The chief executive must not grant the application unless the chief executive is satisfied—
(a) the applicant is a suitable entity to provide care services; and
(b) the following persons are suitable persons—(i) the directors of the applicant;(ii) the nominee for the licence;(iii) the persons who will be, or are, responsible for directly managing a care service the subject of the application;(iv) the persons who will be, or are, performing risk-assessed roles for a care service the subject of the application; and
(c) each person mentioned in paragraph (b) (i) or (ii) holds a working with children authority; and
(d) the applicant will comply with the Working with Children Act , chapter 7 , in carrying on a regulated business or employing persons in regulated employment under that Act; and
(e) the standard of care provided complies, and will continue to comply, with the statement of standards; and
(f) methods for the selection, training and management of people engaged in providing the services are suitable; and
(g) the applicant’s primary function is a function relating to the care of children in need of protection who are in the custody or guardianship of the chief executive; and
(h) any accommodation provided by the applicant to children in need of protection is, and will continue to be, at a place that the applicant has a suitable right to occupy.Example of a place that an applicant has a suitable right to occupy—residential premises leased, rented or owned by the applicantExample of a place that an applicant does not have a suitable right to occupy—a motel room booked by the applicant