 5 licence means each of the following licences for which the 6 authority under the licence is extended to allow the sale of 7 liquor on premises that are not the licence's main premises-- 8 (a) commercial hotel licence; 9 (b) subsidiary on-premises licence; 10 (c) subsidiary off-premises licence. 11 main premises means licensed premises described in a 12 licence. 13 private event means an event or occasion, held at premises 14 other than main premises, if-- 15 (a) the event or occasion is not publicly advertised or is not 16 open to the public or casual attendance; or 17 (b) attendance at the event or occasion is restricted by 18 personal invitation of the function's host; or 19 (c) admission to the event or occasion does not involve 20 paying a fee for-- 21 (i) admission; or 22 (ii) entertainment or services provided at the event or 23 occasion. 24 Examples of a private event-- 25 a 21st birthday party, boardroom lunch, company cocktail party, wedding 26 public event, in relation to a licensee, means an event or 27 occasion held at premises other than the licensee's main 28 premises, that is not a private event. 29 Page 47
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 13] Examples of a public event-- 1 a festival, public ball, race meeting, rock concert 2 `101A Commercial public event permit issued jointly to 2 3 or more licensees 4 `(1) A reference in this division to a licensee, for a commercial 5 public event permit issued jointly to 2 or more licensees, is a 6 reference to each of the licensees. 7 `(2) If a commercial public event permit is issued jointly to 2 or 8 more licensees and one of the licences is suspended, the 9 permit is taken to be suspended for the period of the 10 suspension. 11 `(3) If a commercial public event permit is issued jointly to 2 or 12 more licensees and one of the licences is cancelled, the permit 13 is taken to be cancelled. 14 `102 Licensee to obtain a commercial public event 15 permit for selling or supplying liquor at public events 16 `(1) A licensee who proposes to sell or supply liquor at a public 17 event under the licence must apply for the grant of a 18 commercial public event permit to sell or supply the liquor at 19 the public event. 20 `(2) Without limiting section 105, an application must-- 21 (a) describe the area where the liquor will be sold or 22 supplied and consumed and the area where any catering 23 to be provided by the licensee will take place; and 24 (b) be accompanied by a proposed event management plan 25 for the public event addressing all matters about which 26 the chief executive is to be satisfied under section 27 103(1). 28 `(3) An application under subsection (1) may be made jointly by 2 29 or more licensees. 30 Page 48
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 13] `103 Restriction on grant of commercial public event 1 permit 2 `(1) The chief executive must not grant a commercial public event 3 permit for a public event unless the chief executive is satisfied 4 about all of the following-- 5 (a) the licensee would, in catering for the public event, be 6 carrying out the principal activity of the business 7 conducted under the licence; 8 (b) premises in which liquor may be sold, supplied and 9 consumed at the public event are properly defined and 10 will be appropriately monitored; 11 (c) the public event will not create any undue annoyance, 12 disturbance or inconvenience to residents of the locality 13 in which the public event is to be held; 14 (d) the public event will not create an unsafe or unhealthy 15 environment for persons employed at and attending the 16 public event or residents of the locality in which the 17 public event is to be held; 18 (e) appropriate planning for the public event has been 19 carried out with the police service and local government 20 for the area in which the public event is to be held; 21 (f) any other matter prescribed under a regulation. 22 `(2) Subsection (1)(a) does not apply to an application for a 23 commercial public event permit to extend the authority of a 24 subsidiary on-premises licence if the principal activity of the 25 business conducted under the licence is the provision of 26 accommodation. 27 `(3) The chief executive must not grant a commercial public event 28 permit for a public event that would purport to authorise the 29 sale of liquor at any time on Good Friday or Christmas Day or 30 before 1.00p.m. on Anzac Day. 31 `(4) Despite subsection (3), the chief executive may grant a 32 commercial public event permit to authorise a licensee to sell 33 liquor between 5a.m. and 1p.m. on Anzac Day if-- 34 (a) the chief executive is satisfied the licensee has entered 35 Page 49
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 13] into an agreement with an RSL or Services Club to sell 1 liquor under the permit at a public event that is an Anzac 2 Day event for the club; and 3 (b) the permit authorises the sale of liquor only at the event. 4 `103A Area defined in commercial public event permit 5 forms part of licensed premises 6 `The area defined in a commercial public event permit for a 7 public event forms part of the licensee's licensed premises for 8 the period the licensee is authorised to sell or supply liquor at 9 the event under the permit. 10 `103B Authority of commercial public event permit 11 `(1) Subject to this Act, a commercial public event permit 12 authorises the licensee to sell or supply liquor-- 13 (a) at the public event stated in the permit; and 14 (b) at the times on the day or days stated in the permit; and 15 (c) subject to the conditions stated in the permit. 16 `(2) The authority of a commercial public event permit for a public 17 event extends to the sale or supply of liquor for consumption 18 within the area defined in the permit for the event. 19 `Division 3 Community liquor permit 20 `103C Authority of community liquor permit 21 `(1) Subject to this Act, a community liquor permit authorises the 22 permittee to sell liquor-- 23 (a) at the event or occasion; and 24 (b) at the times on the day or days; and 25 (c) subject to the conditions; 26 stated in the permit. 27 Page 50
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 13] `(2) Authority of a community liquor permit extends to sale of 1 liquor-- 2 (a) for consumption at the event or occasion stated in the 3 permit; and 4 (b) for removal from the venue of the event or occasion, and 5 subsequent consumption, if stated in the permit. 6 `103D Restriction on grant of community liquor permit 7 `(1) The chief executive must not grant a community liquor 8 permit-- 9 (a) for licensed premises; or 10 (b) if the chief executive considers that the supply of liquor 11 proposed to be provided under authority of the permit 12 would more appropriately be provided under authority 13 of a licence. 14 `(2) The chief executive may grant a community liquor permit 15 only to-- 16 (a) a non-proprietary club; or 17 (b) another entity, if the chief executive is satisfied all the 18 net proceeds from the sale of liquor under the permit 19 will be used for the benefit of the community. 20 `(3) If the applicant for a community liquor permit is a 21 non-proprietary club that is an unincorporated association, the 22 permit may be granted only to an individual for the 23 non-proprietary club. 24 `103E Identification of premises 25 `(1) The chief executive must-- 26 (a) define an area adjacent to each premises to which a 27 community liquor permit relates; and 28 (b) state the means by which the area must be marked out. 29 Page 51
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 13] `(2) An area defined under subsection (1) is part of the premises to 1 which the permit relates. 2 `103F Restriction on consumption or possession of liquor 3 `(1) During continuance of a community liquor permit, a person 4 must not-- 5 (a) consume liquor; or 6 (b) have liquor in possession for consumption; 7 at the venue of the event or occasion stated in the permit 8 elsewhere than in an area that is part of the premises to which 9 the permit relates. 10 `(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to consumption of, or having in 11 possession, liquor supplied by the person or association of 12 persons controlling the event or occasion in a part of the 13 venue of the event or occasion set apart for use by that person 14 or association and guests. 15 `Division 4 Extended hours permit 16 `103G Authority of extended hours permit 17 `An extended hours permit authorises the licensee who is the 18 holder of the permit to sell liquor on a particular day under 19 authority of the licence that relates to the licensed premises 20 for which the permit is granted subject to this Act at the time, 21 and subject to the conditions, stated in the permit. 22 `103H Restriction on grant of extended hours permit 23 `(1) The chief executive must not grant an extended hours permit 24 that would purport to authorise the sale of liquor at any time 25 on Good Friday, Christmas Day or Anzac Day, otherwise than 26 as prescribed by section 9. 27 Page 52
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 13] `(2) However, the chief executive may grant an extended hours 1 permit to authorise a licensee to sell liquor between 5a.m. and 2 1p.m. on Anzac Day if-- 3 (a) the chief executive is satisfied the licensee has entered 4 into an agreement with an RSL or Services Club to sell 5 liquor under the permit at an Anzac Day event for the 6 club; and 7 (b) the permit authorises the sale of liquor only at the event. 8 `103I Hours to which application may relate etc. 9 `(1) An application may be made for an extended trading hours 10 permit for a licence other than a community other licence that, 11 if granted, would extend trading hours on a particular day to 12 include trading between 12a.m. and 5a.m. 13 `(2) An application may be made for an extended trading hours 14 permit for a licence other than a community other licence that, 15 if granted, would extend trading hours on a particular day to 16 include trading between 9a.m. and 10a.m. 17 `(3) The applicant, for an application mentioned in subsection (2), 18 must satisfy the chief executive that there is a demonstrated 19 community need for the application to be granted. 20 `(4) An application may be made for an extended trading hours 21 permit for a community club licence that, if granted, would 22 extend trading hours on a particular day to include trading 23 between 7a.m. and 9a.m. 24 `(5) For an application mentioned in subsection (4)-- 25 (a) the applicant must satisfy the chief executive that there 26 is a demonstrated community need for the application to 27 be granted; or 28 (b) the club to which the licence relates must be a sporting 29 club for a sport prescribed under a regulation. 30 `(6) An application may be made for an extended trading hours 31 permit for a licence other than a community other licence that, 32 if granted, would extend trading hours on a particular day to 33 Page 53
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 13] include trading between 7a.m. and 9a.m., but only for the 1 purpose of selling and supplying liquor to or for persons 2 genuinely attending a function held on the licensed premises 3 during those hours. 4 `103J Restriction on number of extended trading hours 5 permits for particular premises 6 `(1) The chief executive may issue a maximum of 12 extended 7 trading hours permits, for particular licensed premises, 8 mentioned in section 103I(1) during a 1 year period. 9 `(2) The chief executive may issue a maximum of 4 extended 10 trading hours permits, for particular licensed premises, 11 mentioned in section 103I(2), (4) or (6) during a 1 year period. 12 `Division 5 Restricted liquor permit 13 `103JA Authority of restricted liquor permit 14 `(1) A restricted liquor permit authorises the permittee to sell and 15 supply liquor on the premises to which the permit relates to 16 the following persons, for consumption on the premises-- 17 (a) a member of the relevant club; 18 (b) a guest of a member of the relevant club in the member's 19 company; 20 (c) a member of a reciprocal club; 21 (d) a guest of a member of a reciprocal club in the 22 member's company. 23 `(2) The authority under subsection (1) is subject to this Act and 24 the conditions stated in the permit. 25 `(3) In this section-- 26 relevant club means the club to which the permit relates. 27 Page 54
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 13] `103K Restriction on grant of restricted liquor permit and 1 other related matters 2 `(1) The chief executive may grant a restricted liquor permit only 3 if the chief executive is satisfied the relevant club is a 4 non-proprietary club. 5 `(2) The chief executive must include the following matters in a 6 restricted liquor permit-- 7 (a) the times, totalling not more than 25 hours a week, for 8 the sale of liquor under the permit; 9 (b) the area to which the permit relates. 10 `(3) In this section-- 11 relevant club means the club to which the permit relates. 12 `103L Duration of permit 13 `The chief executive may grant a restricted liquor permit for a 14 period of at least 3 months but no longer than 6 months. 15 `103M Requirements of club and secretary 16 `(1) A restricted liquor permit is subject to the following 17 conditions-- 18 (a) the rules of the relevant club must comply with the 19 schedule, unless the chief executive has given written 20 permission to the club to vary the rules; 21 (b) if an amendment of the rules of the relevant club is 22 adopted by the club-- 23 (i) within 14 days after adoption of the amendment, 24 the club's secretary must give the chief executive a 25 certified copy of the amendment; and 26 (ii) the amendment takes effect at the end of 28 days 27 after the chief executive receives the certified copy 28 unless the chief executive has disallowed the 29 amendment by written notice given to the club's 30 secretary; 31 Page 55
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 13] (c) the relevant club's secretary must keep on the club 1 premises a register of-- 2 (i) the name and address of each club member; and 3 (ii) particulars of the most recent membership 4 subscription paid by the member; 5 (d) the relevant club's secretary must keep on the club 6 premises a register of-- 7 (i) the name and current address of each guest of a 8 member; and 9 (ii) the name of each member of a reciprocal club, on 10 the premises, and the name of the reciprocal club; 11 and 12 (iii) the name and current address of each guest of a 13 member of a reciprocal club mentioned in 14 subparagraph (ii); 15 (e) the relevant club's secretary must keep the registers 16 mentioned in paragraphs (c) and (d) open for inspection 17 by an investigator at any time when the club is open. 18 `(2) The regulations may prescribe amendments to which 19 subsection (1)(b)(i) does not apply. 20 `(3) An amendment to which subsection (1)(b)(i) does not apply 21 takes effect as soon as it is adopted by the relevant club. 22 `(4) A person must not make an entry in a register, or give 23 information to someone else to enter in a register, mentioned 24 in subsection (1)(c) or (d), that the person knows is false, 25 misleading or incomplete in a material particular. 26 Maximum penalty--35 penalty units. 27 `(5) It is enough for a complaint against a person for an offence 28 against subsection (4) to state that the information entered was 29 false, misleading or incomplete to the person's knowledge. 30 `(6) In this section-- 31 relevant club means the club to which the permit relates. 32 Page 56
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 13] `Division 6 Adult entertainment permit 1 `103N Adult entertainment code 2 `(1) There is to be an adult entertainment code (the code). 3 `(2) The code prescribes the live entertainment that may be 4 performed for an audience, by a person performing an act of 5 an explicit sexual nature (adult entertainment), on licensed 6 premises or premises to which a community liquor permit or 7 restricted liquor permit relates under an adult entertainment 8 permit. 9 `(3) Adult entertainment does not include the performance of the 10 following acts-- 11 (a) sexual intercourse; 12 (b) masturbation; 13 (c) oral sex. 14 `(4) The chief executive and the commissioner are to make the 15 code. 16 `(5) The code is not effective until it is approved by the Governor 17 in Council under a regulation. 18 `(6) The chief executive must ensure that a copy of the code 19 approved under subsection (5) is made available for 20 inspection without charge, or for purchase during normal 21 business hours at the office of the department in which this 22 Act is administered. 23 `(7) In this section-- 24 oral sex has the meaning given by the Criminal Code, section 25 229E(5). 26 `103O Only licensees and permittees eligible for grant of 27 adult entertainment permit 28 `(1) A person is eligible to apply for, or to be granted, an adult 29 entertainment permit only if the person is a licensee or the 30 Page 57
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 13] holder of a community liquor permit or restricted liquor 1 permit. 2 `(2) Subsection (1) does not limit another requirement about who 3 may apply for, or the grant of, an adult entertainment permit 4 under part 5. 5 `103P Authority of adult entertainment permit 6 `(1) An adult entertainment permit authorises the permittee to 7 provide adult entertainment only-- 8 (a) in an area of the permittee's premises approved by the 9 chief executive (the approved area); and 10 (b) during the hours stated in the permit. 11 `(2) The adult entertainment permit is subject to this Act and the 12 conditions prescribed under a regulation or imposed by the 13 chief executive. 14 `103Q Approved area to conform with requirements 15 `Before the chief executive approves an area as an approved 16 area, the chief executive must be satisfied the area conforms, 17 or will conform, with this Act and the following requirements 18 while adult entertainment is being provided in the area-- 19 (a) the area must be fully enclosed in a way that prevents a 20 person outside the area from seeing inside the area; 21 (b) the area must not contain, for the private use of persons 22 attending the entertainment, a lounge, booth, 23 compartment or cubicle (other than a toilet cubicle); 24 (c) another requirement prescribed under a regulation. 25 `103R Duration of adult entertainment permit 26 `An adult entertainment permit-- 27 Page 58
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 13] (a) is issued for the term stated in it, not longer than 1 year, 1 unless it is sooner surrendered, suspended or cancelled 2 under this Act; and 3 (b) is not renewable; and 4 (c) is not transferable. 5 `103S Adult entertainment permit dependent on currency 6 of licence or community liquor permit or restricted 7 liquor permit 8 `(1) This section applies if an adult entertainment permit is issued 9 for licensed premises or for premises to which a community 10 liquor permit or restricted liquor permit relates and-- 11 (a) the licence or community liquor permit or restricted 12 liquor permit ends or is suspended or cancelled; or 13 (b) the licensee or permittee surrenders the licence or 14 community liquor permit or restricted liquor permit. 15 `(2) If the licence or community liquor permit or restricted liquor 16 permit ends, the adult entertainment permit also ends at the 17 same time. 18 `(3) If the licence or community liquor permit or restricted liquor 19 permit is suspended, the adult entertainment permit is also 20 suspended at the same time. 21 `(4) If the licence or community liquor permit or restricted liquor 22 permit is surrendered or cancelled, the adult entertainment 23 permit is also surrendered or cancelled at the same time. 24 `103T Restriction on grant of adult entertainment permit 25 `(1) The chief executive must not grant an adult entertainment 26 permit that would relate to premises at which a public event or 27 private event is to be held other than for-- 28 (a) if the applicant is a licensee--the main premises under 29 the licence; or 30 Page 59
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 13] (b) if the applicant is the holder of a community liquor 1 permit or restricted liquor permit--the premises to 2 which the permit relates. 3 `(2) In this section, including in the definitions public event and 4 private event as applying for this section-- 5 main premises means licensed premises described in a licence 6 other than-- 7 (a) a detached bottle shop; or 8 (b) for a community club licence--premises mentioned in 9 section 77(2). 10 `Division 7 Restricted area permits 11 `103U Authority of restricted area permit 12 `(1) A restricted area permit authorises the permittee to have in 13 possession in a restricted area more than the prescribed 14 quantity of a type of liquor for the area-- 15 (a) at the times and on the day or days, and for the purpose, 16 stated in the permit; or 17 (b) during the period of not more than 1 year, and for the 18 purpose, stated in the permit. 19 `(2) The permit is subject to this Act and the conditions prescribed 20 under a regulation or imposed by the chief executive. 21 `103V Restriction on grant of restricted area permit 22 `The chief executive must not grant an application for a 23 restricted area permit unless the chief executive is satisfied-- 24 (a) the amount of liquor the applicant has applied to have in 25 possession is reasonable for the purpose stated in the 26 application; and 27 Page 60
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 14] (b) if the purpose is not merely personal to the 1 applicant--another restricted area permit has not been 2 issued to another person for the purpose.'. 3 Clause 14 Amendment of s 105 (Requirements for applications) 4 Section 105-- 5 insert-- 6 `(1A) Also, the application must be accompanied by-- 7 (a) if the application is for a licence or restricted liquor 8 permit--the proposed risk-assessed management plan 9 for the proposed licensed premises or premises for 10 which the applicant wants a restricted liquor permit; or 11 (b) if the application is a relevant application--the proposed 12 revised risk-assessed management plan for the licensed 13 premises. 14 `(5) In this section-- 15 relevant application means-- 16 (a) an application for the transfer of a licence; or 17 (b) an application for a permanent variation of a licence; or 18 (c) an application for an approval for a permanent change in 19 a licensed area; or 20 (d) an application for an extended trading hours approval; 21 or 22 (e) an application for an approval for a change in the 23 principal activity of a business conducted under a 24 licence.'. 25 Clause 15 Omission of s 109C (Application for grant of extended 26 hours permit) 27 Section 109C-- 28 omit. 29 Page 61
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 16] Clause 16 Amendment of s 110 (Application for grant of extended 1 hours permit not on regular basis) 2 (1) Section 110, heading, `not on regular basis'-- 3 omit. 4 (2) Section 110(1)-- 5 omit, insert-- 6 `(1) A licensee may apply for an extended hours permit for the 7 licensed premises.'. 8 (3) Section 110(5), `hours beyond 2a.m.'-- 9 omit, insert-- 10 `trading hours on a particular day to include trading between 11 12a.m. and 5a.m.'. 12 Clause 17 Replacement of s 116 (Public interest relevant to 13 applications) 14 Section 116-- 15 omit, insert-- 16 `116 When community impact statement to be given to 17 chief executive 18 `(1) The following applications must be accompanied by a 19 community impact statement-- 20 (a) an application for a licence, other than a community 21 club licence or community other licence; 22 (b) an application, under section 111, by a licensee for a 23 variation of the licence; 24 (c) an application for an extended trading hours approval 25 mentioned in section 86(1). 26 `(2) Subsection (3) applies to the following applications-- 27 (a) an application for a community club licence or 28 community other licence; 29 Page 62
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 17] (b) an application for a commercial public event permit or 1 community liquor permit. 2 `(3) If the chief executive reasonably believes the impact on the 3 amenity of the community concerned would be significantly 4 adversely affected if the application is granted, the chief 5 executive may, by written notice given to the applicant, 6 require the applicant to give the chief executive a community 7 impact statement in relation to the application within 60 days 8 after the giving of the notice. 9 `(4) The applicant is taken to have withdrawn the application if, 10 within the time stated in subsection (3), the applicant does not 11 comply with the requirement under subsection (3). 12 `(5) The purpose of a community impact statement is to help the 13 chief executive assess the impact on the amenity of the 14 community concerned if the application is granted. 15 `(6) A community impact statement must address the following-- 16 (a) the existing and projected population and demographic 17 trends in the locality; 18 (b) the number of persons residing in, resorting to or 19 passing through the locality, and their respective 20 expectations; 21 (c) the likely health and social impacts that granting the 22 application would have on the population of the locality; 23 (d) an assessment of the magnitude, duration and 24 probability of the occurrence of the health and social 25 impacts; 26 (e) the proximity of the proposed licensed premises or 27 proposed premises to which the permit is to relate to 28 identified sub-communities within the locality, 29 including, for example, schools and places of worship, 30 and the likely impact on those sub-communities. 31 `(7) In preparing a community impact statement, the applicant 32 must have regard to relevant guidelines issued by the chief 33 executive.'. 34 Page 63
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 18] Clause 18 Amendment of s 118A (Submissions on public interest) 1 (1) Section 118A, heading, `on public interest'-- 2 omit. 3 (2) Section 118A(1), from `matters'-- 4 omit, insert-- 5 `matters mentioned in section 116(6).'. 6 Clause 19 Replacement of s 121 (Conference of concerned persons 7 and decision by chief executive) 8 Section 121-- 9 omit, insert-- 10 `121 Matters the chief executive must have regard to 11 `In deciding whether to grant the application, the chief 12 executive must have regard to-- 13 (a) if the application is an application to which section 116 14 applies--the matters mentioned in section 116(6); and 15 (b) objections made to the grant of the application; and 16 (c) comments from the local government for the area to 17 which the application relates; and 18 (d) for an application for an extended trading hours 19 approval mentioned in section 86(1), an application for 20 an adult entertainment permit or an application relating 21 to a restricted area--comments from the assistant 22 commissioner for the locality to which the application 23 relates; and 24 (e) if the application relates to a community 25 area--comments from the community justice group for 26 the area; and 27 (f) the impact on the amenity of the community concerned; 28 and 29 (g) for an application for an extended trading hours 30 approval mentioned in section 86(1)-- 31 Page 64
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 20] (i) the previous conduct of the applicant in 1 discharging any duties under this Act previously 2 placed on the applicant, especially for the premises 3 for which the extension is sought; and 4 (ii) the applicant's ability to control the noise and 5 behaviour of the number of persons that could 6 reasonably be expected to be on and in the vicinity 7 of the premises if the extension were granted; and 8 (iii) the suitability of the premises and its facilities for 9 the purpose for which the extension is sought.'. 10 Clause 20 Amendment of s 136 (Grounds for disciplinary action) 11 Section 136(1)-- 12 insert-- 13 `(i) the licensee is no longer eligible to hold the licence 14 under section 106(3) or (4).'. 15 Clause 21 Insertion of new s 137E 16 Part 5, division 3, subdivision 3-- 17 insert-- 18 `137E Disciplinary action against former licensee 19 `(1) Subsection (2) applies if-- 20 (a) the chief executive gives a licensee a notice about a 21 proposed action under section 137; and 22 (b) the licensee transfers the licence before the chief 23 executive makes a decision about the proposed action 24 under section 137A. 25 `(2) Sections 137A, 137B and 137D continue to apply in relation 26 to the proposed action as if the licence is still held by the 27 former licensee. 28 `(3) Subsection (4) applies if-- 29 (a) a licensee transfers the licence; and 30 Page 65
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 22] (b) within 1 year after the transfer, the chief executive 1 considers there is a ground to take relevant disciplinary 2 action relating to the licence for circumstances arising 3 before the transfer. 4 `(4) Sections 137 to 137B and 137D apply as if the licence is still 5 held by the former licensee. 6 `(5) However, for subsections (2) and (4), the only disciplinary 7 action that may be taken against the former licensee is a 8 relevant disciplinary action. 9 `(6) For subsections (2) and (4), this Act applies, with any 10 necessary changes, to the former licensee as if a reference to a 11 licensee included the former licensee. 12 `(7) In this section-- 13 relevant disciplinary action means one of the actions 14 mentioned in paragraphs (f), (g) and (i) of the definition 15 disciplinary action in section 4.'. 16 Clause 22 Amendment of s 142 (Closure of premises in face of riot 17 or tumult) 18 (1) Section 142(2)-- 19 omit, insert-- 20 `(4) A person must not knowingly contravene an order under 21 subsection (1) or (2). 22 Maximum penalty for subsection (4)--25 penalty units.'. 23 (2) Section 142-- 24 insert-- 25 `(2) If an investigator informs the chief executive that a magistrate 26 or 2 justices are not readily available to deal with an 27 application under subsection (1), the chief executive may 28 order that all or any of the licensed premises in a locality in 29 which a riot or tumult is happening, or is reasonably expected 30 to happen, be closed during a period of not longer than 48 31 hours stated in the order. 32 Page 66
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 23] `(3) An order under subsection (2) about licensed premises 1 applying for a period (the initial period) does not preclude a 2 magistrate or 2 justices making an order under subsection (1) 3 about the premises applying for a period that includes part of 4 the initial period.'. 5 (3) Section 142-- 6 renumber as section 141A. 7 Clause 23 Insertion of new pt 5, div 4A 8 After section 141A, as renumbered-- 9 insert-- 10 `Division 4A Training course certificate 11 requirements 12 `141B Application of div 4A 13 `This division applies to licensed premises. 14 `141C Conditions about training course certificates for 15 particular persons 16 `(1) It is a condition of the licensee's licence that each of the 17 following persons must have a current training course 18 certificate-- 19 (a) if the licensee is an individual--the licensee; 20 (b) a member of staff of the licensed premises who is 21 involved in the service or supply of liquor at the 22 premises. 23 Examples of staff involved in the service or supply of liquor-- 24 bartenders, glass collectors, floor hostesses or room service staff 25 `(2) However, the condition mentioned in subsection (1)(c) does 26 not apply to a licence, in relation to a person who becomes a 27 member of staff of the licensed premises after the 28 Page 67
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 24] commencement of this section, until 30 days after the person 1 becomes a member of the staff. 2 `(3) Also, it is a condition of the licensee's licence that the 3 licensee-- 4 (a) must keep a register (a training register) containing the 5 information prescribed under a regulation about-- 6 (i) current training course certificates kept by the 7 licensee under subsection (4); or 8 (ii) matters relating to training persons involved in the 9 service or supply of liquor at the licensed premises; 10 and 11 (b) must keep the register available for inspection by an 12 investigator at the premises. 13 `(4) Also, subject to subsection (2), it is a condition of the 14 licensee's licence that the licensee must keep with the 15 licensee's training register a copy of the current training 16 course certificates held by persons mentioned in subsection 17 (1). 18 `141D Application of s 136 19 `For this Act, a reference in section 136(1)(a)(iii) to a 20 condition stated in the licence is taken to include a reference 21 to a condition of the licence imposed under section 141C.'. 22 Clause 24 Replacement of pt 5, div 6 (Certain provisions about 23 conditions of licences and permits for Brisbane City 24 Council area) 25 Part 5, division 6-- 26 omit, insert-- 27 Page 68
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 24] `Division 6 Certain provisions about conditions 1 of licences for Brisbane City 2 Council area 3 `Subdivision 1 Preliminary 4 `142AD Definitions for div 6 5 `In this division-- 6 crowd controller means the holder of a current licence issued 7 under the Security Providers Act 1993 for carrying out the 8 functions of a crowd controller under that Act. 9 exit, of premises, does not include an exit that is not ordinarily 10 used by patrons of the premises while the premises are open 11 for business. 12 Example-- 13 an emergency exit 14 incident register see section 142AI(1)(a). 15 trading period means the period starting at 8p.m. on any day 16 and ending at 7a.m. on the following day. 17 training register see section 142AI(2)(a). 18 `142AE Application of div 6 19 `(1) This division applies in the area of the Brisbane City Council 20 to licensed premises if the licensee is authorised under this 21 Act to sell or supply liquor on the premises at any time after 22 1a.m. during the trading period. 23 `(2) However, this division does not apply to-- 24 (a) licensed premises if the licensee is authorised, under 25 section 9(13), to sell or supply liquor on the premises 26 only after 1a.m. on New Year's Day; or 27 (b) that part of licensed premises that-- 28 Page 69
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 24] (i) is used principally for the residential 1 accommodation of guests staying at the premises; 2 or 3 (ii) is a detached bottle shop. 4 `(3) Also, this division does not apply on Anzac Day to licensed 5 premises on the premises of an RSL or Services Club. 6 `(4) In addition-- 7 (a) sections 142AG and 142AH do not apply to licensed 8 premises at Brisbane Airport, Airport Drive, Brisbane 9 known as the Brisbane International Terminal building 10 and the Brisbane Domestic terminal building; and 11 (b) section 142AG does not apply to the following-- 12 (i) licensed premises mentioned in section 67A; 13 (ii) licensed premises at Suncorp Stadium, 14 Castlemaine Street, Milton; 15 (iii) licensed premises at the Queensland Sport and 16 Athletics Centre, Kessels Road, Nathan; 17 (iv) licensed premises at the Brisbane Cricket Ground, 18 Vulture Street, Woolloongabba; 19 (v) licensed premises at the Brisbane Convention and 20 Exhibition Centre, corner of Glenelg and Merivale 21 Streets, South Brisbane; 22 (vi) licensed premises at the Brisbane Entertainment 23 Centre, Melaleuca Drive, Boondall; and 24 (c) section 142AG does not apply to licensed premises 25 during a trading period in which the premises are not 26 open for business after 1a.m. 27 `142AF Purpose of div 6 28 `(1) This division has, in relation to the licensee, the same purpose 29 as the purpose mentioned in section 148A(1). 30 `(2) This division does not limit section 148A. 31 Page 70
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 24] `Subdivision 2 Conditions of licences 1 `142AG Conditions about crowd controllers 2 `It is a condition of the licensee's licence that the licensee-- 3 (a) must ensure that at least the number of crowd controllers 4 prescribed under a regulation are engaged in 5 maintaining order in and around the licensed 6 premises-- 7 (i) while the premises are open for business after 8 11p.m. during the trading period; and 9 (ii) for at least 1 hour after the premises close for 10 business during or at the end of the trading period; 11 and 12 (b) must not allow a crowd controller to be engaged under 13 paragraph (a) unless the crowd controller-- 14 (i) has a current training course certificate; and 15 (ii) has given the licensee a copy of the certificate and 16 the crowd controller's licence granted under the 17 Security Providers Act 1993, section 14(1); and 18 (iii) is dressed in a way that distinguishes the crowd 19 controller from patrons of the premises; and 20 (c) must keep each crowd controller's certificate and 21 licence, given to the licensee under paragraph (b)(ii), 22 with the licensee's training register while the crowd 23 controller is engaged in maintaining order in and around 24 the premises. 25 `142AH Conditions about closed-circuit television equipment 26 `It is a condition of the licensee's licence that the licensee-- 27 (a) must have closed-circuit television equipment at each 28 entrance and exit of the licensed premises that provides 29 access for patrons of the premises during the trading 30 period; and 31 Page 71
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 24] (b) must display signage at the premises in a way that is 1 likely to make the patrons aware that closed-circuit 2 television equipment is installed under paragraph (a); 3 and 4 (c) must ensure the equipment-- 5 (i) meets the minimum requirements for the 6 equipment prescribed under a regulation; and 7 (ii) is operational and recording for the period starting 8 at 8p.m. in a trading period in which the premises 9 are open for business and ending at least 1 hour 10 after the premises close for business during or at 11 the end of the trading period; and 12 (d) must stop selling or supplying liquor on the premises, 13 and close the premises, if the equipment is not 14 operational and recording during the trading period 15 while the premises are open for business at any time 16 between 1a.m. and when the premises would ordinarily 17 otherwise close for business; and 18 (e) must not allow the equipment to be operated by anyone 19 other than-- 20 (i) the licensee for the licence; or 21 (ii) an approved manager working at the premises; and 22 (f) must keep each recording made by the equipment in a 23 secure place, and available for inspection and viewing 24 by an investigator, at the premises until the recording-- 25 (i) is erased or destroyed under paragraph (h); or 26 (ii) is earlier given to an investigator; and 27 (g) must not allow a recording to be viewed at the premises 28 by anyone other than an investigator or a person 29 mentioned in paragraph (e); and 30 (h) must ensure a recording, unless it is earlier given to an 31 investigator, is erased or destroyed by a person 32 mentioned in paragraph (e)-- 33 Page 72
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 24] (i) if the recording does not show an incident required 1 to be recorded in the licensee's incident 2 register--not earlier than 28 days after the 3 recording is made (the retention period), but 4 within 30 days after the retention period ends; or 5 (ii) otherwise--not earlier than 1 year after the 6 retention period for the recording ends. 7 `142AI Conditions about incident and training registers 8 `(1) It is a condition of the licensee's licence that the licensee-- 9 (a) must keep a register (an incident register) containing 10 the information prescribed under a regulation about each 11 incident at the licensed premises-- 12 (i) in which a person is injured; or 13 (ii) requiring a person to be removed from the 14 premises; and 15 (b) must ensure that, for each incident recorded in the 16 register under paragraph (a), the register is signed as 17 correct by each crowd controller or member of staff 18 involved in the incident; and 19 (c) must keep the register in a secure place, and available 20 for inspection by an investigator, at the premises; and 21 (d) must not allow the register to be inspected at the 22 premises by anyone other than-- 23 (i) an investigator; or 24 (ii) the licensee for the licence; or 25 (iii) a crowd controller or member of staff involved in 26 an incident recorded in the register; or 27 (iv) an approved manager working at the premises. 28 `(2) Also, it is a condition of the licensee's licence that the 29 licensee-- 30 (a) must keep a register (a training register) containing the 31 information prescribed under a regulation about-- 32 Page 73
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 24] (i) current training course certificates kept by the 1 licensee under section 142AG(c); or 2 (ii) matters relating to training persons involved in the 3 service or supply of liquor at the licensed premises; 4 and 5 (b) must keep the register available for inspection by an 6 investigator at the premises. 7 `142AJ Conditions about drinking practices 8 `It is a condition of the licensee's licence that the licensee 9 must not conduct on the licensed premises-- 10 (a) a competition or game in which-- 11 (i) contestants or players consume liquor on the 12 premises; or 13 (ii) free or discounted liquor is given as a prize for 14 consumption on the premises; or 15 Examples of a competition or game-- 16 · `drink to win' 17 · `last man standing' 18 · `all you can drink' 19 · `skolling competition' 20 (b) another activity, prescribed under a regulation, that may 21 encourage the rapid or excessive consumption of liquor 22 or promote intoxication. 23 `142AK Compliance with conditions 24 `The holder of a licence subject to a condition under this 25 subdivision must comply with the condition. 26 Maximum penalty--100 penalty units. 27 Page 74
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 25] `Subdivision 3 Application of s 136 to conditions 1 under sdiv 2 2 `142AL Application of s 136 3 `For this Act, a reference in section 136(1)(a)(iii) to a 4 condition stated in the licence is taken to include a reference 5 to a condition of the licence imposed under subdivision 2.'. 6 Clause 25 Amendment of s 142B (Applying for approval as trainer) 7 (1) Section 142B(2)-- 8 omit. 9 (2) Section 142B(3) and (4)-- 10 renumber as section 142B(2) and (3). 11 Clause 26 Insertion of new s 152A 12 After section 152-- 13 insert-- 14 `152A Change in principal activity of business conducted 15 under a licence 16 `A licensee must not, without the chief executive's approval, 17 change the principal activity of a business conducted under a 18 licence. 19 Maximum penalty--100 penalty units.'. 20 Clause 27 Insertion of new s 155AB 21 Part 6, division 1-- 22 insert-- 23 `155AB Supervision of volunteers--community club licence, 24 community other licence or restricted liquor permit 25 `(1) A licensee for a community club licence or community other 26 licence, or permittee for a community liquor permit or 27 Page 75
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 28] restricted liquor permit, must take reasonable steps to ensure 1 that a relevant volunteer is under the general supervision of a 2 person holding a current training course certificate while the 3 relevant volunteer is serving or supplying liquor at the 4 licensed premises or premises to which the permit relates. 5 Maximum penalty--10 penalty units. 6 `(2) In this section-- 7 relevant volunteer means a volunteer involved in the service 8 or supply of liquor at the premises who does not hold a current 9 training course certificate.'. 10 Clause 28 Amendment of ss 155A and 156 11 Sections 155A and 156(3), `40 penalty units'-- 12 omit, insert-- 13 `80 penalty units'. 14 Clause 29 Insertion of new ss 156A-156C 15 After section 156-- 16 insert-- 17 `156A Irresponsible supply of liquor to a minor at a private 18 place etc. 19 `(1) An adult must not supply liquor to a minor at a private place, 20 unless the adult is a responsible adult for the minor. 21 Maximum penalty--80 penalty units. 22 `(2) A responsible adult for a minor must not supply liquor to the 23 minor at a private place, unless the supply is consistent with 24 the responsible supervision of the minor. 25 Maximum penalty--80 penalty units. 26 `(3) For subsection (2), in considering whether the supply is 27 consistent with the responsible supervision of the minor, 28 relevant factors include the following-- 29 (a) whether the adult is unduly intoxicated; 30 Page 76
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 29] (b) whether the minor is unduly intoxicated; 1 (c) the age of the minor; 2 (d) whether the minor is consuming the liquor supplied with 3 food; 4 (e) whether the adult is responsibly supervising the minor's 5 consumption of the liquor supplied; 6 (f) the quantity of liquor supplied and the period over 7 which it was supplied. 8 `156B Prohibition on sale of undesirable liquor product 9 `(1) A regulation may declare a particular liquor product, or class 10 of liquor products, to be an undesirable liquor product. 11 `(2) A person must not sell or supply a liquor product, or liquor 12 product that is part of a class of liquor products, declared 13 under subsection (1) to be an undesirable liquor product. 14 Maximum penalty-- 15 (a) if the person is the licensee or permittee of, or the 16 nominee of, the premises to which a licence or permit 17 relates--100 penalty units; or 18 (b) in any other case--25 penalty units. 19 `(3) The Minister may recommend the making of a regulation 20 under subsection (1) about a liquor product or class of liquor 21 products only if, in the opinion of the Minister-- 22 (a) the name, design of packaging of the liquor product or 23 class of liquor products is likely to be attractive to 24 minors or young people; or 25 (b) the liquor product or class of liquor products is likely to 26 be confused with soft drinks or confectionery; or 27 (c) the liquor product or class of liquor products, for any 28 other reason, is likely to have a special appeal to minors 29 or young people; or 30 Page 77
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 29] (d) it is otherwise in the public interest to declare the liquor 1 product or class of liquor products to be an undesirable 2 liquor product. 3 `(4) The Minister must, before recommending the making of a 4 regulation under subsection (1), make every reasonable effort 5 to consult with-- 6 (a) relevant liquor industry representatives; and 7 (b) the manufacturer and distributor of the liquor product or 8 class of liquor products proposed to be declared to be an 9 undesirable liquor product; 10 about the proposed declaration. 11 `(5) However, failure to comply with subsection (4) does not affect 12 the validity of the regulation. 13 `156C Interim prohibition on sale of undesirable liquor 14 product 15 `(1) The Minister may make an interim order declaring a particular 16 liquor product, or class of liquor products, to be an 17 undesirable liquor product. 18 `(2) In deciding whether to make the interim order, the Minister 19 must have regard to the matters mentioned in section 156B(3). 20 `(3) To give effect to the interim order, the Minister must publish 21 the order on the department's web site on the internet. 22 `(4) The interim order stops having effect at the end of 42 days 23 after it is published under subsection (3). 24 `(5) While the interim order is in force, a person must not sell or 25 supply the liquor product, or a liquor product that is part of the 26 class of liquor products, declared to be an undesirable liquor 27 product. 28 Maximum penalty-- 29 Page 78
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 30] (a) if the person is the licensee or permittee of, or the 1 nominee of, the premises to which a licence or permit 2 relates--100 penalty units; or 3 (b) in any other case--25 penalty units.'. 4 Clause 30 Amendment of s 173B (Consumption of liquor in certain 5 public places prohibited) 6 (1) Section 173B(1)(a)-- 7 insert-- 8 `(iii) relevant land prescribed under a regulation; or'. 9 (2) Section 173B-- 10 insert-- 11 `(3) Also, a person does not commit an offence against subsection 12 (1) in relation to a place mentioned in subsection (1)(a)(iii) if 13 the consumption of liquor in the place is authorised or 14 permitted by the State or relevant statutory authority. 15 `(4) In this section-- 16 relevant land means land owned by, or under the control of, 17 the State or a statutory authority.'. 18 Clause 31 Replacement of ss 199 and 200 19 Sections 199 and 200-- 20 omit, insert-- 21 `199 Definitions for pt 9 22 `In this part-- 23 community investment fund means the fund by that name 24 established under the Gaming Machine Act 1991, section 25 314(1). 26 licence does not include a provisional licence. 27 Page 79
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 32] `200 Licence period 1 `The licence period for a licence is a financial year.'. 2 Clause 32 Amendment of s 202 (Fees payable for licences and 3 permits) 4 (1) Section 202(2)-- 5 renumber as section 202(3). 6 (2) Section 202(1)-- 7 omit, insert-- 8 `(1) The licence fee payable for a licence for a licence period is to 9 be assessed in the way prescribed under a regulation. 10 `(2) If the licence fee is self-assessed by the licensee under 11 subsection (1), a regulation may-- 12 (a) prescribe the information the licensee is to provide to 13 the chief executive about the self-assessment; and 14 (b) provide for the reassessment of the fee by the chief 15 executive.'. 16 Clause 33 Omission of ss 203-207 17 Sections 203 to 207-- 18 omit. 19 Clause 34 Amendment of s 208 (Payment of fees) 20 (1) Section 208(2), from `stated'-- 21 omit, insert-- 22 `prescribed under a regulation.'. 23 (2) Section 208-- 24 insert-- 25 `(3) A regulation may make provision for-- 26 Page 80
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 35] (a) the consequences of failing to pay a fee mentioned in 1 subsection (2); and 2 (b) the appeal by a licensee to the tribunal about the failure 3 to pay the fee.'. 4 Clause 35 Omission of ss 209-214 5 Sections 209 to 214-- 6 omit. 7 Clause 36 Amendment of s 215 (Refund of fee) 8 Section 215, `, other than a discontinuance fee,'-- 9 omit. 10 Clause 37 Amendment of s 215A (Refund of fees--general) 11 Section 215A(5) definition fee, `, and includes a 12 supplementary fee'-- 13 omit. 14 Clause 38 Amendment of s 217 (Records to be kept by licensee) 15 (1) Section 217(1) and (2)-- 16 omit. 17 (2) Section 217(3) to (7)-- 18 renumber as section 217(1) to (5). 19 (3) Section 217(3), as renumbered-- 20 omit, insert-- 21 `(3) A licensee commits an offence if the licensee's accounting 22 records are not kept as required under subsection (1). 23 Maximum penalty--350 penalty units.'. 24 Page 81
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 39] Clause 39 Amendment of s 218 (Powers of examination by 1 investigator) 2 Section 218(4)-- 3 omit, insert-- 4 `(4) While an investigator has custody or control of a record 5 removed under subsection (2), the investigator must permit, at 6 all reasonable times-- 7 (a) inspection of the record; and 8 (b) the making of additions to the record; 9 by a person who, if the record had not been removed, would 10 be entitled to inspect the record or make the additions.'. 11 Clause 40 Insertion of new ss 219 and 220 12 Part 9-- 13 insert-- 14 `219 Community investment fund 15 `(1) Each month, the Minister must pay into the community 16 investment fund all licence fees received by the chief 17 executive during the previous month. 18 `(2) The amounts paid into the fund under this Act are 19 administered receipts. 20 `(3) In this section-- 21 administered receipt see the Financial Administration and 22 Audit Act 1977, section 4(1). 23 `220 Disbursement of fees etc. 24 `(1) All fees and charges payable under this Act, other than a 25 payment mentioned in subsection (2), received by the chief 26 executive must be paid into the consolidated fund. 27 `(2) A payment for a licence fee must on its receipt be paid into 28 one of the accounts of the departmental accounts of the 29 department that is used only for the purpose of holding the 30 Page 82
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 41] payments until the disbursement of the amounts of the 1 payments under section 219(1). 2 `(3) The Minister may cause amounts to be paid out of the 3 community investment fund for-- 4 (a) alcohol consumption research, and dealing with social 5 issues arising from alcohol abuse and misuse; and 6 (b) funding that part of the department through which this 7 Act is administered. 8 `(4) Amounts may be paid under subsection (3) without further 9 appropriation. 10 `(5) In this section-- 11 departmental accounts, of a department, means the accounts 12 of the department under the Financial Administration and 13 Audit Act 1977, section 12.'. 14 Clause 41 Insertion of new ss 224 and 225 15 Part 10-- 16 insert-- 17 `224 Liquor accord 18 `(1) Any 2 or more interested persons may be parties to a liquor 19 accord for a locality in which licensed premises are situated. 20 `(2) In this section-- 21 liquor accord, for a locality, means an agreement, 22 memorandum of understanding or other arrangement entered 23 into for the purposes of-- 24 (a) promoting responsible practices in relation to the sale 25 and supply of liquor at licensed premises situated in the 26 locality; and 27 (b) minimising harm caused by alcohol abuse and misuse 28 and associated violence in the locality; and 29 (c) minimising alcohol-related disturbances, or public 30 disorder, in the locality. 31 Page 83
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 42] `225 Additional time for consumption or removal of liquor 1 `A licence or permit that authorises-- 2 (a) the sale of liquor, during any period, for consumption on 3 licensed premises; or 4 (b) the sale of liquor, during any period, for consumption 5 off licensed premises; 6 also authorises-- 7 (c) consumption on the premises of liquor supplied on a 8 sale mentioned in paragraph (a); and 9 (d) removal from the premises of liquor supplied on a sale 10 mentioned in paragraph (b); 11 within 30 minutes after the end of the period during which the 12 sale is made.'. 13 Clause 42 Amendment of s 235 (Regulation-making power) 14 Section 235(2)(c)-- 15 omit, insert-- 16 `(c) fees, including the refunding of fees, for this Act; and'. 17 Clause 43 Insertion of pt 12, div 8 18 After section 287-- 19 insert-- 20 `Division 8 Transitional provisions for Liquor 21 and Other Acts Amendment Act 22 2008 23 `288 Definitions for div 8 24 `In this division-- 25 column 1 licence see section 289(1). 26 column 2 licence see section 289(2). 27 Page 84
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 43] column 1 permit see section 290(1). 1 column 2 permit see section 290(2). 2 commencement means commencement of this section. 3 post-amended Act means this Act as in force immediately 4 after the commencement. 5 pre-amended Act means this Act as in force before the 6 commencement. 7 `289 Existing licences 8 `(1) This section applies to a person who, immediately before the 9 commencement, held under the pre-amended Act a licence 10 mentioned in column 1 of the following table (a column 1 11 licence)-- 12 Table 13 column 1 column 2 general licence commercial hotel licence special facility licence commercial special facility licence residential licence subsidiary on-premises licence on-premises licence subsidiary on-premises licence producer/wholesaler licence producer/wholesaler licence limited licence relating to an activity, industrial canteen matter or service under section 94A licence of the pre-amended Act that is a canteen Page 85
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 43] column 1 column 2 limited licence relating to an activity, subsidiary off-premises matter or service under section 94A licence of the pre-amended Act other than a canteen club licence community club licence. `(2) The person is taken to be the holder of a licence mentioned in 1 column 2 of the table (a column 2 licence) shown opposite the 2 column 1 licence. 3 `(3) If the column 1 licence held by the person immediately before 4 the commencement was subject to a condition, the column 2 5 licence the person is taken to hold is taken to be subject to the 6 condition. 7 `(4) Subsections (5) and (6) applies to a person who, immediately 8 before the commencement held, under the pre-amended Act, a 9 restricted club permit that was granted for a period of 1 year. 10 `(5) The person is taken to be the holder of a community other 11 licence. 12 `(6) If the restricted club permit held by the person immediately 13 before the commencement was subject to a condition, the 14 column 2 licence the person is taken to hold is taken to be 15 subject to the condition. 16 `290 Existing permits 17 `(1) This section applies to a person who, immediately before the 18 commencement, held under the pre-amended Act a permit 19 mentioned in column 1 of the following table (a column 1 20 permit)-- 21 Page 86
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 43] Table 1 column 1 column 2 general purpose permit community liquor permit catering away permit commercial public event permit restricted club permit granted for a restricted liquor permit period of less than 1 year extended trading hours permit for 1 extended hours permit occasion that extends trading hours for the same hours as to include trading for hours other mentioned in the than between 5a.m. and 7a.m. corresponding column 1 permit. `(2) The person is taken to be the holder of a permit mentioned in 2 column 2 of the table (a column 2 permit) shown opposite the 3 column 1 permit. 4 `(3) If the column 1 permit held by the person immediately before 5 the commencement was subject to a condition, the column 2 6 permit the person is taken to hold is taken to be subject to the 7 condition. 8 `291 Extended hours permit that includes trading 9 between 5a.m. and 7a.m. or between 7a.m. and 10 10a.m. 11 `(1) If a licensee holds an extended hours permit under the 12 pre-amended Act that extends trading hours on a regular basis, 13 or for 1 occasion, to include trading between 5a.m. and 7a.m. 14 or between 7a.m. and 10a.m., the permit lapses on the 15 commencement. 16 (2) Subsection (3) applies if-- 17 (a) a licensee has made an application under the 18 pre-amended Act for an extended hours permit that 19 would extend trading hours on a regular basis, or for 1 20 occasion, to include trading between 5a.m. and 7a.m. or 21 between 7a.m. and 10a.m.; and 22 Page 87
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 43] (b) the application has not been decided before the 1 commencement. 2 `(3) The application lapses on the commencement. 3 `(4) Despite any other Act or law, no compensation is payable by 4 the State to any person because of the operation of this 5 section. 6 `292 Existing application for column 1 licence etc. 7 `(1) An application for, or relating to, a column 1 licence made 8 under the pre-amended Act and not decided before the 9 commencement must be decided under the pre-amended Act. 10 `(2) The application mentioned in subsection (1) is taken to be 11 about the column 2 licence shown opposite the column 1 12 licence. 13 `(3) An application for, or relating to, a restricted club permit that 14 for a period of 1 year made under the pre-amended Act and 15 not decided before the commencement must be decided under 16 the pre-amended Act. 17 `(4) The application mentioned in subsection (2) is taken to be 18 about a community other licence. 19 `(5) An application for, or relating to, a column 1 permit made 20 under the pre-amended Act and not decided before the 21 commencement must be decided under the pre-amended Act. 22 `(6) The application mentioned in subsection (5) is taken to be 23 about the column 2 permit shown opposite the column 1 24 permit. 25 `293 Nominee for a licence or permit 26 `A person who is a nominee for a licence or permit 27 immediately before the commencement is taken to hold an 28 approval as an approved manager until 30 June 2010, unless 29 the approval is cancelled or surrendered before that day. 30 Page 88
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 44] `294 Training course certificate requirement 1 `(1) Subsection (2) applies to a member of staff of licensed 2 premises who immediately before the commencement-- 3 (a) is involved in the service or supply of liquor at the 4 premises; and 5 (b) does not hold a current training course certificate. 6 `(2) If the person wishes to continue to be a staff member of the 7 premises and be involved in the service or supply of liquor at 8 the premises until after 30 June 2010, the person must be 9 issued with a training course certificate before that day. 10 `295 Risk-assessed management plan conditions 11 `(1) Subsection (2) applies to a person who, immediately before 12 the commencement, held under the pre-amended Act-- 13 (a) a licence; or 14 (b) restricted club permit granted for a period of less than 1 15 year. 16 `(2) Section 54 does not apply to the person in relation to the 17 licence or permit. 18 `(3) Subsection (4) applies to an application under the 19 pre-amended Act for a licence, or restricted club permit for a 20 period of less than 1 year, that has not been decided before the 21 commencement. 22 `(4) If the chief executive grants the application, section 54 does 23 not apply to the licence or permit holder in relation to the 24 licence or permit.'. 25 Division 3 Amendments relating to approved 26 managers 27 Clause 44 Amendment of s 4 (Definitions) 28 Section 4-- 29 Page 89
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 45] insert-- 1 `accepted representations see section 142ZC(2). 2 current licensee's course certificate means a licensee's 3 course certificate that is in force. 4 licensee's course certificate means a certificate in the 5 approved form-- 6 (a) given to a person, for satisfactorily completing the 7 licensee's course, by someone who holds an approval 8 under part 5A as a trainer for the course; and 9 (b) stating the certificate remains in force for 3 years after it 10 is given to the person. 11 proposed action see section 142ZB(2)(a). 12 show cause notice see section 142ZB(1). 13 show cause period see section 142ZB(2)(e).'. 14 Clause 45 Amendment of s 21 (Jurisdiction and powers of tribunal) 15 Section 21(1)-- 16 insert-- 17 `(eb) the refusal to grant an application for an approval as an 18 approved manager; or 19 (ec) the refusal to renew an approval as an approved 20 manager; or 21 (ed) the suspension or cancellation of an approval as an 22 approved manager; or'. 23 Clause 46 Insertion of new pt 4, div 15 24 Part 4-- 25 insert-- 26 Page 90
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 47] `Division 15 Approved managers 1 `104A Responsibility of approved manager etc. 2 `(1) This section applies if an approved manager is in control of 3 licensed premises or premises to which a permit relates. 4 `(2) In the conduct of business on the premises, the approved 5 manager is responsible for ensuring that-- 6 (a) liquor is supplied or possessed on the premises only in 7 accordance with the authority conferred by the licence 8 or permit; and 9 (b) for an adult entertainment permit--the conduct of 10 entertainment under the permit is in accordance with 11 this Act and the conditions of the permit. 12 `(3) The approved manager's liability to be punished for a 13 contravention of this Act does not affect the liability of the 14 licensee or permittee to be punished for the contravention.'. 15 Clause 47 Replacement of ss 107A and 107B 16 Sections 107A and 107B-- 17 omit, insert-- 18 `107A Additional restriction on grant of licence 19 `(1) This section applies to an application for a licence made by an 20 individual. 21 `(2) The chief executive may grant the application only if the 22 individual has, within 3 years before the day the application is 23 granted successfully completed the licensee's course and 24 approved training course. 25 `(3) Despite subsection (2), the chief executive may grant the 26 application if the chief executive is satisfied the individual 27 need not undertake either or both of the courses, having regard 28 to the principal activity, and the nature and extent, of the 29 business conducted, or to be conducted, under the licence. 30 `(4) In this section-- 31 Page 91
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 48] individual does not include an individual who is applying for 1 the licence in the capacity of chief executive of a department. 2 `107B Additional restriction on grant of permit 3 `(1) This section applies to an application for a permit if the chief 4 executive-- 5 (a) reasonably believes that, having regard to the nature of 6 the activity to be conducted under the permit and to 7 minimise harm caused by alcohol abuse or misuse and 8 associated violence, the applicant should undertake the 9 licensee's course and approved training course, or either 10 course, before the permit is granted; and 11 (b) gives the applicant a written notice stating the applicant 12 must undertake the licensee's course and approved 13 training course, or either course, before the permit is 14 granted. 15 `(2) The chief executive may grant the application only if the 16 applicant successfully completes the course or courses stated 17 in the notice. 18 `(3) In this section-- 19 nature, of the activity to be conducted under the permit, 20 includes the duration, location or size of the activity. 21 permit does not include a restricted area permit.'. 22 Clause 48 Replacement of s 131A (Decision by chief executive on 23 application to continue trading in certain circumstances) 24 Section 131A-- 25 omit, insert-- 26 `131A Decision by chief executive on application to 27 continue trading in certain circumstances 28 `(1) This section applies if an application is made under section 29 129. 30 Page 92
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 48] `(2) If an applicant is the occupier or is entitled to possession of 1 the licensed premises, the chief executive may authorise the 2 applicant to conduct business on licensed premises under 3 authority of the licence on an interim basis. 4 `(3) The chief executive may impose conditions on the authority 5 under subsection (2)-- 6 (a) to ensure appropriate compliance with this Act; or 7 (b) to minimise harm caused by alcohol abuse and misuse 8 and associated violence; or 9 (c) to minimise alcohol-related disturbances, or public 10 disorder, in a locality. 11 `(4) Without limiting subsection (3), the chief executive may 12 impose a condition requiring the applicant to successfully 13 complete the licensee's course and approved training course, 14 or either course, within 3 months after the authority is given. 15 `(5) The authority under subsection (2) continues until the earliest 16 of the following happens-- 17 (a) the application on which it is made is disposed of by the 18 chief executive; 19 (b) the authority is revoked by the chief executive because 20 the applicant contravenes this Act or a condition of the 21 licence or authority; 22 (c) the authority expires. 23 `(6) If the application is made by a person as mentioned in section 24 129(4), the maximum period for an authority given under 25 subsection (2) is not for more than 6 months after the date of 26 the application. 27 `(7) While the authority under subsection (2) continues, the 28 applicant is subject to liabilities under this Act as if the 29 applicant were the licensee of the licensed premises. 30 `(8) If the chief executive is satisfied that the applicant is not a 31 disqualified person and is a fit and proper person to conduct 32 the business under the authority of the licence, the chief 33 Page 93
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 49] executive may authorise the applicant to conduct the business 1 under the authority of the licence. 2 `(9) If the application was made because of an order for 3 cancellation of the licence and the chief executive authorises 4 the conduct of the business under subsection (8), the order for 5 cancellation is set aside. 6 `(10) If the chief executive is not satisfied about the matters 7 mentioned in subsection (8), the chief executive must reject 8 the application and may make an order under section 132. 9 `(11) On the chief executive's rejection of the application-- 10 (a) if an authority under subsection (2) is still in force--the 11 authority is revoked; and 12 (b) if the application was made because of an order for 13 cancellation of a licence--the chief executive's order for 14 cancellation of the licence takes effect.'. 15 Clause 49 Replacement of s 132 (Discharge of licensee or permittee 16 from obligations) 17 Section 132-- 18 omit, insert-- 19 `132 Discharge of licensee or permittee from obligations 20 `If-- 21 (a) a licensee who is not the sole owner of licensed 22 premises, has ceased to conduct business on the 23 premises under authority of the licence; or 24 (b) a licensee who holds the licence as a member of a 25 partnership has ceased to be a member of the 26 partnership; 27 the chief executive may, by order, do all or any of the 28 following-- 29 (c) discharge the licensee prospectively from obligations 30 under this Act in relation to the licensed premises; 31 (d) suspend the licence until-- 32 Page 94
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 50] (i) the licence has been properly transferred; or 1 (ii) a person has been authorised by the chief executive 2 under section 131A to conduct business under 3 authority of the licence; 4 as the case may require.'. 5 Clause 50 Replacement of s 134 (Cancellation, suspension or 6 variation of permits) 7 Section 134-- 8 omit, insert-- 9 `134 Cancellation, suspension or variation of permits 10 `(1) The chief executive may, on the chief executive's own 11 initiative, cancel, suspend or vary a permit if the chief 12 executive is satisfied that-- 13 (a) the permittee has contravened-- 14 (i) this Act or the Racing Act 2002, section 321 or 15 323; or 16 (ii) a condition stated in the permit; or 17 (iii) an order of the chief executive or a requisition of 18 an investigator; or 19 (b) the use of the premises in relation to which the permit is 20 held at the times authorised by the permit, or the 21 behaviour of persons entering or leaving the premises at 22 or about those times-- 23 (i) is causing undue annoyance or disturbance to 24 persons living, working or doing business in the 25 neighbourhood of the premises; or 26 (ii) is causing disorderly conduct in, or in the 27 neighbourhood of, the premises. 28 `(2) Also, the chief executive may vary a permit that relates to 29 premises in a restricted area to make the conditions of the 30 permit consistent with the conditions of licences for licensed 31 premises in the area. 32 Page 95
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 50] `(3) The chief executive must immediately cancel a permit if the 1 chief executive is satisfied the permittee has become a 2 disqualified person. 3 `(4) Subsection (5) applies if an adult entertainment permit has 4 been issued for licensed premises or premises to which a 5 community liquor permit or restricted liquor permit relates, 6 and the chief executive-- 7 (a) is advised that the licensee has ceased to conduct the 8 business authorised by the licensee's licence on the 9 premises; or 10 (b) receives an application to transfer the licence because of 11 the sale of the business authorised by the licensee's 12 licence on the premises; or 13 (c) receives an application to conduct the business of a 14 licensee on licensed premises under section 129; or 15 (d) receives a notice from a corporation under section 150 16 about a change in the controlling interest in the 17 corporation. 18 `(5) The chief executive must, by written notice, cancel the adult 19 entertainment permit. 20 `(6) If subsection (4)(a) applies, the notice must be given to the 21 person controlling, or apparently controlling, the premises and 22 takes effect on giving the notice. 23 `(7) If subsection (4)(b) applies-- 24 (a) if the licensee has ceased to conduct the business--the 25 notice must be given to the person controlling, or 26 apparently controlling, the premises and takes effect 27 from the date of the notice; or 28 (b) if the licensee continues to conduct the business until the 29 date of settlement of the sale--the notice must be given 30 to the licensee and takes effect from the date of 31 settlement. 32 `(8) If subsection (4)(c) applies, the notice must be given to the 33 person controlling, or apparently controlling, the premises and 34 takes effect 28 days after the date of the notice. 35 Page 96
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 51] `(9) If subsection (4)(d) applies, the notice must be given to the 1 licensee and takes effect 28 days after the date of the notice.'. 2 Clause 51 Amendment of s 141 (Order to close premises for 3 unlawful trading) 4 Section 141(1)-- 5 omit, insert-- 6 `(1) If business is conducted on licensed premises by a person who 7 is not-- 8 (a) the licensee; or 9 (b) an approved manager; or 10 (c) a person authorised by the chief executive under section 11 131A; 12 the chief executive may give to the person conducting 13 business on the premises an order to cease trading in liquor on 14 the premises and to close the premises.'. 15 Clause 52 Insertion of new pt 5C 16 After section 142P-- 17 insert-- 18 `Part 5C Approval as approved manager 19 `Division 1 Obtaining approval 20 `142Q Applying for approval 21 `(1) A person may apply to the chief executive for an approval as 22 an approved manager. 23 `(2) The applicant-- 24 (a) must be an individual; and 25 (b) can not be a licensee; and 26 Page 97
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 52] (c) must be the holder of a current training course certificate 1 and a current licensee's course certificate (the relevant 2 certificates). 3 `(3) The application must-- 4 (a) be in the approved form; and 5 (b) be accompanied by-- 6 (i) copies of the relevant certificates; and 7 (ii) the fee prescribed under a regulation. 8 `(4) The applicant also must provide any other relevant 9 information reasonably required by the chief executive to 10 decide the application. 11 `142R Deciding application 12 `(1) The chief executive must consider the application and either 13 grant, or refuse to grant, the application as soon as practicable 14 after the last of the following events happens-- 15 (a) the chief executive receives the application; 16 (b) the chief executive receives all necessary information to 17 decide the application. 18 `(2) The chief executive may grant the application only if the chief 19 executive is satisfied the applicant is a suitable person to hold 20 the approval. 21 `(3) In deciding whether the applicant is a suitable person to hold 22 the approval, the chief executive may have regard to the 23 following-- 24 (a) the applicant's knowledge of this Act; 25 (b) the applicant's understanding of an approved manager's 26 obligations and responsibilities under this Act; 27 (c) whether the applicant is a person of good repute who 28 does not have a history of behaviour that would render 29 the applicant unsuitable to hold the approval. 30 Page 98
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 52] `(4) The chief executive may obtain a report from the 1 commissioner in relation to the applicant's criminal history. 2 `(5) A report under subsection (4) must include reference to or 3 disclosure of convictions mentioned in the Criminal Law 4 (Rehabilitation of Offenders) Act 1986, section 6. 5 `142S Grant of application 6 `(1) If the chief executive decides to grant the application, the 7 chief executive must as soon as practicable give the applicant 8 written notice of the decision. 9 `(2) An approval for an approved manager remains in force, unless 10 sooner cancelled, for the period of 5 years after the grant of 11 the application for the approval. 12 `142T Refusal to grant application 13 `If the chief executive decides to refuse to grant the 14 application, the chief executive must as soon as practicable 15 give the applicant a written notice stating-- 16 (a) the decision and reasons for the decision; and 17 (b) that the applicant may appeal to the tribunal against the 18 decision within 28 days after the applicant receives 19 notice of the decision. 20 `Division 2 Renewal 21 `142U Applying for renewal 22 `(1) A person may apply to the chief executive for renewal of the 23 person's approval as an approved manager. 24 `(2) The application may only be made at least 2 months, but not 25 more than 4 months, before the last day of the period of the 26 approval. 27 `(3) The application must-- 28 Page 99
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 52] (a) be in the approved form; and 1 (b) be accompanied by the fee prescribed under a 2 regulation. 3 `(4) The applicant also must provide any other relevant 4 information reasonably required by the chief executive to 5 decide the application. 6 `142V Deciding application 7 `(1) The chief executive must consider the application and either 8 renew, or refuse to renew, the approval as soon as practicable 9 after the last of the following events happens-- 10 (a) the chief executive receives the application; 11 (b) the chief executive receives all necessary information to 12 decide the application. 13 `(2) In deciding whether to grant the application, the chief 14 executive may have regard to the matters to which the chief 15 executive may have regard, under section 142R(3), in 16 deciding whether a proposed holder of an approval as an 17 approved manager is a suitable person to hold the approval. 18 `142W Renewal of approval 19 `If the chief executive decides to renew the approval, the chief 20 executive must as soon as practicable give the applicant 21 written notice of the decision. 22 `142X Refusal to renew approval 23 `If the chief executive decides to refuse to renew the approval, 24 the chief executive must as soon as practicable give the 25 applicant a written notice stating-- 26 (a) the decision and reasons for the decision; and 27 (b) that the applicant may appeal to the tribunal against the 28 decision within 28 days after the applicant receives 29 notice of the decision. 30 Page 100
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 52] `142Y Approval continues pending decision about renewal 1 `(1) If a person applies for renewal of an approval as an approved 2 manager under section 142U, the approval is taken to continue 3 in force from the day it would, apart from this subsection, 4 have ended until the day on which any of the following first 5 happens-- 6 (a) the chief executive renews the approval; 7 (b) if the chief executive decides to refuse to renew the 8 approval--the chief executive gives the person notice 9 for the decision under section 142I; 10 (c) the person withdraws the application for renewal; 11 (d) the application lapses under section 142Z. 12 `(2) If the chief executive renews the approval, the approval is 13 taken to have been renewed from the day it would, apart from 14 subsection (1), have ended. 15 `(3) This section does not apply if the approval is cancelled. 16 `Division 3 Lapsing of applications 17 `142Z Lapsing of application 18 `(1) This section applies if an application for an approval as an 19 approved manager, or renewal of an approval as an approved 20 manager, is made under this part. 21 `(2) The chief executive may make a requirement under section 22 142Q(4) or 142U(4) for information to decide the application 23 by giving the applicant a written notice stating-- 24 (a) the required information; and 25 (b) the time by which the information must be given to the 26 chief executive; and 27 (c) that, if the information is not given to the chief executive 28 by the stated time, the application will lapse. 29 Page 101
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 52] `(3) The stated time must be reasonable and, in any case, at least 1 21 days after the requirement is made. 2 `(4) The chief executive may give the applicant a further notice 3 extending or further extending the time if the chief executive 4 is satisfied it would be reasonable in all the circumstances to 5 give the extension. 6 `(5) A notice may be given under subsection (4) even if the time to 7 which it relates has lapsed. 8 `(6) If the applicant does not comply with the requirement within 9 the stated time, or any extension, the application lapses. 10 `Division 4 Suspension and cancellation of 11 approvals 12 `142ZA Grounds for suspension or cancellation 13 `(1) The chief executive may suspend or cancel a person's 14 approval as an approved manager if the chief executive 15 believes on reasonable grounds-- 16 (a) the approval was granted in error or because of a 17 materially false or fraudulent document, statement or 18 representation; or 19 (b) the holder of the approval is not, or is no longer, a 20 suitable person to hold the approval; or 21 (c) the holder has been convicted of an offence against this 22 Act; or 23 (d) the holder has contravened a provision of this Act (being 24 a provision a contravention of which is not an offence 25 against this Act). 26 `(2) For forming a belief that the ground mentioned in subsection 27 (1)(b) exists, the chief executive may have regard to the 28 matters, mentioned in section 142R(3), to which the chief 29 executive may have regard in deciding whether a proposed 30 holder of an approval as an approved manager is a suitable 31 person to hold the approval. 32 Page 102
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 52] `142ZB Show cause notice 1 `(1) If the chief executive believes a ground exists to suspend or 2 cancel an approval as an approved manager, the chief 3 executive must give the holder of the approval a written notice 4 under this section (a show cause notice). 5 `(2) The show cause notice must state the following-- 6 (a) the action (the proposed action) the chief executive 7 proposes taking under this division; 8 (b) the grounds for the proposed action; 9 (c) an outline of the facts and circumstances forming the 10 basis for the grounds; 11 (d) if the proposed action is suspension of the 12 approval--the proposed suspension period; 13 (e) an invitation to the holder to show within a stated period 14 (the show cause period) why the proposed action should 15 not be taken. 16 `(3) The show cause period must be a period ending not less than 17 21 days after the show cause notice is given to the holder. 18 `142ZC Representations about show cause notices 19 `(1) The holder of the approval may make representations about 20 the show cause notice to the chief executive in the show cause 21 period. 22 `(2) The chief executive must consider all written representations 23 (the accepted representations) made under subsection (1). 24 `142ZD Ending show cause process without further action 25 `(1) This section applies if, after considering the accepted 26 representations for the show cause notice, the chief executive 27 no longer believes a ground exists to suspend or cancel the 28 approval. 29 `(2) The chief executive must not take any further action about the 30 show cause notice. 31 Page 103
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 52] `(3) Notice that no further action is to be taken about the show 1 cause notice must be given to the holder of the approval by the 2 chief executive. 3 `142ZE Suspension or cancellation 4 `(1) This section applies if, after considering the accepted 5 representations for the show cause notice, the chief 6 executive-- 7 (a) still believes a ground exists to suspend or cancel the 8 approval; and 9 (b) believes suspension or cancellation of the approval is 10 warranted. 11 `(2) This section also applies if there are no accepted 12 representations for the show cause notice. 13 `(3) The chief executive may-- 14 (a) if the proposed action stated in the show cause notice 15 was to suspend the approval for a stated 16 period--suspend the approval for not longer than the 17 stated period; or 18 (b) if the proposed action stated in the show cause notice 19 was to cancel the approval--either cancel the approval 20 or suspend it for a period. 21 `(4) The chief executive must as soon as practicable give the 22 holder of the approval a written notice stating-- 23 (a) the decision and reasons for the decision; and 24 (b) that the applicant may appeal to the tribunal against the 25 decision within 28 days after the applicant receives 26 notice of the decision. 27 `(5) The decision takes effect on-- 28 (a) the day the notice is given to the holder; or 29 (b) if a later day of effect is stated in the notice--the later 30 day.'. 31 Page 104
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 53] Clause 53 Replacement of s 149 (Licensee to exercise control over 1 premises) 2 Section 149-- 3 omit, insert-- 4 `149 Employment on licensed premises 5 `A licensee must not, other than with the chief executive's 6 prior approval, knowingly permit to be employed on the 7 licensee's behalf on the licensed premises a person who, 8 because of misconduct or bad character-- 9 (a) has had a licence, permit or other authority relating to 10 the sale or supply of liquor cancelled; or 11 (b) has been refused a licence, permit or other authority 12 relating to the sale or supply of liquor; 13 under this Act or a corresponding previous enactment or 14 under a corresponding law of another State or a Territory. 15 Maximum penalty--100 penalty units.'. 16 Clause 54 Replacement of s 149B (Supervising adult entertainment) 17 Section 149B-- 18 omit, insert-- 19 `149B Supervising adult entertainment 20 `(1) At all times when adult entertainment is being provided under 21 an adult entertainment permit, the entertainment must be 22 supervised by the licensee or permittee, or a controller, to 23 ensure that it is provided in accordance with this Act and the 24 conditions of the permit. 25 Maximum penalty--100 penalty units. 26 `(2) If subsection (1) is contravened, the following persons each 27 commit an offence-- 28 (a) the licensee or permittee; 29 (b) a controller whose duty it was to supervise the 30 entertainment at the relevant time.'. 31 Page 105
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 55] Clause 55 Insertion of new pt 6, div 1A 1 Part 6-- 2 insert-- 3 `Division 1A Provisions binding particular 4 licensees and permittees 5 `155AC Application of div 1A 6 `This division applies to-- 7 (a) licensed premises, other than licensed premises to which 8 a community club licence or community other licence 9 relates if liquor is served or supplied at the premises 10 only by volunteers; and 11 (b) premises to which a permit relates, other than premises 12 to which a community liquor permit or restricted liquor 13 permit relates if liquor is served or supplied at the 14 premises only by volunteers. 15 `155AD Who must be present or reasonably available at 16 licensed premises etc. 17 `(1) This section applies while the licensed premises or premises 18 to which the permit relates are open for business. 19 `(2) If the licensee or permittee is a corporation-- 20 (a) the licensee or permittee must take reasonable steps to 21 ensure that an approved manager is present or 22 reasonably available, during ordinary trading hours, at 23 or in relation to the licensed premises or premises to 24 which the permit relates; and 25 (b) the licensee or permittee must take reasonable steps to 26 ensure that an approved manager is present, during 27 approved extended trading hours, at the licensed 28 premises or premises to which the permit relates. 29 Maximum penalty--50 penalty units. 30 `(3) If the licensee or permittee is an individual-- 31 Page 106
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 55] (a) the licensee or permittee must be present or be 1 reasonably available, or take reasonable steps to ensure 2 that an approved manager is present or reasonably 3 available, during ordinary trading hours at or in relation 4 to the licensed premises or premises to which the permit 5 relates; and 6 (b) the licensee or permittee must be present or take 7 reasonable steps to ensure that an approved manager is 8 present, during approved extended trading hours, at the 9 licensed premises or premises to which the permit 10 relates. 11 Maximum penalty--50 penalty units. 12 `(4) Subsection (3) applies subject to section 155AF. 13 `(5) For this section, the licensee or permittee or an approved 14 manager is reasonably available in relation to the licensed 15 premises or premises to which the permit relates if both of the 16 following apply-- 17 (a) the licensee, permittee or approved manager is readily 18 contactable by each person involved in the service or 19 supply of liquor at the premises; 20 (b) the time reasonably needed for the licensee, permittee or 21 approved manager to travel from any place at which the 22 licensee, permittee or approved manager may be present 23 to the premises is not more than 1 hour. 24 `155AE Approved managers register 25 `(1) The licensee or permittee-- 26 (a) must keep a register stating the following for each 27 approved manager rostered on duty for the licensed 28 premises or premises to which the permit relates-- 29 (i) the name of the approved manager; 30 (ii) the date on which, and the starting time and 31 finishing time of each shift for which, the approved 32 manager is rostered on duty; and 33 Page 107
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendment of Liquor Act 1992 [s 55] (b) must keep the register available for inspection by an 1 investigator at the premises. 2 Maximum penalty--100 penalty units. 3 `(2) The licensee or permittee-- 4 (a) must keep with the register copies of the current training 5 course certificates and current licensee's course 6 certificates held by approved managers rostered on duty 7 for the premises; and 8 (b) must make the copies available for inspection by an 9 investigator at the premises. 10 Maximum penalty--100 penalty units. 11 `(3) An approved manager rostered on duty for the premises 12 must-- 13 (a) at the start of each shift for which the approved manager 14 is rostered on duty-- 15 (i) record in the register the approved manager's 16 name, and the date and starting time of the shift; 17 and 18 (ii) sign the register; and 19 (b) at the end of each shift for which the approved manager 20 is rostered on duty-- 21 (i) record in the register the date and finishing time of 22 the shift; and 23 (ii) sign the register. 24 Maximum penalty--100 penalty units. 25 `155AF Exemption from obligation under s 155AD(3) 26 `(1) Subsection (2) applies if-- 27 (a) the licensee or permittee is an individual; and 28 (b) the licensee or permittee wishes to be absent from the 29 management and supervision of the business conducted 30 Page 108
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 3 Amendment of Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000 [s 56] under authority of the licence or permit for a continuous 1 period (the relevant period) of not longer than 3 months. 2 `(2) The licensee or permittee may apply to the chief executive for 3 an exemption from the obligation to comply with section 4 155AD(3) during the relevant period. 5 `(3) The chief executive may grant the application only if the chief 6 executive is satisfied-- 7 (a) the licensee or permittee has made reasonable efforts, 8 but has been unsuccessful, in engaging 1 or more 9 approved managers to be present or reasonably 10 available, during the hours in the relevant period the 11 licensed premises or premises to which the permit 12 relates will be open for business, at or in relation to the 13 premises; and 14 (b) during the relevant period-- 15 (i) liquor will be supplied or possessed on the 16 premises only in accordance with the authority 17 conferred by the licence or permit; and 18 (ii) the risk-assessed management plan for the 19 premises will be complied with. 20 `(4) In this section-- 21 reasonably available see section 155AD(5).'. 22 Part 3 Amendment of Police Powers 23 and Responsibilities Act 2000 24 Clause 56 Act amended in pt 3 25 This part amends the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 26 2000. 27 Page 109
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 3 Amendment of Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000 [s 57] Clause 57 Amendment of s 53 (Prevention of particular offences 1 relating to liquor) 2 (1) Section 53(1), `This section'-- 3 omit, insert-- 4 `Subsection (2)'. 5 (2) Section 53(1)(a)(i), after `section'-- 6 insert-- 7 `157(2)'. 8 (3) Section 53-- 9 insert-- 10 `(2A) Also, if-- 11 (a) a police officer reasonably suspects a person has 12 committed, is committing or is about to commit an 13 offence against the Liquor Act 1992, section 156(2) at a 14 place; and 15 (b) the police officer reasonably suspects that liquor, 16 whether in opened or unopened containers, in the 17 person's possession or under the person's control relates 18 to, or is contributing to, or is likely to contribute to, the 19 commission of an offence at any place by the person or 20 another person; 21 the police officer may seize the liquor, including any container 22 of the liquor.'. 23 (4) Sections 53(3) and (4), after `subsection (2)'-- 24 insert-- 25 `or subsection (2A)'. 26 (5) Section 53(5), after `subsection (1)'-- 27 insert-- 28 `or subsection (2A)'. 29 Page 110
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 3 Amendment of Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000 [s 58] Clause 58 Insertion of new ss 53A and 53B 1 After section 53-- 2 insert-- 3 `53A Seizure of liquor from a minor in particular 4 circumstances 5 `(1) This section applies if a police officer-- 6 (a) is lawfully at a place other than a place to which a 7 licence or permit under the Liquor Act 1992 relates; and 8 (b) finds a minor at the place has possession or control of 9 liquor, whether in opened or unopened containers; and 10 (c) reasonably suspects that the minor is not being 11 responsibly supervised by a responsible adult for the 12 minor. 13 `(2) The police may seize the liquor, including any container of the 14 liquor, (the seized thing) and dispose of it in the way the 15 police officer considers reasonably necessary. 16 `(3) For subsection (2), the police officer may continue to stay at 17 the place and re-enter the place for the time reasonably 18 necessary to remove the seized thing, even though to continue 19 to stay or to re-enter, apart from this section, would be 20 trespass. 21 `(4) For subsection (1) the following matters are to be decided on 22 the same basis as the matters are decided under the Liquor Act 23 1992, section 156A-- 24 (a) whether or not a person is a minor; 25 (b) whether or not a minor is being responsibly supervised; 26 (c) whether or not an adult is a responsible adult for a 27 minor. 28 `(5) If the police officer exercises the power under subsection (2) 29 to seize a thing-- 30 (a) the seized thing is taken to have been forfeited to the 31 State immediately after the police officer seizes it; and 32 Page 111
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Part 4 Amendment of Acts [s 59] (b) chapter 21, part 2, division 3 and chapter 21, part 3 do 1 not apply to the seized thing. 2 `(6) In this section-- 3 liquor has the same meaning as it has in section 53. 4 `53B Entry powers for vehicles referred to in ss 53 and 53A 5 If a place where a police officer is exercising a power under 6 section 53 or section 53A is outside a vehicle that is not being 7 used as a dwelling, the police officer's powers for the section 8 include the power to enter the vehicle to exercise a power 9 under the section within the vehicle.'. 10 Part 4 Amendment of Acts 11 Clause 59 Consequential and other amendments of Acts 12 (1) Schedule 1 amends the Acts mentioned in it. 13 (2) Schedule 2 amends the Liquor Act 1992. 14 Page 112
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Schedule 1 Schedule 1 Consequential and other 1 amendments of Acts 2 section 59 3 Cairns Casino Agreement Act 1993 4 1 Section 2, definition special facility licence-- 5 omit, insert-- 6 `special facility licence means a commercial special facility 7 licence under the Liquor Act.'. 8 Charitable and Non-Profit Gaming Act 1999 9 1 Section 110, definition liquor-- 10 omit, insert-- 11 `liquor see the Liquor Act 1992, section 4B.'. 12 Gaming Machine Act 1991 13 1 Sections 56, 61 and 78, `club liquor licence'-- 14 omit, insert-- 15 `community club licence'. 16 Page 113
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Schedule 1 2 Sections 56, 78 and 96, `general liquor licence'-- 1 omit, insert-- 2 `commercial hotel licence'. 3 3 Sections 56 and 79 and schedule, definition subsidiary 4 operator, `special facility premises'-- 5 omit, insert-- 6 `commercial special facility premises'. 7 4 Sections 56 and 96 and schedule, definition subsidiary 8 operator, `special facility liquor licence'-- 9 omit, insert-- 10 `commercial special facility licence'. 11 5 Section 189(15), definition eligible licensee, paragraph 12 (b)-- 13 omit. 14 6 Section 189(15), definition eligible licensee, paragraph 15 (c)-- 16 renumber as paragraph (b). 17 7 Section 195(2), from `if,' to `premises'-- 18 omit. 19 9 Schedule, definition club, `club liquor'-- 20 omit, insert-- 21 `community club'. 22 Page 114
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Schedule 1 10 Schedule, definition club liquor licence, paragraph (a), 1 `58(1)(e)'-- 2 omit, insert-- 3 `58(1)(d)'. 4 11 Schedule, definitions category 1 licensed premises, 5 general liquor licence, special facility liquor licence and 6 special facility premises-- 7 omit, insert-- 8 `category 1 licensed premises means licensed premises for 9 which one of the following licences under the Liquor Act 10 1992 is in force-- 11 (a) a commercial hotel licence; 12 (b) a commercial special facility licence, other than the 13 commercial special facility licence held by the Gold 14 Coast Commerce Club Inc. 15 commercial hotel licence means a licence mentioned in the 16 Liquor Act 1992, section 58(1)(a). 17 commercial special facility licence means a licence 18 mentioned in the Liquor Act 1992, section 58(1)(b). 19 commercial special facility premises means premises to 20 which a commercial special facility licence relates.'. 21 Liquor Act 1992 22 1 Section 3A(1)(b) and (2), `primary purpose'-- 23 omit, insert-- 24 `principal activity'. 25 2 Section 4, definitions cabaret, current training course 26 certificate, on-premises (cabaret) licence, on-premises 27 Page 115
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Schedule 1 (function) licence, on-premises (meals) licence, 1 on-premises (other activity) licence, on-premises 2 (presentations) licence, on-premises (tourist) licence, 3 on-premises (transport) licence and training course 4 certificate-- 5 omit. 6 3 Section 4, definition approved area, `103G(1)'-- 7 omit, insert-- 8 `103P(1)'. 9 4 Section 4, definition adult entertainment, `103E(2)'-- 10 omit, insert-- 11 `103N(2)'. 12 5 Section 4, definition code, `103E'-- 13 omit, insert-- 14 `103N'. 15 6 Section 4, definition commencement-- 16 omit, insert-- 17 `commencement means-- 18 (a) for part 12, division 6, see section 268; or 19 (b) for part 12, division 8, see section 288.'. 20 7 Section 4, definition detached bottle shop, `59(1)(d)'-- 21 omit, insert-- 22 `60(1)(d)'. 23 Page 116
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Schedule 1 8 Section 4, definition member of a reciprocal club, `club 1 licence or restricted club permit'-- 2 omit, insert-- 3 `community club licence, community other licence or restricted 4 liquor permit'. 5 9 Section 4, definition post-amended Act-- 6 omit, insert-- 7 `post-amended Act means-- 8 (a) for part 12, division 6, see section 268; or 9 (b) for part 12, division 8, see section 288.'. 10 10 Section 4, definition pre-amended Act-- 11 omit, insert-- 12 `pre-amended Act means-- 13 (a) for part 12, division 6, see section 268; or 14 (b) for part 12, division 8, see section 288.'. 15 11 Section 4, definitions private event and public event, 16 `102D'-- 17 omit, insert-- 18 `101'. 19 12 Section 4AA, `an on-premises (cabaret) licence'-- 20 omit, insert-- 21 `a subsidiary on-premises licence for which the principal activity is 22 the provision of entertainment'. 23 13 Section 42A(1)(b)-- 24 insert-- 25 Page 117
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Schedule 1 `Examples-- 1 1 The chief executive might issue a guideline stating the matters that 2 must be dealt with in a risk-assessed management plan. 3 2 The chief executive might issue a guideline stating the matters that 4 must be dealt with in a community impact statement.' 5 14 Section 46(1), `club'-- 6 omit, insert-- 7 `liquor'. 8 15 Section 107C(1)(b), `a conference held under section 121 9 or'-- 10 omit. 11 16 Section 107D(1)(a), `general purpose permit or restricted 12 club'-- 13 omit, insert-- 14 `community liquor permit or restricted liquor'. 15 17 Section 111(1A), (3) and (4)-- 16 omit. 17 18 Sections 113(1) and 117(1)(b), `hours permit'-- 18 omit, insert-- 19 `trading hours approval'. 20 19 Section 117(4), definition relevant application, paragraph 21 (b), before `club'-- 22 insert-- 23 `community'. 24 Page 118
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Schedule 1 20 Section 118(1)(c)-- 1 omit, insert-- 2 `(c) an extended trading hours approval or variation of an 3 extended trading hours approval;'. 4 21 Section 118(7) and (8)-- 5 omit. 6 22 Section 118(9)-- 7 renumber as section 118(7). 8 23 Section 121A-- 9 omit. 10 24 Section 122(3)-- 11 omit. 12 25 Sections 123(1)(a), 123A(1)(a) and (c) and 125(3), `primary 13 purpose'-- 14 omit, insert-- 15 `principal activity'. 16 26 Section 125(3), `general'-- 17 omit, insert-- 18 `commercial hotel'. 19 27 Section 126, heading, `or permit'-- 20 omit. 21 Page 119
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Schedule 1 28 Section 126(1)-- 1 omit, insert-- 2 `(1) If a licence is varied, the chief executive must cause an 3 appropriate endorsement to be made on the licence.'. 4 29 Section 126(3), `or permit'-- 5 omit. 6 30 Section 136(1)(a)(ii), `primary purpose'-- 7 omit, insert-- 8 `principal activity'. 9 31 Section 142K(2), `142B(4)'-- 10 omit, insert-- 11 `142B(3)'. 12 32 Section 148B(4)-- 13 omit, insert-- 14 `(4) Subsection (2)(b) does not apply to the holder of a subsidiary 15 on-premises licence if the principal activity of the business 16 conducted under the licence is the principal activity 17 mentioned in section 67A.'. 18 33 Section 148B(5) and (6)-- 19 renumber as section 148B(4) and (5). 20 34 Section 149A, `general purpose permit or restricted 21 club'-- 22 omit, insert-- 23 `community liquor permit or restricted liquor'. 24 Page 120
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Schedule 1 35 Sections 150(2) and 153(3) and (4), before `special 1 facility'-- 2 insert-- 3 `commercial'. 4 36 Sections 154(2)(a) and (4)(a), `primary purpose'-- 5 omit, insert-- 6 `principal activity'. 7 37 Sections 154A(1)(a) and 154B(1) and (3), `general'-- 8 omit, insert-- 9 `commercial hotel'. 10 38 Sections 154C, before `club'-- 11 insert-- 12 `community'. 13 39 Section 155(5)(b) and (c)-- 14 omit, insert-- 15 `(b) the premises are being used for the conduct of business 16 for the principal activity of providing entertainment on 17 the premises.'. 18 40 Section 155AA(1), `general purpose permit or restricted 19 club'-- 20 omit, insert-- 21 `community liquor permit or restricted liquor'. 22 41 Section 162-- 23 omit, insert-- 24 Page 121
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Schedule 1 `162 Taking liquor onto or away from premises subject to 1 subsidiary on-premises licence 2 `(1) A person must not take liquor onto premises to which a 3 subsidiary on-premises licence relates for consumption on the 4 premises, unless the premises are premises mentioned in 5 section 67A. 6 Maximum penalty--25 penalty units. 7 `(2) A person must not take liquor from premises to which a 8 subsidiary on-premises licence relates, unless the premises are 9 premises mentioned in section 67A and-- 10 (a) if the liquor is wine, the wine was supplied to the person 11 on the premises lawfully under the licence as authorised 12 under section 67A(2)(b); or 13 (b) the person brought the liquor onto the premises. 14 Maximum penalty--25 penalty units.'. 15 42 Section 168A(4), `general purpose or restricted club'-- 16 omit, insert-- 17 `community liquor permit or restricted liquor'. 18 43 Section 172(2), `84(1)'-- 19 omit, insert-- 20 `75(1)'. 21 44 Section 187(5), definition licensed premises, `club'-- 22 omit, insert-- 23 `liquor'. 24 45 Section 235(2)(f), `general purpose'-- 25 omit, insert-- 26 `community liquor'. 27 Page 122
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Schedule 1 46 Section 235(2)(h), `59'-- 1 omit, insert-- 2 `60(1)(d)'. 3 47 Schedule, heading, `88 and 103D'-- 4 omit, insert-- 5 `79, 83 and 103M'. 6 Tobacco and Other Smoking Products Act 1998 7 1 Sections 26ZA(1)(a) and 26ZJ(2)(c), `general licence or 8 club'-- 9 omit, insert-- 10 `commercial hotel licence or community club'. 11 2 Sections 26ZA(1)(b) and 26ZJ(2)(d), before `special'-- 12 insert-- 13 `commercial'. 14 Page 123
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Schedule 2 Schedule 2 Amendments of the Liquor Act 1 1992 relating to approved 2 managers 3 section 59 4 1 Section 4, definition disciplinary action, paragraph (h), `or 5 nominee for the licence'-- 6 omit. 7 2 Section 43(2)(b), from `, nominees' to `permittees'-- 8 omit. 9 3 Section 45(a), `nominees'-- 10 omit, insert-- 11 `approved managers'. 12 4 Section 46(1), `nominee,'-- 13 omit. 14 5 Sections 107(3), 107E(3), 109, 109A and 115(2)-- 15 omit. 16 6 Sections 108(1), from `if for' to `other nominee'-- 17 omit. 18 7 Section 115, `109'-- 19 omit, insert-- 20 `108'. 21 Page 124
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Schedule 2 8 Section 128(a), from `, and' to `licence'-- 1 omit. 2 9 Section 131-- 3 omit. 4 10 Section 136(1)(e), from `or any' to `premises,'-- 5 omit. 6 11 Part 6, division 1, heading, `nominees'-- 7 omit, insert-- 8 `approved managers'. 9 12 Section 143(1)(a), from `and' to `premises'-- 10 omit. 11 13 Section 155AA(2), from `licensee' to `controller'-- 12 omit, insert-- 13 `licensee or permittee, an approved manager working at the 14 premises, or the licensee's or permittee's controller'. 15 14 Section 155A, from `a licensee' to `premises'-- 16 omit, insert-- 17 `the licensee or permittee of, or an approved manager working at, 18 the premises to which a licence or permit relates'. 19 15 Section 156(3), `licensee, permittee, nominee or manager 20 of'-- 21 omit, insert-- 22 `licensee or permittee of, or an approved manager working at,'. 23 Page 125
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Schedule 2 16 Section 156B(2), penalty, paragraph (a), `the nominee 1 of'-- 2 omit, insert-- 3 `an approved manager working at'. 4 17 Section 156C(5), penalty, paragraph (a), `the nominee 5 of'-- 6 omit, insert-- 7 `an approved manager working at'. 8 18 Section 234(1), `, permittee or nominee'-- 9 omit, insert-- 10 `or permittee'. 11 © State of Queensland 2008 Page 126
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 Amendments agreed to during Consideration 1 Clause 33 (Omission of ss 203-207) At page 80, lines 17 to 19-- omit, insert-- `33 Replacement of ss 203-207 `Sections 203 to 207-- omit, insert-- `203 Filing of returns `(1) A licensee must, within 21 days after the end of a licence period, file with the chief executive a return in relation to all liquor purchased, or otherwise obtained, for the licensed premises during the licence period. Maximum penalty--25 penalty units. `(2) However, subsection (1) does not apply to a licensee if the chief executive is satisfied, and gives written notice to the licensee that, the licensee need not file a return under subsection (1), having regard to the principal activity, and the nature and extent, of the business conducted under the licence. `(3) Also, the licensee under a producer/wholesaler licence must, within 21 days after the end of a licence period, file with the chief executive a return in relation to all liquor sold or supplied under authority of the licence during the licence period. Maximum penalty--25 penalty units. `(4) A return under subsection (1) or (3) must contain the particulars, and be accompanied by the documents, prescribed under a regulation. Page 1
Liquor and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 `(5) If the chief executive is not satisfied a return filed by a licensee under subsection (1) or (3) is accurate, the chief executive may, by written notice given to the licensee, require the licensee to file with the chief executive a further return of the same type, certified to be accurate by the person responsible for auditing the accounting records of the business conducted under the licence. `(6) A person given a notice under subsection (5) must comply with the notice within the time stated in the notice. Maximum penalty for subsection (6)--25 penalty units.'.'. 2 Clauses 38 and 39 At page 81, lines 15 to 24 and page 82, lines 1 to 11-- omit. © State of Queensland 2008
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