Queensland Bills Explanatory Notes

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             Mining and Other Legislation (Safety and Health Fee) Amendment Bill 2008

Laid before the Legislative Assembly on 12 August 2008

Record of Proceedings (Hansard 26 August 2008)

Mining and Other Legislation (Safety and
Health Fee) Amendment Bill 2008

Erratum to Explanatory Notes

Title of the Bill
Mining and Other Legislation (Safety and Health Fee) Bill 2008

Reasons for Erratum
The erratum is necessary to ensure the explanatory notes accurately reflect
the provisions of the Bill.

Notes on Provisions

1. Delete heading `Insertion of new s 276A' and the paragraph
immediately following, in reference to Clause 4
This Clause was deleted in the final drafting of the Bill.
2. Delete heading `Insertion of new s 132A' and the paragraph
immediately following, in reference to Clause 8
This Clause was deleted in the final drafting of the Bill.
                                                                              Page 1



Mining and Other Legislation (Safety and Health Fee) Amendment Bill 2008 3. Delete heading `Insertion new s 256A' and the paragraph immediately following, in reference to Clause 12 This Clause was deleted in the final drafting of the Bill. 4. Renumber references to Clauses 5 to 13 as Clauses 4 to 10 © State of Queensland 2008 Page 2


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