Queensland Bills Explanatory Notes

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                             Stamp Amendment

           STAMP AMENDMENT BILL 1994

                     EXPLANATORY NOTES


Objectives of the Legislation
  The objectives of the Bill are
     (a) to facilitate the introduction of the new Clearing House Electronic
         Sub-register System (CHESS) by the Australian Stock
     (b)       to co-operatively with other States and Territories change the
               territorial connection for stamp duty on off-market transfers
               of marketable securities;
     (c)       associated with (a) and (b), to provide for new exemptions
               and changes to existing concessions;
     (d)       to exempt from stamp duty debentures issued by financial
               corporations and their related corporations; and
     (e) to provide for an evidentiary matter.

Reasons for the Bill
   CHESS will facilitate the electronic transfer of marketable securities, in
place of paper transfers. The Bill provides for stamp duty to apply to these
electronic transfers on a co-operative basis with the other States and
Territories. The territorial connection for stamp duty on off-market
transfers of marketable securities is also to be changed in co-operation with
the other States and Territories. For example, stamp duty on transfers of
shares in Australian incorporated companies will apply according to the
State or Territory where the company is incorporated, or taken to be
incorporated, and not according to the location of register on which the
shares are registered. There are also -



2 Stamp Amendment (a) changes to existing concessions (e.g. for no duty instead of a nominal duty to apply in certain cases and a time limit of 1 year on exempt stock loans); and (b) new exemptions for transfers to and from institutional custodial trustees in certain circumstances and for certain transfers to and from "entrepot nominee accounts" of CHESS participants. As provided for in the 1994\95 State Budget, the Bill exempts from stamp duty debentures issued by financial corporations and their related corporations. The Bill also contains a technical amendment to ensure the validity of documents given by authorised officers under delegation from the Commissioner of Stamp Duties in the Commissioner's name. Estimated Cost for Government Implementation The costs of measures in the Bill are not significant. Consultation The Australian Stock Exchange and revenue offices of other States and Territories have been consulted in relation to the CHESS amendments. NOTES ON PROVISIONS Clause 1 cites the short title of this Act. Clause 2 provides for the new exemption in clause 16 to commence on Budget day (31 May 1994) and for the amendments relating CHESS and changes to the basis for imposing transfer of marketable security stamp duty to commence on 1 September 1994. Clause 3 cites the name of the Act being amended. Clause 4 excludes electronic transfers processed through CHESS, i.e. SCH-regulated transfers, from the requirements of section 31A regarding marketable security transfer instruments. Clause 5 inserts new definitions used in provisions regarding the electronic transfer of marketable securities processed through CHESS.



3 Stamp Amendment Clause 6 omits an exemption for sales and purchases of marketable securities on ex-Queensland registers in certain circumstances. After 1 September 1994, the States will impose stamp duty on off-market share transfers on the basis of the place of a company's incorporation and not the State where the shares are registered. The clause also increases the record retention period for brokers to 5 years. Clause 7 provides for a single duty rate to apply to sales and purchases of marketable securities. Clause 8 excludes SCH-regulated transfers from the operation of section 31E relating to brokers' endorsements of transfer instruments. Clause 9 excludes SCH-regulated transfers from the usual obligations on companies to ensure that transfers are effected by duly stamped instruments. Clause 10 excludes SCH-regulated transfers from the record retention requirements of section 31GA. Clause 11 provides for the amendments to section 31H consequential upon share transfer stamp duty applying from 1 September 1994 on the basis of the place of a company's incorporation and not the State where the shares are registered. Clause 12 omits section 31I which will not be needed following changes to the basis of imposing marketable security transfer stamp duty from 1 September 1994. It also preserves the operation of sections 31H and 31I as they apply before 1 September 1994 to transfers before that date. Clause 13 amends section 31J to provide for no duty to apply in certain cases rather than $1. Clause 14 inserts new sections 31K to 31X (the CHESS provisions) and section 31Y. Section 31K provides for the CHESS provisions to apply only to SCH- regulated off-market transfers that are to be subject to stamp duty in Queensland. Section 31L provides for the SCH regulated transfers to be chargeable with the same duty as if they had been effected by an instrument of transfer. Section 31M specifies the relevant SCH participant party to a SCH-regulated transfer to be liable to duty. Section 31N sets out the record requirements in relation to off-market SCH-regulated transfers.



4 Stamp Amendment Section 31O requires the relevant SCH participant to include in a transfer document the particulars required by the Commissioner. Section 31P provides for exemption for SCH regulated transfers where duty has already been paid on a contract, agreement or instrument of transfer of the same security to the same transferee in the same capacity. Section 31Q provides for SCH participants to pay Queensland stamp duty on SCH regulated transfers to the clearing house ("SCH") within 7 days of the end of the month in which the transfer occurred and to provide the SCH with a transaction statement in the form approved by the Commissioner. There is also provision for the Commissioner to assess duty and penalty duty where the Commissioner has reason to believe that a CHESS participant has contravened this section. Under Section 31R, if an SCH participant does not pay duty in accordance with section 31Q, the Commissioner may direct the SCH not to allow the participant to pay duty under these provisions for a period. Section 31S provides for the refund of stamp duty paid on erroneous transactions. Section 31T provides for the registration of the SCH for payment of duty by return. Under section 31U, the SCH is to lodge a return, within 15 days of the end of a month, of the amounts of duty received by it from participants in respect of transfers by them during that month and remit the said duty. There is also provision for the Commissioner to assess duty and penalty duty where the Commissioner has reason to believe that the SCH has contravened this section. Section 31V requires the particulars stated to the SCH under section 31Q to be kept by SCH for at least 5 years. Section 31W allows the disclosure to the SCH by the Commissioner of information relating to CHESS. Section 31X provides for the exemption for securities loans and securities lending schemes to be withdrawn where the loan is for 12 months or more and for penalty duty to apply. Section 31Y provides for those required to take notice of whether or not duty has been paid to regard duty as having been paid on an SCH-regulated transfer if it includes an SCH participant's identification code. Clause 15 excludes SCH-regulated transfers from the requirements of section 53(11) regarding transfer instruments. Clause 16 inserts a new exemption from "Mortgage" duty for debentures issued by financial corporations and their related corporations



5 Stamp Amendment and for the instrument of trust and security documents underlying such issues. Clause 17 provides for an interest rate penalty to be applied as an alternative to prosecution under certain provisions. Clause 18 is a technical amendment to ensure the validity of documents given by authorised officers under delegation from the Commissioner. Clause 19 amends Schedule 1 of the Stamp Act. Clause 19(1) applies a flat 60 cent duty per $100 (or part thereof) for all transfers of marketable securities. It also specifies the new basis on which the States and Territories will impose transfer of marketable security duty for off-market transfers from 1 September 1994. Clause 19(2) to (4) provide for no duty to be payable in certain cases where nominal duties now apply. Clause 19(5) and (6) specify the circumstances where transfers to and from entrepot nominee accounts of SCH participants will be exempt from duty. Clause 19(7) and (8) relate to the existing exemption for securities loans and securities lending schemes. They provide for the exemption to apply to transfers endorsed by SCH participant and limit the exemption to loans and schemes for 12 months or less. Clause 19(9) inserts a new exemption for transfers of marketable securities to and from specified classes of nominees and trustees in specified circumstances. © The State of Queensland 1994


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