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Queensland Weapons (Digital 3D and Printed Firearms) Amendment Bill 2014
Queensland Weapons (Digital 3D and Printed Firearms) Amendment Bill 2014 Contents Page 1 Short title . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2 Act amended . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3 Insertion of new s 69A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 69A Licensed armourers may manufacture firearms using additive manufacturing process only if authorised . . . 4 4 Insertion of new pt 5A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Part 5A Digital 3D firearms Division 1 Preliminary 141C Application of pt 5A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 141D Definitions for pt 5A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Division 2 Digital firearm licences 141E Digital firearm licences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 141F Digital firearm licence applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 141G Deciding digital licence applications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 141H Notice of decisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 141I Issue of digital firearm licences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 141J Renewal of digital firearm licences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 141K Revocation of digital firearm licences . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Division 3 Offences relating to digital 3D firearms 141L Making of digital 3D firearms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 141M Acquisition and possession of digital 3D firearms . . . 12 141N Distribution of digital 3D firearms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 5 Amendment of s 142 (Right to apply for review of decisions). . . . 13 6 Insertion of new pt 8, div 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Division 6 Transitional provision for Weapons (Digital 3D and Printed Firearms) Amendment Act 2014
Weapons (Digital 3D and Printed Firearms) Amendment Bill 2014 Contents 192 Existing manufacture of firearms using additive manufacturing process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 7 Amendment of sch 2 (Dictionary) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Page 2
2014 A Bill for An Act to amend the Weapons Act 1990 for particular purposes
Weapons (Digital 3D and Printed Firearms) Amendment Bill 2014 [s 1] The Parliament of Queensland enacts-- 1 Clause 1 Short title 2 This Act may be cited as the Weapons (Digital 3D and 3 Printed Firearms) Amendment Act 2014. 4 Clause 2 Act amended 5 This Act amends the Weapons Act 1990. 6 Clause 3 Insertion of new s 69A 7 After section 69-- 8 insert-- 9 69A Licensed armourers may manufacture 10 firearms using additive manufacturing 11 process only if authorised 12 An armourer licensed to manufacture a firearm may 13 manufacture the firearm using an additive 14 manufacturing process only if authorised to do so 15 under a condition of the armourer's licence. 16 Maximum penalty-- 17 (a) if the firearm is a category A or B 18 weapon--20 penalty units; or 19 (b) if the firearm is a category C weapon--60 20 penalty units; or 21 (c) if the firearm is a category D, H or R 22 weapon--100 penalty units. 23 Clause 4 Insertion of new pt 5A 24 After section 141B-- 25 insert-- 26 Page 4
Weapons (Digital 3D and Printed Firearms) Amendment Bill 2014 [s 4] Part 5A Digital 3D firearms 1 Division 1 Preliminary 2 141C Application of pt 5A 3 This part does not apply to-- 4 (a) a licensed armourer authorised by a 5 condition of the armourer's licence to 6 manufacture firearms using an additive 7 manufacturing process; or 8 (b) a person mentioned in section 2(a) to (e), in 9 relation to the person acquiring, distributing, 10 possessing or making digital 3D firearms as 11 part of performing the duties or functions 12 mentioned in that section; or 13 (c) a person engaged in the manufacture or 14 assembly of digital 3D firearms for or on 15 behalf of the Government of the 16 Commonwealth or a State; or 17 (d) a person engaged in scientific or 18 experimental work relating to digital 3D 19 firearms under an authority granted by the 20 Minister. 21 Note-- 22 The commissioner of the police service may also grant a 23 person an exemption from the provisions of this 24 part--see section 2(1)(m). 25 141D Definitions for pt 5A 26 In this part-- 27 acquire, for a digital 3D firearm, includes accept, 28 obtain, purchase or receive or otherwise take 29 possession of the digital 3D firearm. 30 approved purpose means any of the following-- 31 Page 5
Weapons (Digital 3D and Printed Firearms) Amendment Bill 2014 [s 4] (a) conducting a business providing digital 3D 1 design and modelling services; 2 (b) conducting, for an educational institution 3 prescribed by regulation, scientific or 4 technical research relating to digital 3D 5 models or additive manufacturing processes; 6 (c) providing, for an educational institution 7 prescribed by regulation, educational or 8 teaching services relating to digital 3D 9 models or additive manufacturing processes; 10 (d) another purpose prescribed by regulation. 11 distribute, for a digital 3D firearm, includes-- 12 (a) send, supply or transmit the digital 3D 13 firearm, or a document that includes the 14 digital 3D firearm, to another person, 15 whether or not for reward; or 16 (b) publish the digital 3D firearm, or a 17 document that includes the digital 3D 18 firearm, to the public, including publish the 19 digital 3D firearm or document on the 20 internet. 21 make, for a digital 3D firearm, includes create, 22 design or produce the digital 3D firearm. 23 senior manager, of a corporation, means a 24 person who makes, or participates in making, 25 decisions that affect the whole or a substantial 26 part of the corporation's business, whether or not 27 the person is a director or secretary of the 28 corporation. 29 Division 2 Digital firearm licences 30 141E Digital firearm licences 31 A digital firearm licence authorises the holder of the 32 licence to do each of the following activities stated in 33 Page 6
Weapons (Digital 3D and Printed Firearms) Amendment Bill 2014 [s 4] the licence-- 1 (a) acquire a digital 3D firearm; 2 (b) distribute a digital 3D firearm; 3 (c) possess a digital 3D firearm; 4 (d) make a digital 3D firearm. 5 141F Digital firearm licence applications 6 An application for a digital firearm licence must-- 7 (a) be made in writing to an authorised officer; 8 and 9 (b) state-- 10 (i) which of the activities mentioned in 11 section 141E(a) to (d) the applicant 12 proposes to undertake; and 13 (ii) the purposes for which the applicant 14 proposes to undertake them; and 15 (c) if the applicant is an individual--be 16 accompanied by proof of the applicant's 17 identity; and 18 (d) if the applicant is a corporation-- 19 (i) state the name of an individual who is a 20 senior manager of the corporation (the 21 corporation's nominee) whom the 22 corporation nominates as its 23 representative; and 24 (ii) be accompanied by proof of the 25 identity of the corporation's nominee 26 and the position the nominee holds 27 within the corporation. 28 141G Deciding digital licence applications 29 (1) An authorised officer who receives a digital 30 licence application must decide whether to grant 31 Page 7
Weapons (Digital 3D and Printed Firearms) Amendment Bill 2014 [s 4] or refuse the application within 28 days (the 1 decision period) after receiving it. 2 (2) During the decision period, the authorised officer 3 may give the applicant a written notice requiring 4 the applicant to provide documents or 5 information the authorised officer reasonably 6 considers necessary to decide the application. 7 (3) If the applicant fails to comply with a 8 requirement under subsection (2) within the 9 decision period, the applicant is taken to have 10 withdrawn the application when the decision 11 period ends. 12 (4) The authorised officer must not grant the 13 application unless the officer is satisfied that-- 14 (a) the purpose for which the applicant 15 proposes to undertake each activity 16 mentioned in the application is an approved 17 purpose; and 18 (b) the applicant, or if the applicant is a 19 corporation, the corporation's nominee-- 20 (i) is an adult who is a fit and proper 21 person to hold a digital firearm licence, 22 having regard to the matters mentioned 23 in section 10B(1)(a) to (d); and 24 (ii) has not been convicted of an offence 25 mentioned in subsection 10B(2)(a); 26 and 27 (iii) is not a person against whom a 28 domestic violence order has been 29 made; and 30 (c) for an applicant that is a corporation--none 31 of the senior managers of the corporation-- 32 (i) have been convicted of an offence 33 mentioned in section 10B(2)(a); or 34 (ii) are a person against whom a domestic 35 violence order has been made. 36 Page 8
Weapons (Digital 3D and Printed Firearms) Amendment Bill 2014 [s 4] (5) The authorised officer may grant the application 1 subject to a condition the officer reasonably 2 considers appropriate. 3 141H Notice of decisions 4 (1) The authorised officer must give the applicant 5 written notice of the officer's decision to grant or 6 refuse the application within 10 days after the 7 decision period for the application ends. 8 (2) If the authorised officer refuses the application, 9 the notice must state the reasons for the refusal. 10 141I Issue of digital firearm licences 11 (1) If the authorised officer decides to grant the 12 application, the officer must issue a digital 3D 13 firearm licence to the applicant. 14 (2) A digital firearm licence must-- 15 (a) be issued in the approved form; and 16 (b) state the name of the holder of the licence; 17 and 18 (c) state the activities for which the licence is 19 issued; and 20 (d) state any conditions imposed on the licence; 21 and 22 (e) state the term of the licence, which must not 23 be more than 5 years. 24 141J Renewal of digital firearm licences 25 (1) The holder a digital firearm licence (the licensee) 26 may apply to renew the licence. 27 (2) The application for renewal (the renewal 28 application) must-- 29 Page 9
Weapons (Digital 3D and Printed Firearms) Amendment Bill 2014 [s 4] (a) be made in writing to an authorised officer; 1 and 2 (b) be made at least 60, but not more than 90, 3 days before the day the licence expires. 4 (3) The authorised officer must decide whether to 5 grant or refuse the renewal application within 30 6 days (the decision period) after receiving it. 7 (4) During the decision period, the authorised officer 8 may give the licensee a written notice requiring 9 the licensee to provide documents or information 10 the officer reasonably considers necessary to 11 decide the application. 12 (5) If the licensee fails to comply with a notice under 13 subsection (4) within the decision period, the 14 licensee is taken to have withdrawn the renewal 15 application when the decision period for the 16 renewal application ends. 17 (6) The authorised officer must not grant the renewal 18 application unless the officer is satisfied, for the 19 licensee, of the matters mentioned in section 20 141G(4). 21 (7) Within 10 days after the decision period ends, the 22 authorised officer must give the licensee a written 23 notice stating-- 24 (a) the officer's decision; and 25 (b) if the renewal application is granted--any 26 condition imposed on the renewed licence; 27 and 28 (c) if the renewal application is refused--the 29 reasons for the refusal. 30 (8) If the authorised officer grants the renewal 31 application, the officer must issue a new licence 32 under section 141I. 33 Page 10
Weapons (Digital 3D and Printed Firearms) Amendment Bill 2014 [s 4] 141K Revocation of digital firearm licences 1 (1) The holder of a digital firearm licence (the 2 licensee) must give an authorised officer written 3 notice within 7 days after either of the following 4 events happens-- 5 (a) the licensee ceases to undertake the 6 activities the licensee is authorised to 7 undertake under the conditions of the 8 licence; 9 (b) the licensee, or if the licensee is a 10 corporation, the corporation's nominee or a 11 senior manager of the corporation-- 12 (i) is convicted of an offence mentioned in 13 section 10B(2)(a); or 14 (ii) becomes a person against whom a 15 domestic violence order has been 16 made. 17 (2) Within 7 days after the authorised officer receives 18 the notice mentioned in subsection (1), the officer 19 must give the licensee a written notice (the show 20 cause notice) requiring the licensee to show 21 cause why the licence should not be revoked. 22 (3) The show cause notice must state a period (the 23 show cause period), of at least 30 days, within 24 which the licensee may show cause why the 25 licence should not be revoked. 26 (4) At the end of the show cause period, the 27 authorised officer must revoke the licensee's 28 licence unless the officer is reasonably satisfied 29 the licensee has shown cause why the licence 30 should not be revoked. 31 Page 11
Weapons (Digital 3D and Printed Firearms) Amendment Bill 2014 [s 4] Division 3 Offences relating to digital 1 3D firearms 2 141L Making of digital 3D firearms 3 A person must not make a digital 3D firearm unless 4 the person is authorised to do so under a digital 5 firearm licence. 6 Maximum penalty-- 7 (a) if the digital 3D firearm is a digital 3D 8 model of a firearm that is a category A or B 9 weapon--20 penalty units or 6 months 10 imprisonment; or 11 (b) if the digital 3D firearm is a digital 3D 12 model of a firearm that is a category C 13 weapon--60 penalty units or 1 year's 14 imprisonment; or 15 (c) if the digital 3D firearm is a digital 3D 16 model of a firearm that is a category D, H or 17 R weapon--100 penalty units or 2 years 18 imprisonment. 19 141M Acquisition and possession of digital 3D 20 firearms 21 A person must not knowingly acquire, or knowingly 22 have possession of, a digital 3D firearm unless the 23 person is authorised to do so under a digital firearm 24 licence. 25 Maximum penalty-- 26 (a) if the digital 3D firearm is a digital 3D 27 model of a firearm that is a category A or B 28 weapon--20 penalty units or 6 months 29 imprisonment; or 30 (b) if the digital 3D firearm is a digital 3D 31 model of a firearm that is a category C 32 Page 12
Weapons (Digital 3D and Printed Firearms) Amendment Bill 2014 [s 5] weapon--60 penalty units or 1 year's 1 imprisonment; or 2 (c) if the digital 3D firearm is a digital 3D 3 model of a firearm that is a category D, H or 4 R weapon--100 penalty units or 2 years 5 imprisonment. 6 141N Distribution of digital 3D firearms 7 A person must not knowingly distribute a digital 3D 8 firearm unless the person is authorised to do so under 9 a digital firearm licence. 10 Maximum penalty-- 11 (a) if the digital 3D firearm is a digital 3D 12 model of a firearm that is a category A or B 13 weapon--60 penalty units or 1 year's 14 imprisonment; or 15 (b) if the digital 3D firearm is a digital 3D 16 model of a firearm that is a category C 17 weapon--100 penalty units or 2 years 18 imprisonment; or 19 (c) if the digital 3D firearm is a digital 3D 20 model of a firearm that is a category D, H or 21 R weapon--200 penalty units or 3 years 22 imprisonment. 23 Clause 5 Amendment of s 142 (Right to apply for review of 24 decisions) 25 Section 142(1)-- 26 insert-- 27 (g) a decision refusing an application for a 28 digital firearm licence; 29 (h) a decision refusing an application for 30 renewal of a digital firearm licence; 31 (i) a decision revoking a digital firearm licence. 32 Page 13
Weapons (Digital 3D and Printed Firearms) Amendment Bill 2014 [s 6] Clause 6 Insertion of new pt 8, div 6 1 Part 8-- 2 insert-- 3 Division 6 Transitional provision for 4 Weapons (Digital 3D and 5 Printed Firearms) 6 Amendment Act 2014 7 192 Existing manufacture of firearms using 8 additive manufacturing process 9 (1) This section applies if, before the 10 commencement-- 11 (a) an armourer (the licensed armourer) 12 licensed to manufacture firearms was 13 manufacturing firearms using an additive 14 manufacturing process; and 15 (b) there was no condition of the licensed 16 armourer's licence that authorised the 17 armourer to manufacture firearms in the way 18 described in paragraph (a). 19 (2) Within 3 months after the commencement, the 20 licensed armourer must apply to amend the 21 conditions of the armourer's licence to include a 22 condition authorising the armourer to 23 manufacture firearms in the way described in 24 subsection (1)(a). 25 (3) Despite section 69A, a licensed armourer who 26 complies with subsection (2) does not commit an 27 offence if the armourer continues to manufacture 28 firearms using an additive manufacturing process 29 during the period-- 30 (a) starting on the commencement; and 31 (b) ending on the day the application is decided. 32 (4) In this section-- 33 Page 14
Weapons (Digital 3D and Printed Firearms) Amendment Bill 2014 [s 7] commencement means the day this section 1 commences. 2 Clause 7 Amendment of sch 2 (Dictionary) 3 (1) Schedule 2, definition acquire-- 4 omit. 5 (2) Schedule 2-- 6 insert-- 7 acquire, for part 5A--see section 141D. 8 additive manufacturing process-- 9 (a) means a process by which a physical object 10 or thing is created, usually in a series of 11 layers, from a digital 3D model; and 12 (b) includes 3D printing. 13 approved purpose, for part 5A, see section 141D. 14 digital 3D firearm means a digital 3D model of a 15 firearm from which a physical version of the 16 firearm can be manufactured using an additive 17 manufacturing process. 18 digital 3D model means a digital mathematical 19 representation of a 3D object or thing. 20 distribute, for a digital 3D firearm, for part 5A, 21 see section 141D. 22 digital firearm licence see section 141E. 23 make, for a digital 3D firearm, see section 141D. 24 senior manager, of a corporation, for part 5A, 25 see section 141D. 26 Authorised by the Parliamentary Counsel Page 15
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